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Politics & Policy

Missouri Legislature takes Covid precautions for 2021 session

The 2021 Missouri legislative session resumes this week, several protocols are in place to address the ongoing pandemic, said Senate President Dave Schatz, “We have people checking temperatures, asking COVID-related questions as ...

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Pence affirms Biden as President-elect after Capitol breached

Vice President Mike Pence affirmed the vote of the Senate early Thursday morning, announcing that Joe Biden had secured enough electoral votes in the 2020 presidential election. The night-long debate came after ...

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List of objectors as joint session of Congress meets today

As the Senate and House convene Wednesday, 90 Republicans are saying they will object to electoral votes for specific states.  If objectors fail, the joint session of Congress could bring to an ...

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Democrats take one Georgia seat, pro-life policies threatened

Democrat Raphael Warnock has defeated pro-life Senator Kelly Loeffler in one of the two Georgia runoff Senate races. Warnock was ahead with just over 50 percent of the vote. Pro-life Republican U.S. ...

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Democrat House leaders to delete ‘mother,’ ‘father’ language over gender issues

After the Democrat-controlled U.S. House of Representatives proposed a change to gender language, Rev. Franklin Graham posted a tweet criticizing the move. The actions by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and others ...

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Plan to challenge electoral votes divides Republicans in Senate

electoral republicans

Senate Republicans are divided over plans to object to electoral votes on Wednesday. Sen. John Hoeven (R-N.D.), up for reelection in 2022, said in a statement that he supports President Donald Trump ...

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Antifa members protest at home of Josh Hawley, threaten his wife and baby

antifa hawley

Members of the fascist group Antifa attacked Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley’s home and threatened his wife and newborn baby on Monday night, Hawley has tweeted. “Tonight while I was in Missouri, Antifa ...

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Amazing 45 pro-life new members of the House sworn in

Understandably, almost the entirety of the news coming out of yesterday’s swearing in of the new members of the House of Representatives was the very narrow margin by which Nancy Pelosi kept ...

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Georgia will decide fate of current pro-life US Senate

georgia pro-life

Pro-life attention is on Georgia today as voters decide a runoff election for two US Senate seats. Republican Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler face challengers from radical pro-abortion Democrats Raphael Warnock ...

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Democrats plan to ditch Hyde Amendment that bans federally funded abortion

The Hyde Amendment, which prohibits federal funding of abortion, is at risk of being repealed in the next Congress. “This is the last year,” said Rep. Rosa DeLauro, a Connecticut Democrat who ...

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Walmart deletes tweet that dissed Sen. Hawley

As the hashtag #BoycottWalmart trends on social media, the Walmart is apologizing to U.S. Senator Josh Hawley. The company now says that an employee “accidentally” used the company’s account to post a ...

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From cotton to Congress, Sen. Tim Scott shares a positive vision

scott stanley

Republican Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina is offering a message of hope despite the contentious political climate in the United States. “I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and my savior, ...

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St. Louis Prosecutor Kim Gardner fights decision to remove her from McCloskey case


Kimberly Gardner, the controversial St. Louis circuit Circuit Court attorney, is appealing a judge’s decision to take her off the high-profile case of Mark and Patricia McCloskey. The couple was charged with ...

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Hawley will object to Electoral College vote for Biden, citing fraud and big tech

Missouri Senator Josh Hawley has announced he will object to the Electoral College vote for Joe Biden on Jan. 6.  Hawley made the announcement Wednesday in a tweet, noting the evidence he ...

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Covid bill also requires Navy and FBI release data on UFOs


Was E.T. phoning home from the U.S. Capitol? Perhaps so as one of the most curious parts of the just-signed Coronavirus relief bill has to do with the Navy and UFOs. While ...

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Half of households with children concerned about food security for the next month

The new year would be a good time for churches and individuals to step up to help feed the hungry. Less than half of households with kids in the United State are ...

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Obama loses spot as “most admired man” to President Donald Trump

Barack Obama has been dethroned as America’s most admired man and many are saying it’s another clue into a 2020 election result that doesn’t align with polling. The Gallup polling organization asked ...

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Recall of California Governor Newsom gains steam after lockdowns

Months of regulatory overreach and lockdowns are catching up with California Gov. Gavin Newsom. Willie Brown, a former state assembly speaker, warned him in a newspaper column headlined. “Gavin Newsom is in ...

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President Trump’s letter explaining veto of Defense Act

President Donald Trump on Thursday vetoed the National Defense Authorization Act, fulfilling a promise he made months ago. The president had told Congress he would not sign unless it contained elements that ...

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VIDEO: President Trump addresses nation about election battle

In a message to the nation late Tuesday, President Donald Trump explained to the American people why he is pursuing all legal and constitutional challenges to “stop the theft of the presidential ...

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Congressman Matt Gaetz joins growing number objecting to Electoral College tally

Congressman Matt Gaetz says he will vote his conscience and join other Republicans Jan. 6 and vote not to affirm the Electoral College results. The Congressional is needed to certify the presidential ...

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Congress today will vote on stimulus no one has read

A new stimulus package is scheduled to have a vote in Congress Monday morning even as almost no legislators have read it. The House of Representatives is scheduled to meet after 9 ...

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Trump campaign files challenge to Pennsylvania in U.S. Supreme Court

The Trump re-election campaign has filed an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court to reverse a lower court ruling. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court had upheld changes to the election process made by ...

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Black church leaders call on GA Senate candidate Warnock to renounce abortion

Raphael Warnock, a Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate in Georgia, has declared himself a pro-abortion pastor. Twenty-eight prominent black leaders are calling on him to renounce his beliefs. Warnock pastors Ebenezer Baptist Church ...

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Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard introduces bill to protect infants who survive abortion

Although the Democratic party is overwhelmingly pro-abortion, one representative is stepping up to protect the unborn. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) introduced a bill to rework the U.S. criminal code “to ensure a ...

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