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Seminar offered clarity, hope on sexuality issues

As the old saying goes, when all else fails, try reading the instructions. This is especially true for human sexuality issues in today’s culture. “We find ourselves very confused in 2019,” said ...

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‘When I was a woman, I wasn’t free.’ Man now regrets gender re-assignment surgery, warns others

A Christian man is calling for more caution from medical and mental health services after undergoing irreversible gender re-assignment surgery, which he now bitterly regrets. His story represents a stark warning to ...

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Consumers are dying to explore new funeral options

A funeral in the 21st Century has less to do with faith and more to do with the personal preferences of the deceased and their loved ones. That is one of the ...

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Conservative Methodist association votes to split denomination over homosexuality stance

Adam Hamilton, pastor of the local Church of the Resurrection, recently predicted a coming schism in the United Methodist Church because of its stance on homosexuality. His prediction already may be coming ...

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Pro-life Democratic lawmaker shows that political labels don’t always apply

A state lawmaker from Louisiana is ignoring the official position of the Democrat Party Platform that seeks to guarantee abortions at any time, for any reason, and virtually – for any age. ...

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College students want Columbus Day replaced


Should Columbus be relegated to the trash heap of history? A new poll finds that 4 in 5 college students support dropping the the holiday that honors the Christian explorer in favor ...

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Missouri city bans gay conversion therapy for minors

The Columbia, Mo., City Council voted unanimously earlier this week to ban on “gay conversion therapy” for minors. The vote came after testimony from a doctor, a parent and several people who ...

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‘Man of God’ headband will not result in fine for NFL linebacker

man of god

A “Man of God” headband will not result in a huge fine for NFL player Demario Davis. The New Orleans Saints linebacker had been threatened by the League with one for the ...

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Couples now can marry at Helzberg Diamond stores but beware the ‘ordained pastor’


“I am loved” has long been the marketing slogan for Helzberg Diamonds, which is based in North Kansas City. The company has taken customer service to a new level by enabling couples ...

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Star Wars’ Mark Hamill blasted for attacking Ivanka Trump’s 3-year-old son

“Star Wars” actor Mark Hamill continues to be roundly criticized on social media for his response to Ivanka Trump and her son after she posted her youngest child in a Stormtrooper costume. The ...

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#WalkAway campaign finds thousands leaving Democrat Party

A new movement sweeping the nation finds that thousands of people are leaving the Democrat Party. For many it means leaving behind hyper-partisan acquaintances, friends, and even some family members. It’s an ...

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Broken bones: UK rugby referees quitting after bearded transgender players injure women

Biological males, allowed to play as transgender women in the United Kingdom, are ruining the amateur sport of rugby, according to women referees who are quitting the sport in droves. The referees ...

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Church holds mass wedding for 24 couples who took a marriage challenge


Cohabitating couples hear it every Sunday at Concord Church in Dallas. “Stop shacking up!” challenges pastor Bryan Carter. For those that listen, move out, and decide to get married, the church provides ...

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Positive news emerging from culture wars

America’s culture wars never end, and reading the daily news often can be depressing. It can be easy to overlook the fact that Christians are winning their share of skirmishes. Dr. Michael ...

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Restaurant culture wars: Kansas, Purdue campuses deal with Chick-fil-A opponents

Some of the biggest battles on college campuses this fall are playing out not on the football field but in the cafeteria. Close to home, where University of Kansas students are known ...

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Court: Artists can’t be forced to make LGBT wedding invitations


The Arizona Supreme Court ruled Sept. 16 that the city of Phoenix can’t use a criminal law to compel two artists to produce custom wedding invitations for LGBT couples because that would force them ...

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City backs down from forcing citizens to support opposing political beliefs

After facing a lawsuit, the city of Ann Arbor, Mich., has determined that a political consulting firm will not be subject to a public accommodations law that would have forced the firm ...

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Australia considers legislation to protect religious speech

Australia, one of the more secular countries in the Western world, is considering legislation designed to protect people who express their faith outside of the workplace. Including the religious speech of famous ...

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‘8 Days’ Director: Trump ‘Has done more to fight’ human trafficking than Obama, leftists

Anti-human trafficking leader Jaco Booyens said at Turning Point USA’s High School Leadership Summit on Thursday that he could not “get the radical left” or the “Obama White House” to fight human ...

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Trump judge rules in favor of Christian videographers


A Christian couple who refused to video a same-sex wedding have won their court case, possibly setting another precedent for the nation. With the ruling the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals halted ...

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Voodoo priest sues Christian school for discrimination

A voodoo priest is suing a Christian School for discrimination and years of back pay after only working a week. Haji Zajradhara is well-known for filing discrimination suits against unsuspecting businesses and ...

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Ms. Nevada says she was stripped of title for conservative views

Ms. nevada

She’s a US combat veteran, holds the rank of Sergeant First Class in the US Army National Guard, and is a Trump supporter. Until Sunday, she also was the current Ms. Nevada ...

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Study: ‘Preppers’ don’t promote fears, the media does

Doomsday preppers are famous for stockpiling food, medicine and other supplies in case of an apocalyptic scenario. The practice has long been painted by the media as a peculiar behavior only exhibited ...

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British police scold public: don’t insult fugitive on Facebook

Officials in the United Kingdom issued a warning to people mocking the hairline of a wanted convicted drug dealer, saying that those who insult the fugitive on Facebook and social media could ...

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Gov’t to investigate Connecticut school that abolished girls-only sports

The federal government announced late this week it will investigate a Connecticut school district which abolished girls-only sports. The allegations of discrimination against the district were filed by three Connecticut teenage girl ...

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