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Tag Archives: new testament

French Bible Society to distribute 200,00 Bibles during Olympics

bible olympics

Athletes and spectators participating in the summer Olympics in Paris will receive a special edition of the New Testament, thanks to the French Bible Society. The organization plans to hand out 140,000 ...

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Israeli requests for New Testaments have risen after Hamas attacks

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The number of New Testament orders from Jews in Israel has increased since the Hamas terror attack of last October 7, according to Jews for Jesus. The ministry, affiliated with the Messianic ...

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John Piper stakes out New Testament position on same-sex relationships in church

Liberty piper east political relationships

Pastor and author John Piper has weighed in on how churches should deal with same-sex relationships. He responded in podcast to comments by Pope Francis last December to allow priests to bless ...

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Kansas, Missouri at opposite ends of yearly apple consumption

missouri apple

Missouri and Kansas are polar opposites when it comes to their love of the apple. The tasty fruit, a sure sign of fall, is a favorite of Missourians who visit many of ...

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The Great Recital: Seven people will recite entire New Testament from memory this week

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Seven people are teaming up to recite the entire New Testament from memory, beginning on Tuesday. Tom Meyer, a professor of Bible studies from northern Kentucky, had the idea of bringing people ...

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Former Christians report condition dubbed “rapture anxiety”


As if people don’t have enough to worry about in today’s culture, a growing number of former Christians and others are struggling with what mental health professionals have called “rapture anxiety,” a ...

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Christian History: Bible backing archaeologist Kenyon


Seventy years ago this month, Frederick George Kenyon passed away. He was a trailblazer in biblical archaeology. “Both the authenticity and the general integrity of the books of the New Testament may ...

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Hot dates: Israeli botanists grow trees using seeds from biblical times

The desert is blooming as Israeli farmers are growing trees from seeds that date back to biblical times. “We’re talking about the resurrection of 2,000-year-old-plus ancient date seeds that come from the ...

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The story of Pesakh (Passover) and why it matters

passover messianic

Pesakh (Passover) begins on the 15th day of the Jewish month of Nissan. The name “Pesakh” (PAY-sahkh, with a “kh” as in the Scottish “lokh”) comes from the Hebrew root Peh-Samekh-Khet, meaning ...

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Israeli archaeological discovery confirms story of Hanukkah

A recent archaeology discovery in Israel confirms the story of Hanukkah. “What we discovered here actually connects with the story of Hanukkah and the Hasmonean revolts against the Greeks,” said excavation director, ...

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First Nations Version translates the New Testament for North American Native Peoples

It’s a Bible verse familiar to many Christians — and even to many non-Christians who have seen John 3:16 on billboards and T-shirts or scrawled across eye black under football players’ helmets. ...

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Fear of the mark of the beast not a valid reason to avoid vaccine, scholars say

Although some people have legitimate reasons for not being vaccinated for COVID-19, fear of receiving the mark of the beast mentioned in Revelation should not be one of them, a New Testament ...

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James Earl Jones says narrating the Bible was ‘greatest honor’

earl jones

It wasn’t the voice of Darth Vader in Star Wars but the voice of the New Testament that actor James Earl Jones says was his “greatest honor.”  Jones, who’s iconic voice is ...

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Actress Roma Downey releases ‘Resurrection’ movie in time for Easter

resurrection movie

“Resurrection,” a new movie from award-winning actress Roma Downey, is being released just in time for Easter. In an interview with CBN, Downey explained that the time frame for the film takes ...

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Shannon Bream and her book on incredible Women of the Bible

bream women

Popular Fox News host Shannon Bream has published a new book focusing on the incredible stories of women in the Bible. “Women of the Bible Speak: The Wisdom of 16 Women and ...

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Today in Christian history: John Lightfoot was born

Imagine becoming the best Hebrew scholar in your nation without once speaking to a Jewish person. That is what John Lightfoot did. He may never even have seen a Jew, for all ...

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‘The Chosen’ streaming series on Jesus surges in popularity

the chosen

The series “The Chosen” has surged into the top-tier of well-known and popular productions that people are watching. VidAngel, the family-friendly streaming app, and original content studio, recently announced that it’s series ...

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SUN New Testament will allow millions worldwide to read the Bible

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Around the world, deaf individuals will now be able to read the New Testament thanks to a fantastic effort by Wycliffe Associates called SUN. Symbolic Universal Notation (SUN) is a written, concept-based ...

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When people hate Jews, they hate who Jesus is

On the Jewish Sabbath last week, an anti-Semitic terrorist filled with hate murdered eleven worshippers within Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life Synagogue. It is being called the deadliest attack on Jewish people in ...

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