Home / Dwight Widaman

Author Archives: Dwight Widaman

India welcomes President Trump with historic crowds

Indians were glued to their televisions and phone screens today as President Donald Trump was joined by India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi to speak before 125,000 cheering guests. The event was the ...

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Biola University opens museum of Christian nostalgia and culture


Anyone who grew up in church has fond memories of things like the old flannel graphs that were used to teach Bible lessons to kids. Biola University in Southern California recently opened ...

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Supreme Court rules in favor of Trump administration ‘public charge’ rule

public charge

The Supreme Court has voted to allow the Trump administration to enforce its “public charge” immigration rule in Illinois after previously allowing the rule to be enforced in other parts of the country. The public charge rule, which ...

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New research traces growth of Spirit-empowered Christianity


An in-depth study finds that Spirit-empowered Christianity is growing exponentially around the world and shows no signs of slowing. Oral Roberts University will hold an event on February 24 to release new ...

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Honeymoon over? Sanders has his own Russian meddling issue

He may have honeymooned in Communist Russia, but Democrat presidential candidate Bernie Sanders asserts that honeymoon is over. On Friday the socialist warned Russia to stay out of U.S. elections after The ...

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Groundbreaking black female mathematician gives credit to God


Everyone who relies on GPS to find their way around owes a debt of gratitude to 88-year-old mathematician Gladys West. For 42 years, West was employed by the U.S. Navy. As a ...

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Bernie Sanders: Pro-life Democrats need not apply            

The Democratic Party’s inclusiveness apparently doesn’t extend to pro-life voters. Bernie Sanders, a U.S. senator from Vermont who is running for the Democrat nomination, was asked in a forum, “Is there such ...

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Missouri 23rd, Kansas 37th in rankings of most “sinful” states

Let the state that is without sin cast the first stone. Missouri is the 23rd most sinful state in the nation, according to a WalletHub survey, while Kansas comes in at No. ...

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Iranian Christian faces deportation back to Iran after failing Bible quiz

iranian deportation

After missing several questions on a Bible quiz administered by a British judge, an Iranian Christian faces deportation and possible torture. The 38-year-old Christian convert’s appeal was earlier rejected because he wasn’t ...

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University of Illinois defeats anti-Israel resolution

JERUSALEM, Israel – The president of the University of Illinois Student Government (ISG) on Sunday shot down a resolution supporting the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction (BDS) resolution, to the relief of ...

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Pearl S. Buck paves way for modern missionaries


Most people who know of Pearl S. Buck remember her as the author of the 1932 Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, The Good Earth. It was assigned reading for many Baby Boomers. The book ...

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Jojo Rabbit looks at Nazi horror through a child’s innocent eyes


Childhood is a time of strong, focused passions. We find something to love—cars or Marvel, video games or sandlot baseball—and love it nearly to the point of obsession. And so it is with ...

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A break up IS hard to do, especially in the Facebook age

Moving on from a failed romantic relationship is rarely easy. Memories and passionate feelings don’t just disappear overnight, and many people go through a significant mourning period after a break up. While ...

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Missouri Catholic priest to be arraigned Thursday on multiple sexual-abuse charges

priest catholic

A retired Catholic priest from southern Missouri will be arraigned on Thursday on four sex-related felonies involving minors. Frederick Joseph Lutz, 76, was arrested Wednesday in Springfield, where he now lives. Russell ...

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California farmers get help from President in fight over water

California farmers have received relief in their decades-long battle with California Democrats and the Obama administration over the fight for water. President Donald Trump on Feb. 19 signed a memorandum to develop and deliver more ...

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Technology developed locally helps coronavirus patients return home for treatment

Innovative technology from a Kansas City company has enabled 14 U.S. citizens who tested positive for coronavirus to receive treatment back home in the United States. Flight-ready containerized biocontainment systems (CBCS) from ...

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Trail Life USA explains policies in light of Boy Scouts filing bankruptcy

boy scouts bankruptcy

A Christian youth organization has expressed its regret over this week’s news that the Boy Scouts of America has declared bankruptcy in the face of sex-abuse lawsuits. “Trail Life USA, a Christian ...

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Kobach opens huge lead over nearest rivals for U.S. Senate in Kansas

kobach kansas ix

A new poll shows Kris Kobach has opened a wide lead in the Kansas Republican primary for U.S. Senate. The November election will replace retiring Senator Pat Roberts. Kobach, who is the ...

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Video shows duration and strength of 2011 Japan earthquake and tsunami

japan tsunami

March will mark nine years since the horrific earthquake and ensuing tsunami that struck Japan.  The country is steel feeling the effects of the disaster. The Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011 ...

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American life expectancy is on the rise for first time since 2014

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently announced that Americans’ life expectancy rose for the first time since 2014. Two of the main reasons were declines in the number of ...

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China concedes as it ends tariffs on almost 700 US products

China is following through on concessions it made to demands by the Trump administration to lower tariffs on American-made goods. China will grant exemptions on tariffs imposed against 696 U.S. goods, the ...

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Los Angeles Angels manager uses influence to help those less fortunate


Across the nation baseball teams are in training camp. While the number of wins is always at the top of their priorities, many players and managers view the upcoming season as an ...

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Boy Scouts file for bankruptcy because of sex abuse claims

The Boy Scouts of America on Tuesday filed for bankruptcy protection because of numerous sex abuse lawsuits. The Chapter 11 filing in federal bankruptcy court in Wilmington, Del. sets in motion what ...

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Bill in Missouri Legislature would redefine marriage as a civil union

A Missouri state representative is drawing fire from both sides of the political spectrum over his bill that would change the legal definition of marriage to that of a civil union. Supporters ...

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Former presidents share their thoughts on the central role of faith

presidents faith

As the nation pauses for Presidents Day, it’s a good time to look at past presidents and their thoughts on the importance of faith. “While we are zealously performing the duties of ...

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