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CNN employee admits to propaganda during election, says climate change is next

cnn propaganda

A CNN employee admitted to the network’s tactics of ‘propaganda’ in hidden camera footage released by Project Veritas. What’s worse, having seen it succeed spectacularly, he admits that pushing a climate change ...

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American cities will light up for Israeli Independence Day

America is honoring the Independence Day of its closest ally – Israel. Buildings across the United States will light up in the blue-and-white colors of the Israeli national flag to honor Yom ...

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California ends church restrictions after Supreme Court ruling

California has lifted unconstitutional restrictions on church capacity following a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling. “In response to recent judicial rulings, effective immediately, location and capacity limits on places of worship are ...

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LGBT activists sue to end federal financial aid for Christian college students

A new lawsuit seeks to end all federal financial aid for students attending Christian colleges across the nation. If successful, it could threaten the very existence of faith-based education on the university ...

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Book offers fresh insight on what God has in store for Kansas City

kansas book

One of the most inspiring books I have read about the city I deeply love, Kansas City, was published in December 2020 by Neil Brown. Neil is part of our ministry team ...

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Religious freedom winning big in the U.S. Supreme Court

Despite what sometimes seems like continuous negative news, religious liberty actually is winning in the U.S. Supreme Court. A study published in “The Supreme Court Review” says that the Supreme Court under ...

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Poll finds partisan divide in opinions about Biden’s faith            

Americans have widely varying perceptions about President Biden’s faith, a survey from the Pew Research Center found. Fifty-eight percent of those surveyed correctly identified Biden’s faith as Roman Catholic. An additional 31 ...

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Midwest March for Life April 14

midwest march for life

Pro-life individuals from across the state will gather in Jefferson City Wednesday for a march around the Capitol and rally. Sponsored by the Midwest March for Life, Missouri Right to Life and ...

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Tiny Bahrain Jewish community observes Holocaust Remembrance Day

Something amazing happened in Bahrain last week. The country’s tiny Jewish community observed Holocaust Remembrance Day for the first time in a virtual ceremony with representatives from the Muslim government. According to ...

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Biden administration disbands religious freedom commission

In a move that has startled some human rights groups, the Biden administration is ending the Commission of Unalienable Rights. Instituted by President Donald Trump, the commission had become a powerful voice ...

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Biden, Major League Baseball criticized for lying about Georgia voting legislation

Major League Baseball has joined the cancel culture by moving this summer’s All-Star game from Georgia to Colorado to protest the state’s new voting rights law. Democrats say the law is restrictive ...

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Boost Your Immune System from Coronavirus or Any Other Germ

immune system

Overcoming any virus, flu, bacterial infection or coronavirus begins by understanding your immune system is different from your neighbor, sibling and or spouse.  This is important because your immune system is what ...

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Supreme Court rules against California’s Covid-19 restrictions on in-home religious gatherings

The U.S. Supreme Court said Friday that California must lift its coronavirus restrictions on in-home prayer meetings and other home-based religious gatherings. Five conservative justices noted that rules limiting indoor social gatherings to ...

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Former K-State high jumper upgraded to gold from silver for 2012 Olympics

Former Kansas State high jumper Erik Kynard Jr. finally got his gold medal — nine years after being denied the honor by a cheating Russian athlete. Ivan Ukhov, who came in first ...

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Governors push back against Biden move on Second Amendment

President Biden’s plans to restrict Second Amendment rights are meeting resistance from multiple conservative governors. Biden announced a series of actions, which he articulated during a press conference where he made multiple false ...

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Biden press secretary dodges question about impact of Equality Act

The White House earlier this week dodged a question about how the Equality Act would affect religious freedom. Owen Jensen from the Catholic television network EWTN asked press secretary Jen Psaki about ...

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Kansas law banning dismemberment abortion of live babies in the womb blocked by judge

dismemberment abortion

A Shawnee County Judge has issued an opinion siding with Kansas City-area abortionists and striking down a law prohibiting the brutal practice of live dismemberment abortion. The 2015 law received overwhelming bi-partisan support in the Kansas legislature and is ...

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Prince Philip, husband to Queen Elizabeth, dies at 99


Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh and husband to Queen Elizabeth II, has died at the age of 99 after an illness that kept him in the hospital for a month. The ...

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Fear of Covid runs high in young adults, contrary to actual risk

New polling finds that young American adults have a fear of Covid not supported by data outlining their actual risk. Nearly 3 million Americans are being vaccinated against COVID-19 each day, but ...

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U.S. to lift sanctions on Iran as regime continues enriching uranium

sanctions iran

President Joe Biden has reversed course and will lift sanctions on Iran put in place by the Trump administration. The sanctions have been credited with defunding the regime, the world’s largest sponsor ...

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An intellectually rigorous faith: Loving God with all our hearts AND minds

For many people, the Bible is a downright dangerous book. For others, it is a holy book but hardly the Word of God. For others, it is a mixture, with its value ...

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Christian agencies: Starvation at doorstep of seven million in East Africa

Seven million people across six countries in East Africa are on the brink of starvation. The disturbing news comes from numerous Christian agencies on the ground, including World Vision. This figure is ...

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See the powerful videos as Israel stops to remember the Holocaust

The nation of Israel paused on Thursday to remember the Holocaust. For 24 hours, restaurants and entertainment venues shut their doors and TV stations dedicated their programming almost exclusively to Holocaust documentaries ...

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Rep. Vicky Hartzler praying and looking ‘very seriously’ at run for U.S. Senate

senate congressional hartzler u.s. religious

Count Republican Rep. Vicky Hartzler among the possible candidates to replace Roy Blunt in the U.S. Senate in 2022. If elected, she would be only the third female elected to the Senate ...

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CNN asserts a baby’s biological sex can’t be determined at birth

CNN is being mocked for an actual news report that asserted a baby’s sex cannot be determined at birth. The odd statement came in a story that was critical of South Dakota ...

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