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Tag Archives: trump

Video: college students stunned after learning immigration quotes were not Trump’s


Campus Reform visited a college and read quotes about, and against, illegal immigration. They were told the quotes were by Trump which immediately elicited a negative response and scolding of the current ...

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Trump may declare national emergency in address on TV tonight

WASHINGTON—President Donald Trump could declare a national emergency when he addresses the nation in a broadcast at 9 p.m. EST on Tuesday, Jan. 8. It will be the President’s first such TV ...

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Trump and the ongoing culture war

A lot of Americans have had enough of a progressively dysfunctional culture that’s fueled by the left’s chosen narrative for smearing anyone not aboard their socialist express – which is the main ...

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Job growth surges by 312,000 in December; wages increase best since 2009; unemployment at 3.9%

U.S. employers hired the most workers in 10 months in December while boosting wages, pointing to sustained strength in the economy. Nonfarm payrolls surged by 312,000 jobs last month, the largest gain ...

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Trump sends letter and copy of info that Democrats refused to read in White House meeting

This morning, President Donald J. Trump sent a letter to all members of Congress on the need to secure our borders. He attached a presentation that Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen was ...

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In ironic victory, Trump secures China’s first purchase of American rice

In a move that would be funny if it weren’t such good news for American farmers, President Trump has sold the Communist nation of China of all things…rice. Supporters of the president ...

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Democrats ‘didn’t want to hear’ expert testimony on border security

Democrats and other top lawmakers showed up to meet with President Donald Trump at the White House for a border security briefing on Jan. 2. But when the experts and security officials ...

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Hospital cost transparency big win for patients

A new rule created by President Trump took effect Jan. 1 and medical facilities are not happy. U.S. hospitals and other medical facilities are now required to provide transparency and list prices ...

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Crackdown on MS-13 ‘animals’ has dramatic effect

It’s been five months since President Trump gave his speech about liberating Long Island from the brutality of the international gang, MS-13, or Mara Salvatrucha. Not long after, he called MS-13 ‘animals” ...

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New Trump policy hopes to revitalize America’s rural areas

Studies have shown that the economic gap between urban and rural areas of the country widen when Democrats hold the White House. Urban areas, typically Democrat strongholds, are rewarded with the vast ...

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Pompeo talks about trade war, Syria pullout, North Korea: “Kansas workers will eventually benefit”

Mike Pompeo, the U.S. Secretary of State and a former Kansas congressman from Wichita, spoke about some of the key issues he is dealing with as the country’s leader of foreign policy ...

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House Committee wants look into DOJ, FBI bias against Trump

A House oversight committee recommended on Dec. 28 that a special counsel be appointed to probe how the two federal agencies were biased against President Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign and election. ...

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Troops in Germany and Iraq respond to First Family’s visit

U.S. President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump have landed in Germany to thank more American troops during the Christmas holiday as Air Force One makes its way back from a surprise ...

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Boy with terminal cancer stunned by response, including heartfelt note from the President

A young cancer patient from Louisiana has been utterly overwhelmed with the massive response he has received after a family friend requested that people “flood his mailbox” with Christmas cards this holiday ...

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As US prepares to leave Syria, Christians there plead for help

President Trump campaigned on a promise to end U.S. involvement in foreign wars. Americans, he said, were tired of 17 years of war and loss, fueled by a military-industrial complex that profits ...

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New US policy: asylum-seeking people must wait in Mexico; 50,000 trying to cross border monthly

People heading to the southwest border to seek asylum in the United States will have to wait in Mexico until their claims are processed, under an agreement between the two countries announced ...

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Trump stands ground; House approves spending bill with $5.7B for border wall

The Republican-led House has approved funding for President Donald Trump’s border wall in legislation that pushes the government closer to the possibility of a partial government shutdown. The House voted 217-185, largely along ...

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McCaskill gives final interview as Senator to Rachel Maddow

maddow senate missouri

During the campaign for the U.S. Senate, Claire McCaskill modeled herself as a middle-of-the-road Democrat who represented a bi-partisan spirit ready to work with Donald Trump. In fact, she heaped praise on ...

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Historic prison reform bill passes with bi-partisan support

In an example of rare bi-partisan support, a historic and sweeping bill that reforms the criminal justice system has cleared the Senate. It is a victory for the Trump administration and Congress ...

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Christian revival: This season, Donald Trump brings faith in God back to the Presidency

I don’t expect Donald Trump to announce a transition into the ministry any time soon. But the man has really turned things around in the aftermath of Obama, with regard to invoking ...

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Kansas Senator leaves Republican party over transgender rights

parties, gun, confiscation

Senator Barbara Bollier, a 10-year Republican lawmaker in Kansas, has announced she is becoming a Democrat. Bollier−a physician from Mission Hills−cited disagreements with the Republican Party over LGBT issues, specifically transgender rights ...

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Historic prison reform could start next week

With a new Congress coming in just a few weeks, criminal justice reform is viewed by some as now or never proposition. Last week, it appeared all but dead, but now it’s ...

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Christians targeted by ISIS to get historic help from America

Religious leaders and human rights activists are rejoicing after President Donald Trump signed a historic bi-partisan bill that supporters say will “boost” efforts to help Christians and other religious minorities targeted by ...

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Will Miss Universe crown a biological man?

A transgender contestant is being considered a frontrunner to win the Miss Universe competition over the rest of the biologically female contestants. Angela Ponce won the qualifying rounds in Spain and will ...

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ANALYSIS: How the media misreading China caused the Dow drop

On Dec. 4, the Dow Jones Industrial Average had an 800 point drop, a plunge that apparently was caused by Westerners’ misunderstanding of China. According to several media reports, investors had believed ...

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