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Fox News deceives through methodology on impeachment poll

Is Fox News playing with the poll numbers regarding impeachment? A look at the methodology and the samples lends considerable weight to that allegation. The news network released a major story Wednesday ...

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Rural areas ‘vital’ to nation as Transportation Secretary Chao addresses funding disparity

U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao says the Trump administration is working to eliminate disparities in transportation funding between rural and urban areas. Chao was in St. Louis this week to unveil a new ...

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Pentagon pushes back against false media reports on Syria troop withdrawals

The Pentagon has pushed back against what it described as “misreporting” by American news media concerning the Trump administrations reassigning troops in Syria. After news outlets this week falsely reported that the ...

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Planned Parenthood opens Illinois abortion clinic to attract women from St. Louis

Missouri has a pro-life governor and legislature, while Illinois has one of the most liberal climates for abortion in the nation. As abortion options dwindle in the Show-Me state, Planned Parenthood has ...

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Kansas politicians weigh in on impeachment inquiry

The Democrats’ impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump is moving pretty quickly. How is it affecting politics in Kansas, and how are Kansas politicians responding? Sen. Pat Roberts dismissed the impeachment inquiry as ...

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Trump signs $47 billion trade agreement with Japan in blow to China

Lost in the news this week comes a major victory in the trade war with Communist China. The United States and Japan signed on Oct. 7 a trade agreement that would open up markets to ...

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President Trump’s remarks and audience comments at Young Black Leadership Summit

Metro Voice is making available to readers President Trump’s remarks at the Young Black Leadership Summit. The summit was held in the White House on Friday, Oct. 4. Remarks below video. Remarks ...

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U.S. Supreme Court to hear first abortion case since appointments of Gorsuch and Kavanaugh

Abortion was the topic of heated discussion during confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominees Neal Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh. The court announced on Friday that it will hear an abortion case for ...

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Poll: Trump September approval shoots up to 49%


While Democrats ramp up efforts to impeach President Donald Trump, a September Gallup poll and new Harris poll may give them pause as his approval rating skyrockets. A Harris poll released today ...

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Todd Starnes fired from Fox News


Controversial comments on his radio show have ended in Fox News personality and Christian commentator Todd Starnes being axed from Fox News. The network quietly ended Starnes from its lineup and has ceased ...

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Planned Parenthood, others lose $34 million with Trump policy

Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers are out $34 million in taxpayer funds as a result of the Trump administration’s rule generally prohibiting abortion referrals. Over 51 percent of Planned Parenthood’s clinic income ...

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Impeachment efforts force scrutiny of Joe and Hunter Biden dealings

Democrats are moving ahead with efforts to impeach President Trump accusing the White House of attempting to lock down details of his phone call with the president of Ukraine. However, newly uncovered ...

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Christian groups upset with proposed refugee ceiling while ignoring facts

The Trump administration has announced a proposal to temporarily reduce the ceiling for refugee resettlement to a record low of 18,000. The move is seen as a way to speed up the ...

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Ted Cruz says impeachment push a ‘circus’

Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) in remarks on Sept. 27 said that the majority of Democrats appear to only care about impeaching President Donald Trump and not do their jobs as elected lawmakers, adding that the ...

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Impeachment lands with a dud for American people

This week’s move towards impeachment of President Donald Trump seems to have landed with a dud for the American people. While no formal papers of impeachment have been drawn up, the nation’s ...

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Universities promoting Islam to students may lose taxpayer funds

After having been caught spreading lies and misinformation through a government-funded education program, Duke University and the University of North Carolina have run out of time to keep that program’s multi-million dollar ...

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President makes history talking about religious freedom at UN

President Donald Trump has made history becoming the first US President to ever host a meeting at the United Nations on religious freedom. “As President, protecting religious freedom is one of my ...

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Media misleads as transcripts show Trump did not break law

The national media continues to misrepresent facts surrounding the phone call between President Donald Trump and Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky. Released transcripts on Wednesday show that the President did not exert pressure or ...

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Indian Americans go wild for Trump appearance at unity rally

It appears President Donald Trump has the votes of Indian Americans if a rally in Houston is any indication, Trump joined tens of thousands of Indian Americans on Sept. 22 who were packed ...

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Press called out for a week of retractions, bad reporting

As the nation headed in to the weekend, President Donald Trump criticized the media for its reporting on Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, singling out the New York Times after the paper issued a major ...

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President Trump to focus on religious freedom at UN

President Donald Trump is set to make the protection of religious freedom a key focus at next week’s United Nations meetings in New York. “The President will highlight American values and underscore that America is a positive ...

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President releases U.S. oil reserves

President Donald Trump announced on Sunday evening that he has authorized the release of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve following attacks on Saudi Arabian oil fields and refineries. “Based on the ...

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Son of Osama Bin Laden is dead

The son of infamous terrorist Osama bin Laden is dead, President Donald Trump confirmed on Sept. 14. Reports that Hamza bin Laden was killed emerged on July 31 but had gone uncorroborated ...

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All topics on table at Democrat debate, including gun confiscation


The top ten Democrats running to challenge President Trump for the White House jockeyed to distinguish themselves in a third debate often speaking over each other and going way beyond their time. ...

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Supreme Court rules all injunctions against Trump asylum rule be dropped


The Supreme Court is allowing a new Trump administration rule on asylum seekers to be enforced nationwide by dropping all injunctions brought by Democrats across the country. The new asylum law may ...

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