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U.S. Marshals rescue 39 kids, 15 from sex traffickers

The U.S. Marshals Service released information late Thursday announcing the recovery of 39 missing kids, some of whom were rescued from sex traffickers during Operation Not Forgotten in the state of Georgia. ...

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From riots to Hurricane Laura, Samaritan’s Purse, Operation Blessing respond to human toll

Now that Hurricane Laura has blown through the Gulf Coast, it’s time for families to begin rebuilding their lives and property. Two leading Christian relief organizations, Samaritan’s Purse and Operation Blessing, already ...

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Businesses begin fleeing Portland as riots continue

After months of protests and riots in Portland, businesses in the city are opting to move out completely or relocate outside its central district, according to a report this week. Greg Goodman, the ...

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Skyscrapers shredded as Laura comes ashore in Louisiana


Lake Charles, Louisiana was shredded  by hurricane Laura as she roared ashore along the Gulf Coast overnight. The storm pounding residents who remained with a life-threatening sea surge, wind and historic rain. ...

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Laura growing to CAT 4 hurricane, will hit Wednesday night


The Gulf Coast of the United States is rapidly prepping for hurricane Laura which is “rapidly intensifying” over the Gulf of Mexico Wednesday morning.  It is expected to become a Category 4 ...

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At convention, Trump pardons Jon Ponder who founded prison ministry

Former bank robber and now Christian ministry founder Jon Ponder was pardoned by President Donald Trump on the second night of the Republican National Convention. The emotional moment came as the President ...

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White House coronavirus expert Dr. Birx says let churches meet and people vote in person


Churches in California and elsewhere that want to meet indoors have an ally in Dr. Deborah Birx, the White House Coronavirus Task Force coordinator. Birx told cable channel CBN News that she ...

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Nikki Haley, Herschel Walker wow viewers of Republican Convention

‘America, Land of Promise’: Republicans Celebrate Trump’s Achievements on First Republicans celebrated President Donald Trump’s first term achievements, and praised American ideals and freedoms on the first night of the Republican National Convention. From ...

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Commerce official drops the bomb: Tech companies need to stop editorializing or else

Google, Facebook, Twitter and other tech companies will lose their liability protections unless they stop editorializing and banning speech content according to a Commerce Department official. When a social media company “shapes and controls ...

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GOP Convention list of speakers includes Blacks who have left the Democrat Party


Republicans hold their convention this week and promise it will be in sharp contrast to that of the Democrat event, both in content and style. In a major shot across the bow, ...

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Mike Huckabee praises launch of National Association of Christian Legislators

A new association of Christian elected officials has gained the support of Mike Huckabee, former Arkansas governor and presidential candidate. The National Association of Christian Lawmakers (NACL), which was founded by Arkansas ...

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Smartphones get an ‘F’ for lowering student grades

It’s never been easier for the average student to find the answer to a tough question using a smartphone. Across the nation, teachers regularly battle the distraction smartphones provide. From social media ...

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Leaked audio now shows Goodyear lied in responding to policy

goodyear audio

Leaked audio now shows Goodyear executives lied when they denied the company was hindering the wearing of specific clothing with Blue Lives Matter slogans.The audio, which was secretly recorded by a Goodyear ...

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Mail carrier sentenced for stealing, opening mail


Another incident dealing with a US mail carrier is giving voters doubts about mail-in voting. A contract carrier of the U.S. Postal service was sentenced Wednesday for stealing mail. U.S. District Judge ...

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Schools looking for space could turn to churches – doing so has a rich history

churches schools

Could places of worship ease the burden of schools looking to reopen while giving students space to social distance? Working with churches might not be such an outlandish suggestion. With space at ...

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Facebook removes thousands of Antifa, QAnon groups

Tech and social media giant Facebook has finally removed thousands of groups, pages, and ads related to Antifa, the violent fascist group that claims it is fighting fascism. Facebook also took down pages accused ...

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As economy roars back, S&P Index regains all covid losses

Viewed as one indicator of the overall health of the U.S. economy and equities market, the benchmark S&P 500 stock index surged to close at 3,389.78 points on Tuesday. The numbers set ...

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Attorney General Barr praises arrest of LeGend Taliferro’s alleged killer

legend, kansas

The U.S. Justice Department’s “Operation LeGend” in Kansas City resulted in a murder charge against the alleged killer of 4-year-old LeGend Taliferro. “Today’s arrest of LeGend Taliferro’s suspected murderer marks a significant ...

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As Arab world begins to side with Israel, Palestinians forced towards peace

Israel and Arab Palestinians may be moving closer to solving their conflict, especially as Arab nations seem to be lining up to normalize relations and sign peace treaties with the Jewish state. ...

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Death of brother gives insight into Donald Trump and close family

Sources close to the President stated anonymously over the weekend that Donald Trump wept at the news of his younger brother’s death. Robert Trump, a businessman known as even tempered and jokingly ...

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‘Stoking fears,’ WH Chief of Staff accuses CNN’s Jake Tapper on Post Office funding

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As Democrats and news outlets push the conspiracy theory that the US Post Office is tampering with the election, the White House is hitting back with a little history. White House chief ...

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Most people want churches to follow same pandemic rules as other groups

Most Americans believe churches should follow the same rules about social distancing and large gatherings as other organizations or businesses in their area, a new Pew Research Center survey found. About eight ...

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Former football star Herschel Walker criticizes double standard on protests and church gatherings

If people can protest, they also should be allowed to attend church, according to Herschel Walker, former NFL and Heisman Trophy-winning running back. “We keep hearing the importance of freedom of speech… ...

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Democrats for Life leader says Biden is ignoring their votes

Joe Biden is ignoring the votes of pro-life Democrats, Kristen Day, executive director of Democrats for Life, wrote in a “Wall Street Journal” op-ed piece this week. “Joe Biden would be the ...

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Pandemic closures and abuse take toll on children

Child abuse prevention advocates are concerned that the longer businesses, schools, and communities are shut down or limited, more children will become victims of violence and neglect. Hotlines are busy taking calls. ...

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