Home / Dwight Widaman

Author Archives: Dwight Widaman

Virtual program series kicks off countdown to Missouri’s bicentennial

Missouri 2021 is rolling out a new virtual program series that focuses on the programs and events happening in Missouri to commemorate the state’s 200th bicentennial of statehood. Leading up to the ...

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Archaeologists may have found Nazareth childhood home of Jesus

The remains of the first-century home of Jesus, Mary and Joseph may have been found, a British archaeologist says. Ken Dark, a professor of archaeology and history at the University of Reading, ...

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Christian leader cautions viewers about gay-themed Hallmark movies

Several new Hallmark and other Christmas movies celebrate LGBT relationships, according to Albert Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky. Hallmark’s movie “The Christmas House” and Hulu’s “Happiest Season” present challenges for Christian ...

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Missouri Right to Life: Prayers, Presence, Provision

2020 has indeed been an interesting year. Yet in spite of our new “normal,” our overarching aim at Missouri Right to Life has remained the same: To turn hearts and minds toward ...

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Netanyahu thanks Trump on anniversary of recognition of Jerusalem as capital

organizations attacks

Israeli leaders are celebrating the third anniversary of the recognition of Jerusalem as its capital by the Trump Administration. “President Trump, exactly three years ago, you became the first world leader to ...

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Justice Alito moves up key deadline for Pennsylvania ballot case

In a decision that has huge implications for the Pennsylvania presidential election, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito has moved up a key deadline used by the high court. The conservative justice asked officials in ...

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Astronomers predict a rare ‘Christmas star’ on December 21

christmas star

The three wise men were not the only ones who were able to see the Christmas star. Astronomers say Saturn and Jupiter will align into a bright Christmas star on December 21. ...

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Francis Collins, Christian head of NIH, encourages use of COVID-19 vaccines

collins vaccines

Francis Collins, the Christian director of the National Institutes of Health, encourages Christians to love their neighbors by getting vaccinated for COVID-19 when vaccines become available. “Here’s a great opportunity for Christians ...

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Biden makes ‘sweeping promises’ to fulfill LGBT agenda

Joe Biden has made “sweeping promises” to LGBT activists, the Associated Press is reporting. Biden plans to “carry out virtually every proposal” that LGBT activists have pushed for in recent years, Biden’s ...

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From police reform to expanded mail-in ballots, the Missouri Senate prepares for 2021 session

missouri senate

Like everyone else, the Missouri Senate is eager for 2021 to arrive. These are some of the pre-filed bills that will be addressed in the upcoming legislative session. The session will cover ...

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Churches rebrand as ‘strip clubs’ in response to CA ruling

strip clubs

If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. Two Southern California pastors rebranded their churches as strip clubs to get around stringent COVID-19 regulations San Diego Superior Court Judge Joel R. Wohlfeil said ...

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Surveillance video emerges of after-hours ballot counting in Georgia

georgia ballots

In a bombshell development surrounding alleged ballot fraud in Georgia, surveillance video was released Thursday by the company responsible for security at the State Farm Arena. The footage was released along with ...

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New partner Bahrain defends Israel against boycotts

bahrain boycotts

The historic treaties secured by the Trump administration between Israel and Arab states is already bearing fruit as Bahrain defends Israel against boycotts. Members of the press were informed by Bahrain’s Minister ...

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Prayer needed as ISIS kills Christians in Indonesia

ISIS, having been defeated in the Middle East, has slowly been moving into regions thousands of miles away from Syria and Iraq. The news has Christians calling for a world-wide prayer effort. ...

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Edward Peecher: From the Black Panthers to seeking peace on Chicago’s violent streets

black panthers

For Edward Peecher, promoting peace in Chicago’s violent streets is a long way from his days as a member of the Black Panthers. Now 70 years old, the pastor remembers what took ...

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Corrie ten Boom honored by Jewish community

ten boom

Why Corrie ten Boom is important to the Jewish and Christian communities. In Jewish culture, we believe that only very few, the most virtuous of all, have the distinction of passing through ...

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Delightful film explores Dickens as ‘The Man Who Invented Christmas’


Since its arrival, A Christmas Carol has become a holiday favorite the world over in its myriad retellings. The 2018 adaptation, The Man Who Invented Christmas, is a bit different, offering something ...

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Number of “F” grades soaring as schools close

Many people have speculated that school lockdowns are hurting students and grades, and new research backs them up. The number of students receiving “F” marks is soaring this year in the Fairfax, ...

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Missouri helps lead the way as U.S. abortion rate declines

Missouri had the second-lowest abortion rate in the nation in 2018, according to new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention The state’s abortion rate dropped by 35 percent between ...

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Rep. Rashida Tlaib retweets phrase about eliminating of Israel

Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Minnesota on Sunday retweeted a phrase that is associated with calling for the elimination of Israel. StopAntisemitism.org highlighted the tweet that Tlaib retweeted, which stated: “From the ...

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Covid restrictions causing food insecurity among Americans

As some governors re-enforce partial or total Covid lockdowns across the nation, many Americans are concerned about being able to feed their families. Food insecurity is highest in states with lockdowns and ...

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Kansans for Life questions Standridge appointment to state Supreme Court 


Kansans for Life is disappointed in Gov. Laura Kelly’s appointment of pro-abortion judge Melissa Standridge to the state Supreme Court on Monday. As a Court of Appeals judge, Standridge upheld the district ...

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Where each state stands on lockdowns and restrictions

Just in time for Christmas, state governors and local authorities are re-instituting full or partial lockdowns. The actions come as several lawsuits, claiming they are unconstitutional, wind their way through the nation’s ...

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Rush Limbaugh thankful, says doctors mum on days left from cancer

Limbaugh jesus

Talk show host Rush Limbaugh is grateful for his life despite being diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. His Christian faith gives him comfort. The veteran radio talk show host spoke to listeners ...

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Olive branch: Saudi Arabia opens airspace to Israeli airlines

saudi arabia airlines

In a major move towards normalization of relations, Saudi Arabia announced on Monday that Israeli airlines can use its airspace en route to the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. Until now, Israeli ...

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