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Tag Archives: church

“Wake up!” Ted Cruz challenges churches to fight for culture

It’s time for the church to wake up and defend the culture, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, said at the Faith & Freedom Coalition‘s recent “Road to Majority.” A revival is coming, he ...

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Pastors say influence of denominations declining

Most denominational Protestant pastors expect denominations to become less important over the next decade, a new survey from Lifeway Research found. The poll of 1,007 Protestant pastors was released this month and found that ...

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Bob Dylan at 80: Still telling tales about divine judgment in a broken, fallen world

Bob Dylan

Night after night, Bob Dylan’s 1979 Gospel concerts at San Francisco’s Warfield Theatre made news for all the wrong reasons, according to angry fans. The November 11th show opened with Dylan roaring into “Gotta ...

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Media spotlight was on future of Southern Baptists last week

southern baptists

The Southern Baptists held what they considered a critical convention in Nashville last week. The denomination conducted an election that will help decide which direction it will take — whether it will ...

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World Revival Church responds to allegations

world revival

Kansas City-based World Revival Church recently came under scrutiny after a local television station produced a story with the headline “Congregation or Cult?” It outlined alleged abuse that occurred at the church. ...

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‘Taking back the rainbow:’ former LGBT people share faith during Pride Month


Around 200 men and women who once identified with the LGBT community shared their stories at a Washington, D.C., rally during Pride Month. With many sporting T-shirts decorated with rainbow flags and ...

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Younger pastors optimistic about denominations, older pastors not so much

A new survey finds that most pastors believe it is vital for their church to be part of a denomination but doubt the importance of those types of ties lasting another decade. ...

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Rick Warren to step down from church position

Influential Pastor Rick Warren is stepping down as lead pastor at Saddleback Church in California. “For 42 years, Kay and I have known this day would eventually arrive and we’ve been waiting ...

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How ‘Katie’ came to be sex-trafficked and what your church can do


“Katie” met him at the mall. Though she was only 15, she knew that there was something different about this one. From the start, he showered her with kindness and attention. It ...

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Presbyterian Church (USA) is latest denomination to report losing membership, congregations

The Presbyterian Church (USA) is the latest denomination to report troubling membership losses. The PCUSA lost approximately 56,000 active members and closed more than 100 congregations in 2020, according to a recent ...

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Pastor beaten by Chinese police tells others, ‘hold fast to the faith’

Pastor beaten

A Chinese pastor, beaten by police, has a message for Christians – “hold fast to the faith.” Like countless pastors across Communist China, Yang Hua of Guiyang Living Stone Church, his encouragement ...

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Free virtual event this week addresses mental health of church workers

church health

The pandemic has placed a heavy burden on pastors and church leaders, who often neglect their own mental health and physical health while focusing on their congregations. During the past year, several ...

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Church in India responds with love, compassion to Covid crisis

india covid

Although India was able to minimize COVID deaths in 2020, a second wave hit the nation early this year, with over 300,000 cases and more than 3,000 daily deaths. India has totaled ...

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New book based on LifeWay Research shows VBS is ‘Worth It’

Many of today’s American adults have fond memories of Vacation Bible School (VBS). Memories range from Bible stories and fun songs to flower-shaped cookies and Kool-Aid in Dixie cups. “It’s Worth It” ...

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China releases new app for users to report ‘mistaken opinion’ of others

It’s getting so bad in China, some people may think it’s Silicon Valley. That’s the joke on social media over reports of the Communist regime’s new app for reporting the “mistaken opinion” ...

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Missouri pastor saves church member with kidney donation

pastor kidney

A pastor in Osceola, Mo., put his faith into action by donating a kidney to a member of his church. “Well, I think it’s because it’s one of those few opportunities we ...

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Three reasons your church should be praying for Africa and Mozambique

Metro Voice is launching a new “Watch and Pray” column. The goal is to live out the biblical imperative. This week we focus on Africa and Mozambique. 1. We underestimate the power ...

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Church opens up parking lot to vehicles of homeless drivers

homeless parking

A downtown Kansas City church is opening up its parking lot in the overnight hours to the homeless.  It’s thought to be the first time the homeless have a dedicated parking lot. ...

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Group forms to push back against woke agenda of corporate America

After corporate America was again criticized for weighing in on political issues, many Americans have had enough. Stop Corporate Tyranny, a coalition concerned with the increasing dictates of  ‘woke’ capital and cancel ...

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Pastor jailed for in-person services is released to applause from other inmates

pastor in-person

Canadian Pastor James Coates, held in prison for holding in-person church services, is speaking out after his release. Coates, a pastor at GraceLife Church in Edmonton, Alberta, left the jail to thunderous ...

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Peace Valley Ministries invite the weary


Kenneth and Vickie Campbell searched for 30 years for a peaceful place on the river. Nothing felt right until Kenneth picked us a local ad sheet and saw an ad for acreage ...

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Just 40 percent who normally attend Easter services will do so Sunday

easter services

The arrival of the pandemic caused major disruptions to Easter services at many churches in 2020. Although churchgoers say they now are more comfortable with attending live services, many still plan to ...

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U.S. church membership drops below 50 percent for first time

Less than half of Americans now say they belong to a house of worship, which is the lowest number since polling began in the mid-1930s. The decline is part of a continued ...

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Polls find record low church attendance, majority of Republicans support same-sex marriage

For the first time, religious service attendance has fallen below 50 percent while a majority of Republican voters say they support same-sex marriage. According to a Public Religion Research Institute polls, less ...

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Today in Christian history: John Lightfoot was born

Imagine becoming the best Hebrew scholar in your nation without once speaking to a Jewish person. That is what John Lightfoot did. He may never even have seen a Jew, for all ...

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