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Tag Archives: children

Should we dismantle the family?

Last fall, the Black Lives Matter organization quietly deleted a section of its website in which it professed an intention to “disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement.” The statement was removed after ...

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Church in India responds with love, compassion to Covid crisis

india covid

Although India was able to minimize COVID deaths in 2020, a second wave hit the nation early this year, with over 300,000 cases and more than 3,000 daily deaths. India has totaled ...

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U.S. birthrate drops to lowest level in more than 40 years

The U.S. birthrate in 2020 fell to its lowest level in more than four decades, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Experts say the country and much of ...

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New book based on LifeWay Research shows VBS is ‘Worth It’

Many of today’s American adults have fond memories of Vacation Bible School (VBS). Memories range from Bible stories and fun songs to flower-shaped cookies and Kool-Aid in Dixie cups. “It’s Worth It” ...

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Watch and Pray: South Sudan

In this installment of “Watch and Pray” we look at South Sudan. column. No one can know for sure the total number of letters written by the Apostle Paul, likely in the ...

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CDC issues strange summer camp guidelines

The CDC has issued new summer camp guidelines that many say are arbitrary and contradictory. The rules are being mocked on social media as out-of-step with reality. The new guidance says that ...

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Missouri considers providing greater choice in public education

school choice parson missouri program

Education bills pending in the Missouri Legislature address charter school expansion, public funding of private schools and homeschooling. The effort comes as the state nears banning the New York Times’ uber-controversial 1619 ...

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‘Every child deserves a family’: Missouri Gov. Parson signs adoption, foster care bills

foster adoption

Sweeping new adoption and foster bills will help kids find forever homes after Missouri Gov. Mike Parson on Thursday signed them into law. HB 429 will allow Missourians who serve as foster ...

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Missouri House expels member for first time since Civil War

missouri house

The Missouri House on Wednesday voted unanimously to expel Rep. Rick Roeber of Lee’s Summit. His House legislative page has already been wiped clean. He allegedly abused his four adult children when ...

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Declining sperm counts and the coming ‘Year Omega’

sperm counts

In the 1992 dystopian novel, The Children of Men, P. D. James tells the story of a world where no child has been born in 26 years. It’s a world without hope or ...

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Lee’s Summit legislator resigns from Missouri House amid abuse allegations

missouri house

Rep. Rick Roeber, who represents Lee’s Summit, has resigned from the Missouri House over abuse allegations. Roeber had been barred from joining the House Republican Caucus before the 2021 legislative session began, ...

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Family Research Council warns of Rachel Levine’s radical agenda

Pro-life groups continue to decry the confirmation of Rachel Levine as assistant secretary of health. The Family Research Council is warning Levine will use the position to target and punish parents and ...

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Utah Governor signs phone porn filter law

Smartphones and tablets will have a porn filter after the governor of Utah signed a new law meant to protect children. The law, which was signed Tuesday, requires a filter blocking pornography ...

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One million illegal migrants by summer, warns Congressman

Illegal border crossings will hit one million by summer. That’s the assessment of the Biden border crisis given by Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) to ABC News on Sunday morning. “It’s going to ...

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Mexico, media, and Democrats begin blaming Biden for migrant crisis

Democrats and media outlets may be turning against President Joe Biden over the escalating humanitarian crisis on the southern border. In addition, Mexico is now blaming Biden for the crisis. In an ...

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Migrants arrive at border with ‘Biden, Please let us in’ t-shirts

Who printed and paid for the t-shirts? That’s what many are asking after hundreds of migrants showed up at the southern U.S. border wearing shirts that read, “Biden, Please let us in.” ...

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Children’s Mercy Kansas City opens news pediatric research facility

childrens mercy

Children’s Mercy Kansas City announced the opening of its new nine-story, 375,000-square-foot, pediatric research facility located in downtown Kansas City. The new building is home to the Children’s Mercy Research Institute, which was established in 2015 to accelerate ...

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Kansas Highway Patrol begins stricter enforcement of seat belt laws

You had better “click it or ticket,” because the Kansas Highway Patrol has begun cracking down on seat belt enforcement across the state from now through March 5. The Kansas Highway Patrol ...

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Liver transplant for kids: new treatments save lives

Each year, thousands of children, from babies to teenagers, need a liver transplant. Just as in adults, many of these organs come from a deceased donor. But the wait for a new ...

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Missouri consolidates programs in new Office of Childhood

More details are emerging about the new Office of Childhood that Missouri Gov. Mike Parson announced last week. “Missouri families deserve the best early childhood system our state can provide,” Parson said. ...

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KVC Kansas celebrates 100+ children’s adoptions in 2020

During National Adoption Month in November, KVC Kansas helped facilitate 20+ children’s adoptions throughout the state. On November 21, National Adoption Day, which is the Saturday before Thanksgiving, courthouses across the country ...

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Survey: More dads satisfied with extra time spent with kids

A new Pew Research Center analysis finds more fathers are satisfied with the amount of time they spend with their kids. The survey comes as the coronavirus lockdowns required millions more dads ...

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Gov. Parson proclaims January 24-30 as School Choice Week in Missouri

school choice parson missouri program

For the third consecutive year, the last week of January has been officially proclaimed Missouri School Choice Week by Gov. Mike Parson. His proclamation for the week recognizes that every Missouri student ...

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Ministry brings hope to Russians like Nadia, who lost her son in terrorist attack

nadia soviet

Nadia will never forget the day terrorists stormed a local school in her hometown and took nearly 1,200 children and adults hostage. When the siege in Beslan, Russia, ended two days later ...

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Parents challenge vaccine requirements on religious grounds

While surveys show that 40% of Americans say they may not take the COVID vaccine, parents in Missouri are challenging the state’s mandatory vaccination policy in court. In presentations before a judge ...

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