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Tag Archives: christian

2021 shaping up to be good year for faith-based films

Faith-based movies performed well in 2020 despite many theaters closing because of the pandemic. For example, the film “I Still Believe” landed at No. 1 for its debut opening and brought in ...

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Religious background of the new Congress

Missouri Rep. Emanuel Cleaver made headlines on the opening day of Congress when he added “a-women” to the close of his prayer. His remarks, which drew scorn from all sections of the ...

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Study: 90 percent of U.S. universities restrict speech

Nearly nine in 10 American universities restrict free speech in some form, according to the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE’s) 2021 Spotlight on Speech Codes. The organization looked at the free ...

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Black church leaders call on GA Senate candidate Warnock to renounce abortion

Raphael Warnock, a Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate in Georgia, has declared himself a pro-abortion pastor. Twenty-eight prominent black leaders are calling on him to renounce his beliefs. Warnock pastors Ebenezer Baptist Church ...

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Local retired Topeka pastor finds new purpose as Santa Claus

Topeka pastor

Gary Roten, retired Topeka pastor with 30 years of ministry,  has found another way to minister to local communities. He appears as Santa Claus for various charities and other organizations, and is ...

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Discovery of oil lamp factory sheds ‘light’ on ancient Israel

israel lamp

Another major archaeological discovery has been announced in Israel. This week, the Israel Antiquities Authority announced one of the largest ancient ceramic oil-lamp workshops in Israel has been discovered in excavations before ...

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Government restrictions on religious freedom reach highest level since 2007, study finds

Government restrictions on religious freedom in 2018 were at the highest level they have been since 2007, according to a study by Pew Research. “We look at this religious freedom foundational right ...

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Parents pray and protest in Nigeria after Islamists abduct more than 300 boys from school

Governments around the world are still expressing shock after the Islamic terrorist group Boko Haram abducted more than 300 boys from one secondary school in Nigeria. It brings the number of kidnapped ...

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Clemson Coach Swinney gives teenager biblical advice for life


Dabo Swinney, who coaches one of the top college football programs in the nation at Clemson University, has always been bold about sharing his faith. On a radio show earlier this week, ...

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DOJ sides with religious schools in suit against Michigan

Catholic high schools in Michigan have gained the support of the Justice Department in their suit against the state over an emergency health order that bans in-person classes at religious schools. The ...

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Tony Dungy questions faith of pro-abortion pastor running for Senate

Former NFL coach Tony Dungy has questioned if f Atlanta pastor and U.S. Senate candidate Raphael Warnock is a Christian because of his pro-choice views. Dungy, now a television analyst, was reacting ...

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LGBT group lobbies Biden to crack down on Christian colleges

Christian colleges are under attack by a leading LGBT rights organization. The Human Rights Campaign has written a document titled Blueprint for Positive Change, which gives 85 pro-LGBT policy and legislative recommendations ...

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Ben Roethlisberger seeks to live like Christ as Steelers lead NFL

The 2020 Pittsburgh Steelers have done something that no other team in the history of the storied franchise has ever managed to accomplish: begin a season 8-0. Led by head coach Mike Tomlin and ...

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Francis Collins, Christian head of NIH, encourages use of COVID-19 vaccines

collins vaccines

Francis Collins, the Christian director of the National Institutes of Health, encourages Christians to love their neighbors by getting vaccinated for COVID-19 when vaccines become available. “Here’s a great opportunity for Christians ...

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Inspiration led to Ears to Hear Collection

Ears to Hear

“Ears to Hear.” That’s the inspiration that Jerry Hudgins received about two years ago. He didn’t act on it right away, though. “The timing was not right,” he said. So he waited. Now, ...

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Prayer needed as ISIS kills Christians in Indonesia

ISIS, having been defeated in the Middle East, has slowly been moving into regions thousands of miles away from Syria and Iraq. The news has Christians calling for a world-wide prayer effort. ...

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Today’s cultural division has its roots in French Revolution, author Os Guinness says


The Christian worldview upon which the United States was founded is quickly disappearing, according to noted author Os Guinness. The current division in the United States ultimately stems from a difference between ...

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World’s first Christian airline for missionaries cleared for takeoff

An aviation ministry plants to create the world’s first Christian airline in 2021 to carry missionaries and their cargo around the world. Judah 1 is based in Shreveport, La. “We give wings ...

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Hawley, other leaders criticize Obama over remarks about evangelical Hispanics

hawley health obama party

Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley is among the Christian leaders who are responding to former President Barack Obama and his remarks about evangelical Hispanics who voted for Donald Trump. “Ah yes, those Hispanic ...

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His Lions and BLAZE Arts program aims to inspire youth to create with faith in mind


A Kansas City-based arts organization is joining forces with a wellness group to train youth in visual media with a spiritual twist. “Something was needed in homeschooling and Christian education to help ...

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How to be thankful in America’s chaos

Is this a year to be thankful? The year 2020 will go down as probably one of the most cultural shaping years of the United States and world in recent times.  It ...

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Astronaut Victor Glover takes bible and faith onboard SpaceX

Astronaut Victor Glover journeyed on a SpaceX rocket this week for a six-month stint in outer space, saying his Christian faith will help him throughout this huge assignment. Glover recently discussed his ...

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Fueled by mercy, kindness wins

If Jesus hadn’t gotten a hold of me almost 20 years ago, there might have been a fight yesterday. But, since he and his mercy never gave up on me, kindness won. ...

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John Michael Talbot helps the faithful find common ground


Protestants and Catholics, despite their theological differences, have much in common. Legendary Christian musician John Michael Talbot says they especially need to stand together today as the sanctity of life, religious freedom ...

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Madison Cawthorn, youngest person elected to Congress in 55 years, shares his faith


Madison Cawthorn recently made history when he became the youngest person elected to Congress since 1965. He also is well known for standing to recite the Pledge of Allegiance during his speech ...

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