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Tag Archives: politics

Republicans, mainstream media decry angry Biden speech as divisive

Lawmakers are responding to an unprecedented attack by President Joe Biden on his opponents. Biden, who still has some of the lowest poll numbers of any president in history, gave an ultra-politicized ...

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Court rules Biden administration cannot force doctors to perform gender surgery, abortions

The Biden administration cannot force doctors and hospitals to violate their religious beliefs by performing abortions and transgender surgery, a federal appeals judge ruled. At issue was Section 1557 of the 2010 ...

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Governor calls special session to work on major tax cut for Missourians

Missouri Governor Mike Parson says he’ll bring the General Assembly back to Jefferson City on September 6 to work on his proposed tax cut. Parson earlier vetoed HB 2090, a bill that ...

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Black Conservative Summit to address family breakdown

Ben Carson, the famed neurosurgeon and former secretary of Housing and Urban Development, will headline the upcoming Black Conservative Summit. The summit’s theme, “How to Fix Black America,”  will serve as “a ...

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Before student debt bailout, Democrats got $341 million in donations from loan industry

Democrats have been given hundreds of millions of donations from the higher education industry before President Joe Biden canceled up to $10,000 in student loan debt on Wednesday, records show. The lenders will ...

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Maryland voters finally get their 2020 ballots in the mail

main-in ballots pennsylvania election lawsuit

Maryland residents are getting a blast from the past. They’ve finally received their 2020 election ballots in the mail. The blank ballots were found in a tray and were delivered over the ...

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Judge rejects Biden administration effort to keep Trump raid affidavit from public

In a surprise move that has the Biden adminsitration scrambling, U.S. Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart rejected the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) argument to keep the Mar-a-Lago raid search warrant affidavit under wraps.  ...

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Cocktail napkin among items taken in FBI raid at Trump home

A baseball bat and cocktail napkin are among items taken by FBI agents from Mar-A-Lago according to records and video. The heavy-handed raid is uniting those on the left and right concerning ...

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Ron Sider died July 27: Here’s why it matters


Ron Sider was an Evangelical Christian caught in the political crossfire and his voice will be missed. It was the kind of John Paul II quotation that was powerful and prophetic — ...

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Herschel Walker says racist critic on MSNBC “needs Jesus”

Herschel Walker, the Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate in Georgia, has turned the other cheek to an MSNBC contributor who suggested he was one of the “negroes” who would do what ...

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“Onslaught of misinformation” defeated Value Them Both amendment, say supporters

value both

The constitutional amendment in Kansas was defeated in Tuesday’s election. Amendment 2, named “Value Them Both,” aimed to overturn a controversial Kansas Supreme Court decision in 2019 that declared access to abortion ...

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Judge halts Biden administration holding school food program hostage over transgender equity rules

Attempts by the Biden administration to expand the definition of sex discrimination to include sexual orientation and gender identity have been blocked for now. The administration is threatening to withhold funding for ...

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House Democrats plan series of votes on variety of social issues this week

Democratic leaders in the U.S. House plan to hold several votes this week to put members on the record about controversial issues such as abortion and same-sex marriage. They are even voting ...

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“Sanctuary city” Washington D.C doesn’t want busloads of illegal aliens

As over one million illegal aliens have been released into the nation, the Democrat mayor of Washington, D.C. has a “not in my backyard” policy.  But Mayor Muriel Bowser’s issue isn’t with the ...

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Video: Professor calls Josh Hawley transphobic for saying men can’t get pregnant

hawley transphobic

A University of California law professor accused Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., of being transphobic for saying that only women can get pregnant. The exchange took place during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on ...

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Vicky Hartzler holds lead in Republican Senate primary race

hartzler primary

Rep. Vicky Hartzler holds a narrow lead in the race for the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate in Missouri. With the primary election less than a month away, she remains ahead ...

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Senate Democrats introduce bill to intimidate crisis pregnancy centers

Several liberal politicians are lashing out at crisis pregnancy centers following the decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade. U.S. Democratic Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Bob Menendez are ...

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UK’s Boris Johnson resigns

Britain will now choose a new Prime Minister after Boris Johnson resigned Thursday. The development comes as Johnson’s conservative party enjoys the largest majority in Parliament since the days of Margaret Thatcher. ...

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“Christian Taliban” remark sparks war of words among Republican leaders

Two Republican representatives are sparring over the role of faith in politics. Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois is equating politically active Christians as a “Christian Taliban” in his criticisms of Rep. Lauren ...

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Presbyterian Church USA condemns Israel as ‘apartheid’ state 

The Presbyterian Church USA, which is rapidly losing members, has adopted another controversial position. A church committee passed a resolution declaring Israel an apartheid state during its General Assembly this week. Amendment INT-02, ...

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Israel dissolves Knesset, calls for new elections Nov. 1

Israel’s legislature, the Knesset, on Thursday voted to immediately dissolve itself triggering new elections on November 1. It will be a record fifth election in three-and-a-half years. A strange coalition, including an ...

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Paul Pelosi charged with DUI and auto crash

Paul Pelosi, husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), was charged with a DUI in connection with his arrest in May. A press release issued by the Napa County District Attorney’s office ...

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Exxon responds to Biden letter that threatens “emergency powers”

Exxon Mobil fired back at President Joe Biden who has moved from blaming Vladimir Putin to now blaming U.S. energy producers for soaring gas prices.  The White House is now threatening to use ...

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23 and counting: pro-life organizations firebombed, damaged ahead of court ruling

A rash of nationwide firebombings and vandalism of pro-life organizations in recent weeks has gone virtually unreported by the national media. The groups firebombed or otherwise attacked include pro-life educational non-profits and ...

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Kansas medical professionals support Aug. 2 passage of Value Them Both Amendment

kansas medical

Kansas medical and mental health professionals announced Friday their support for the pro-life Value Them Both constitutional amendment. The measure would overturn a controversial Kansas Supreme Court decision in 2019 that declared ...

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