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New political ad attempts to use religion as weapon in 2020 election

religion weapon

Religion already is being used as a weapon in the presidential campaign, this time to encourage Christians to vote against President Donald Trump. A new commercial argues that the president’s rhetoric and ...

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VIDEO: Terrifying moments ‘barbaric’ Chinese police break in, arrest Christians, then destroy homes

Chinese homes

Chinese Christians are not safe worshipping in their own homes as Communist officials begin brutal campaign to destroy their dwellings. International Christian Concern (ICC) reported this week that local Communist authorities descended ...

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Republicans announce details of HEALS Act stimulus effort

As Democrats revive Congressional hearings over the now debunked Russian collusion theory, Senate Republicans have finished a second stimulus plan to nurture the economic expansion. The proposal aims to stimulate the economy ...

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China kidnapping Christian children, threatening parents with forced labor

China is now kidnapping children from Christian parents. The actions are part of an increased campaign of terror waged on China’s Christian minority. Human rights activists and church members say parents are ...

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Actor plans to launch Hollywood studio to produce conservative projects

Instead of complaining about Christians and conservative ideals being ignored by Hollywood, Antonio Sabato Jr. is doing something about it. Sabato, who’s best known for starring in “General Hospital” and dozens of ...

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Churchgoers concerned about impact of fallen leaders, survey finds

Several high-profile Christian leaders have abandoned or fallen away from their faith recently. Churchgoers are concerned about not only them but other people they may influence, according to a recent LifeWay research ...

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Who will redress my grievances?


Ten words.  That is all there are.  Ten seemingly throw-away words at the end of the First Amendment to the US Constitution.  But if you were to take a few seconds and ...

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‘Beach revival’ under way in Southern California

One of the last great revivals in the United States was the Jesus Movement among young people in Southern California in the early 1970s. History may be repeating itself on a beach ...

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New $1,200 stimulus checks to go out in August

Stimulus checks will once again be distributed to most Americans in August, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told reporters on Saturday. The Treasury announced they will again be $1,200. The new payments will ...

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Congressman asks Smithsonian to remove statue of Planned Parenthood founder Sanger


A collection of statues in the Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery includes Margaret Sanger, a racist and proponent of eugenics who founded Planned Parenthood. Rep. Russ Fulcher, a Republican from Idaho, is reviving ...

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Washington Post settles $250 million defamation suit with student Nick Sandmann

Newsrooms across the nation, enjoying relative immunity from the consequences of publishing falsified stories, have again been rocked this week. Nick Sandmann, the high school student who was subjected to negative press ...

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Missouri State Fair will be limited to youth livestock show only

state fair

The upcoming Missouri State Fair will look much different this year. Although much of the programming has been cancelled, it will continue to showcase youth in agriculture. “We care deeply about the ...

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Conservative Baptist Network formed to counter perceived drift in Southern Baptist Convention

baptist network

The Conservative Baptist Network was launched last week to emphasize evangelism and the sufficiency of scripture within the Southern Baptist Convention. Those involved in the network’s formation said their efforts are needed ...

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CDC now strongly favors schools reopening in fall

As polls show an overwhelming majority of both Democrats and Republicans believe schools should reopen, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says the science now backs it up. The nation’s ...

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Polls: most parents want to reopen schools this fall

reopen schools

As the coronavirus lockdown loosens, most parents of school-age children want to reopen schools this fall and say it will be bad for students if they do not. A new Rasmussen Reports ...

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Ready for mail-in ballots? Neither are most states

mail-in integrity court

The road to the November 2020 presidential election is already fraught with unprecedented crises and uncertainty. Now comes expanded mail-in voting. The COVID-19 pandemic has uprooted daily life and changed cultural norms, ...

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NBC’s new streaming service Peacock is worth watching – and it’s free


America’s one millionth streaming service launched in July, but this one has a unique element that makes it stand out from the rest: It’s free. Sort of. Of course, NBC’s new Peacock ...

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Nike, among global brands relying on religious minorities as slave labor

“Slave labor.” That is the term U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo used on July 16 when speaking about China to television anchor Bill Hemmer on his Fox News show. The polite ...

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Israel real estate boom fueled by view it’s ‘safest place to be’

Jews and Israelis who are living in the U.S. and other regions of the world are fueling a huge surge in real estate purchases in Israel. American Jews and Israelis who moved ...

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Archbishop Viganò’s powerful letter to President Trump: Eternal struggle between good and evil playing out right now

Mr. President:  In recent months we have been witnessing the formation of two opposing sides that I would call Biblical: the children of light and the children of darkness. The children of light ...

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Man sentenced for Facebook threats to kill Christian ministry employees

facebook threats

A Florida man has been sentenced to federal prison for threatening to kill employees of the American Family Association. Chase Davis, of Pompano Beach, posted the threats to the American Family Association ...

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After endorsing Obama/Biden twice, police unions now support Trump

police unions

Families of police officers applauded this week as the National Association of Police Organizations (NAPO) endorsed President Donald Trump for reelection. It had supported the Obama/Biden ticket in 2008 and 2012. The ...

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Christian human rights group joins others denouncing New York Times

Two human rights groups have condemned a recent New York Times (NYT) report for what they described as an “open display of religious bigotry” against the spiritual group Falun Gong, which is ...

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AP news service politicizes capitalization of ‘White’ and ‘Black’

In a move that may have even English teachers scratching their heads, the Associated Press said Monday it will not capitalize the word “white” in stories when referring to race and culture. ...

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KSBE rejects Gov. Kelly’s school reopening plan

school reopening

Kansas’ elementary, middle and high schools will be able to reopen for in-person instruction in August, despite Gov. Laura Kelly’s school reopening plan to delay the 2020-21 school year until after Labor ...

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