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Tag Archives: trump

All we did was survive: The state of the pro-life movement under President Trump

The pro-life movement faced a gathering storm in 2016. In California, pro-life pregnancy centers were forced to advertise abortion services or pay crippling fines. In New York, Catholic nuns were told to ...

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Pompeo, Kobach considering a run for Kansas Senate seat

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is said to be meeting with strategists to discuss a possible run for the vacant Kansas Senate seat in 2020. Pompeo is a former Kansas congressman and ...

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Exclusive photos of a march unlike any other

As the cold, dreary morning dawned on Washington, DC, last Friday, few realized that history was about to be made. The wet slushy ground and the heavy clouds made for an ominous ...

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Transcript of the President’s Saturday address

Most Americans were unaware that President Trump spoke to the nation Saturday afternoon. Metro Voice was provided a copy of the address by the White House. In our effort to bring you ...

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Rep. Joni Ernst wants travel ban until Congress passes budget

travel ban congress

After House Majority leader Nancy Pelosi, her six Democrat colleagues in Congress and 86 of their family members were prevented by President Trump from flying out of the country on a  a ...

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Mueller team refutes Buzzfeed false news on investigation

Buzzfeed News has again been exposed for faking news concerning allegations against President Trump. In a highly unusual step, Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team is refuting the Buzzfeed report that Trump’s ex-attorney ...

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March for Life in Washington showcases progress

march for life

The nation’s capitol filled will pro-life individuals from across the nation Friday as the National March for Life got under way. While not getting the wall-to-wall coverage of the “women’s march”, the ...

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Undocumented immigrants cost U.S. $113 Billion annually, averaging over 2 billion per state

The cost of illegal immigrants on the U.S. is severe, according to a new report which finds that illegal aliens cost us all $113 billion a year. The Federation for American Immigration ...

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President Trump’s letter to Pelosi canceling her trip

President Trump today sent a letter to House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi an hour before she was scheduled to depart the country on an overseas junket. The delegation included friends, family and ...

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Grounded: Trump has postponed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s upcoming foreign trip

President Donald Trump is postponing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s “seven-day excursion” to Egypt, Afghanistan and Brussels that was scheduled to leave today. President Trump wrote a letter to Pelosi this morning informing ...

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Country that persecuted Christians makes dramatic turnaround

persecuted christians

A list released each year by Open Doors USA ranks persecution of Christians by country around the world. It has had a profound impact on one Middle East Country. The organization has ...

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Coalition forms to force Democrats to fund border wall

On a cold January morning outside the Capitol, a coalition of groups that support Trump had an even colder message for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) over ...

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Terrorist attack against White House prevented

terrorist attack, white house

Federal investigators announced this evening that a joint terrorism task force, led by the FBI, arrested Hasher Jallal Taheb, 21, after an investigation showed he planned an imminent terrorist attack against the ...

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Poll: Majority of voters agree with Trump, call porous border a ‘crisis’

The establishment media and elected Democrats have failed to convince the American public that mass illegal immigration, human trafficking and drug trafficking at the United States-Mexico border is a “manufactured crisis,” a ...

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Media freak out over Trump’s menu for Clemson visit, players have a different opinion

Even if you were to remove all of the politics and rhetoric, it’s hard to argue that President Donald Trump isn’t overly criticized by the media. Take, for example, an event that ...

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Network 2018 news coverage of Trump administration 90% negative; yet his approval ratings improve

Coverage of Donald Trump’s presidency on the three major TV networks—ABC, CBS, and NBC—was overwhelmingly negative in 2018, just as it was a year earlier, according to a study conducted by the Media ...

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Evangelical leader sends letter to President on immigration and border

immigration and border

Many in the faith community strongly support President Trump’s immigration and border efforts to stem the deadly flow of addictive and poisonous drugs into the nation, and to curtail the infiltration of ...

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NPR: The case for expanded “Border Barrier”

NPR has issued a report on what the experts at the Border Patrol are requesting for the border. The request made through the President for border security includes more than just additional physical barriers: ...

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Ben Carson’s prescription for a better life

Dr. Ben Carson has a prescription for a better life. Carson is the 17th secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. After a successful career in medicine and his ...

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CBS News deletes ‘fact check’ on rape after it proved Trump point

cos fact check

On Jan. 9, CBS News updated an article it published a few hours prior, deleting a “fact check” of one of President Donald Trump’s claims made during the speech he gave the ...

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National emergency may soon be declared by President

President Trump is expected to soon declare a national emergency over the humanitarian crisis at the nation’s border with Mexico. In 2018, 400,000 individuals illegally entered the country. A number, say experts, ...

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The unedited border wall address by President Trump


As part of our continuing effort to bring you information unfiltered by the national media, below is the transcript of President Trump’s address on the border wall and the immigration crisis.  For ...

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Unedited Democrat response to Trump Oval Office address

In our continuing effort to bring you news that is unfiltered by the national media, below is the transcript of the Democrat response to President Trump by Senator Chuck Schumer and Congresswoman ...

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As government shutdown continues, Kansas Republicans blame Democrats

On what threatens to become the longest government shutdown in history, Kansas Republican representatives tend to agree — Democrats are to blame. It’s the third week of the shutdown, which came after ...

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Oval Office address makes case for security wall


In a 10-minute address, President Donald Trump spoke to the nation from the Oval Office on Jan. 8 about the mounting crisis at the southwest border. “Over the years, thousands of Americans ...

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