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Jihadists attack Mali villages killing 100 Christians

As Metro Voice has reported, much of Africa is burning. That is, Christian communities are burning at the hands of Islamic jihadists who have instituted a campaign of genocide against them. News ...

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Nicole Nordeman wants Franklin Graham to deliver aid to border

Christian singer Nicole Nordeman has publicly asked evangelist Franklin Graham to be the catalyst and light the way for critical aid needed by migrants at the southern US border. Democrats have been ...

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Blueberries lower risk of cardiovascular disease

As farms growing blueberries across the nation are ready for picking this week, the health benefits of blueberries keep adding up. They are nutritional powerhouses that punch above their weight to promote health in ...

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Obama admitted DACA was unconstitutional, now Supreme Court decides

The Supreme Court decided June 28 to review the constitutionality of President Barack Obama’s highly controversial Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. For seven years the executive order, which many scholars believe was ...

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Choking child saved by leaping Chick-fil-A employee

Chick-fil-A doesn’t just make great chicken sandwiches, the fast-food chain also makes heroes after an employee leaped through the drive-thru window to save the life of a choking child. METRO VOICE: Randy Travis ...

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Trump makes history going to North Korea

President Donald Trump made history on Sunday as the first sitting US President to physically step foot into North Korea. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un accepted Trump’s invitation to revive discussions on ...

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New White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham roughed up by North Korean security guards

As Donald Trump made history Sunday by becoming the first sitting US president to set foot on North Korean soil, new White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham was reportedly injured in a confrontation ...

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President Trump walks into North Korea, meets with Kim Jong Un

President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un met and shook hands Sunday at the Demilitarized Zone between North and South Korea. In a meeting apparently arranged after Trump invited Kim on Twitter ...

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Abortions will continue through August at Missouri Planned Parenthood

Missouri’s last abortion clinic will be allowed to operate until August after a decision today by the Administrative Hearing Commission.  The Planned Parenthood clinic has injured at least 74 women in botched ...

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Couple files lawsuit over adopted son’s murder


He was adopted as the light of their world and after his tragic shooting death his parents have filed a lawsuit against everyone involved with the gun that killed him. At 29- ...

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James Dobson letter explains his border investigation

This week Dr. James Dobson visited the southern border and detention centers set up by the US government. Here is his report: Dear Friends, Several weeks ago, I was invited by White ...

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Dr. James Dobson visits border, blames media, Dems for crisis


While the Trump administration continues to ask Congress for funds to deal with overcrowded migrant camps along the southern border, one Christian leader says media reports aren’t telling the whole story. Focus ...

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City Union Mission takes homeless children to summer camp

Kansas City’s at-risk and homeless children are getting ready to head to camp, thanks to City Union Mission. Registration is now open for the Mission’s summer camping programs which give children an ...

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Nikki Haley returns to Israel, prays at Western Wall

Former United States Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley prayed at the Western Wall in Jerusalem this week. Haley is in the country as a special guest of honor at a ...

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Kansas City business wants end to ‘border war’

The Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce president is praising Missouri Governor Mike Parson (R) for signing legislation into law that’s aimed at ending the economic “border war” between Missouri and Kansas. Joe Reardon ...

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Photos reveal AOC protest reaction was at empty parking lot

Earlier this week, media around the world showed images of U.S. Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez clutching her face in despair and weeping at what was implied to be immigrants at the U.S. border. The ...

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Sharing faith may lose doctor his medical license

sharing faith

A Christian doctor in England could lose his medical license for sharing faith comments in his meetings with patients. Dr. Richard Scott, a general practitioner at the Bethesda Medical Center in Margate, ...

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Public cross gets favorable ruling from Supreme Court

public cross

In what is becoming a string of victories for free speech rights involving a public cross, the U.S. Supreme Court issued yet another ruling in favor of a cross memorial. The ruling ...

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Kansans urged to help protect children from heatstroke

On average, every 10 days a child dies from heatstroke in a vehicle. In more than half of these deaths, the caregiver forgot the child was in the car. TFI Family Services, ...

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Oldest customer service complaint on display


Have you ever made a customer complaint? It’s not a new idea. In fact, the discovery of a clay tablet from ancient Babylon shows there was an “irate copper merchant, Nanni, in 1750 ...

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Huge monument will celebrate answered prayer in England

answered prayer

A British man has found a unique way to commemorate answered prayer and the Christian heritage of England. The Wall of Answered Prayer is a extremely large monument and piece of public art ...

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Young woman changes mind, saves twins


“Oh—twins.” That’s what Alexis heard as the ultrasound technician non-chalantly uttered the words while she received her ultrasound. In that instant life changed for Alexis (her name has been changed for privacy). ...

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Is an artificial intelligence Antichrist possible?

There was a time when most of humanity could envision some occupations that would be replaced by machines, technology or artificial intelligence. Working as a fashion model probably wasn’t one of them. ...

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Vicious shark attack leaves young American dead

shark attack

A vicious attack by multiple sharks in the Bahamas has killed a vacationing California woman. College student Jordan Lindsey, 21, of Torrance was snorkeling with her family near Rose Island on June 26 ...

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Tariffs working as Apple moves factories from China

American media scoffed when President Donald Trump suggested American companies would move factories out of China as a result of new tariffs. Now, one of the largest companies in the world is ...

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