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ANALYSIS: James Comey roasted in devastating Justice report

Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz has released a report detailing how former FBI Director James Comey leaked personal memos to his attorneys, a personal friend, and the media. Comey had told the IG that he ...

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Media says G-7 a failure but facts tell different story

President Donald Trump has secured a major concession from leaders of the Group of Seven after they issued a declaration on Aug. 26 committing to fair trade.  It has been Trump’s central effort ...

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Photos show Rep. Tlaib lied about her Palestinian family’s poverty


Contradicting claims by Rep. Rashida Tlaib about supposed Israeli oppression, poverty and racism, images from the community in which her grandmother and other family members live shows it full of luxury items. In fact, ...

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Study: mainstream news favors Democrats 7 to 1


Mainstream news coverage does not reflect the political make-up of the Democrats and Republicans in Congress. Mainstream media is exceedingly likely to cover news through a partisan filter. So it’s no surprise ...

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VP Pence says he was blindsided by response to wife’s new job

Vice President Mike Pence has shared that he and his wife felt blindsided by the furor that broke out earlier this year when his wife Karen took a job at a Christian ...

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Trump breaks Elton John’s attendance record

President Donald Trump’s New Hampshire rally broke an attendance record that was held by Elton John since 2004, a fire official said. After the Aug. 15 rally, the president shared pictures showing a huge ...

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Islamists attack village, cut off ears of Christian women


Christians across Africa continue to suffer while, for the most part, American media remains silent. The barbarism of Boko Haram, an Islamist militant group, has reached new heights with verified reports emerging ...

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Teen Vogue using Snapchat to show kids how to get abortions

Teen Vogue, known for providing kids with explicit articles on sex, is now using the social media platform Snapchat to advise them on how to get an abortion. The new social media ...

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Iraqi TV anchor reads eye-opening poem questioning Arab culture

Iraqi TV Host Mahdi Jassem Reads Text By Syrian Poet: For 1,400 Years We Have Been Cursing The Jews And Christians, But We Are The Ones Left Without Unity. In a July ...

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65 Christian Nigerians slaughtered after funeral


Over 65 Christians returning from a funeral in Nigeria have been slaughtered by Muslim extremists over the weekend. Nigerian state television is reporting it is one of the deadliest attacks on civilians ...

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Omar files for divorce, faces questions over marriage to brother, tax fraud


Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) has separated from her husband with plans to divorce him, according to a new report, amid calls for investigators to probe Omar’s marriage history after it was recently found she ...

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These 526 deaths didn’t make the nightly news…again

Unless you deliberately searched for it, you probably missed one of the most significant news stories of the past few weeks. After eight years of bloody fighting, the Syrian civil war may ...

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Mueller testimony called a ‘disaster’ for Democrats


During the day July 24, political commentators following the appearance of former special counsel Robert Mueller repeatedly called his testimony a disaster for Democrats. From CNN to MSNBC, anchors and pundits expressed dismay at ...

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Platforms vs. Publishers: The Big Tech War on the First Amendment

Media platforms and publishers are a big part of our lives, and they can have a huge influence on our culture. Recently YouTube pulled the plug on, or demonetized, many YouTube channels. ...

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Hispanic leader says ‘no deplorable conditions’ exist at border facilities

The head of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference has returned from an investigative tour of conditions surrounding asylum seekers at border facilities in Texas. Rev. Samuel Rodriguez stated he wanted to ...

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CNN reports Antifa attack on reporter while others whitewash

Antifa, a group of leftist terrorists, wants to violently shut down your opinion. Any ideas other than their own are not only wrong, they’re dangerous and must be stopped by, and I ...

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Jihadists attack Mali villages killing 100 Christians

As Metro Voice has reported, much of Africa is burning. That is, Christian communities are burning at the hands of Islamic jihadists who have instituted a campaign of genocide against them. News ...

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New White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham roughed up by North Korean security guards

As Donald Trump made history Sunday by becoming the first sitting US president to set foot on North Korean soil, new White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham was reportedly injured in a confrontation ...

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James Dobson letter explains his border investigation

This week Dr. James Dobson visited the southern border and detention centers set up by the US government. Here is his report: Dear Friends, Several weeks ago, I was invited by White ...

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Dr. James Dobson visits border, blames media, Dems for crisis


While the Trump administration continues to ask Congress for funds to deal with overcrowded migrant camps along the southern border, one Christian leader says media reports aren’t telling the whole story. Focus ...

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‘No Christian anymore,’ as 19 killed in Burkina Faso villages

burkini faso

At least 19 Christians were killed in an attack June 9 on the village of Arbinda in Africa’s northern Burkina Faso causing a mass migration of Christians from their villages, the AFP reports. ...

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Political historian thinks voters will stand by Trump in 2020

A number of political observers are still dissecting the 2016 campaign for answers to how Donald Trump won voters and beat 16 Republican rivals and Hillary Clinton to take the presidency. While ...

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Advocates for Nigerian Christians fear a Rwanda-type genocide

The populous nation of Nigeria has been a hotbed for violence against Christians. Those who defend religious freedom in countries like Nigeria fear another genocide along the lines of Rwanda is a ...

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Christian school recovers after vandals hit


Vandals ravaged a Christian school in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. over the Memorial Day weekend, leaving behind more than $50,000 in damages. All of the Showers of Blessings Christian Academy’s 10 classrooms were ...

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Australia’s ‘Trump’ stuns media, pollsters with overwhelming re-election victory

Pollsters have gotten another major election completely wrong, this time in Australia. Prime Minister Scott Morrison, a Christian evangelical who is often compared to Donald Trump in his political views, won a ...

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