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Author Archives: Dwight Widaman

Birthright International Celebrates 50 Years

birthright international

At the annual convention of Birthright in June Birthright International received the “Legacy Award” from Heartbeat International, commemorating 50 years of Birthright and recognizing Birthright International as the first pregnancy center in ...

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Couple discovers they’re not alone with Advice & Aid

alone advice & aid

Stories like the following are what motivate us and keep us in this fight for precious lives. Not only do we get to see a child’s life saved, but we also catch ...

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Fox4 News helps church get hot tub baptistry repaired

church hot tub

After a Buckner church was left high and dry after a hot tub repairman absconded with a broken part and money, a Kansas City TV station has stepped in to help. “It’s ...

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Outcry forces YouTube to repost video they censored

A world-wide outcry has forced YouTube to repost an undercover video on Monday that exposed a Planned Parenthood employee advising sex traffickers on where to take underage girls for abortions and to lie about ...

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Justice Ginsburg misses another week, work starts on replacement

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg missed oral arguments again this week, as the Supreme Court entered its second week short of a full complement on the bench. Ginsburg’s absence was previously ...

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Network 2018 news coverage of Trump administration 90% negative; yet his approval ratings improve

Coverage of Donald Trump’s presidency on the three major TV networks—ABC, CBS, and NBC—was overwhelmingly negative in 2018, just as it was a year earlier, according to a study conducted by the Media ...

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Israel to assist in scanning river for Holocaust victims

For the first time since the end of WWII, a search is beginning for Jews killed and thrown into the Danube River in Hungary. The move is at the behest of Interior ...

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DNC drops Women’s March over anti-Semitism

women's march anti-semitism

The Democratic National Committee has dropped its partnership in the Women’s March over anti-Semitism concerns, according to a Democratic source. This development comes amid accusations of anti-Semitism within the movement’s leadership, causing ...

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Strange weather may bring Jerusalem snowstorm Wednesday

A rare winter snowstorm is expected to hit Jerusalem Wednesday, weather forecasters said, prompting the municipality to launch snow emergency preparations. “The Jerusalem municipality is completing its preparations for the possibility of ...

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Top TV news bloopers of 2018

tv news bloopers

It was a busy 2018 for news. Hurricanes, migrant caravans, terrorist plots and…TV news bloopers. While national TV anchors remain some of the most unpopular and least trusted people on the face ...

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Could weekend Kansas City snowstorm delay AFC game?

Kansas City snowstorm

Local meteorologists aren’t wasting any time in warning of a major winter storm striking Kansas and Missouri this Friday into Saturday. The storm will have significant impact on the Chief’s Sunday game. ...

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Evangelical leader sends letter to President on immigration and border

immigration and border

Many in the faith community strongly support President Trump’s immigration and border efforts to stem the deadly flow of addictive and poisonous drugs into the nation, and to curtail the infiltration of ...

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Netflix raising prices in biggest increase ever

Enjoy Netflix? It’s gonna cost you more. The streaming giant is increasing prices for customer anywhere from 13 percent to 18 percent. It will be the biggest jump in prices since the ...

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McCaskill lands lucrative gig as MSNBC ‘analyst’

During the campaign for Missouri Senator, Claire McCaskill modeled herself as a middle-of-the-road centrist, for which finding common ground was her only goal. She repeatedly told voters she was a moderate who ...

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Vast majority of millennials support abortion limits

A new poll finds that, in spite of a pro-abortion message pushed in pop culture, most millennials support restrictions for abortion. “Millennials have lived with the harsh realities of abortion all their ...

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Mom supports drag queen 10-year-old son’s photo with nude man

drag queen

A mother is receiving harsh criticism for allowing her 10-year-old son to appear in Huck Magazine posing next to a naked drag queen.  The boy, Nemis Quinn Mélançon-Golden,  as dressed in drag for the ...

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Will weekend bring another snowstorm?

After a snowstorm that local meteorologists seemingly missed, residents are asking “What’s the real deal with two systems sweeping by the region this week?” The Friday and Saturday storm that left a ...

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Pompeo Middle East policy sharp contrast to Obama’s

CAIRO, Egypt – The US military is starting its pullout from Syria, announcing Friday that the process to bring home roughly 2,000 troops is now underway. This comes just one day after ...

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Shirley Boone dies, Pat says ‘change of address’

Shirley Boone, the longtime wife of singer Pat Boone, dedicated Christian as well as a philanthropist, has died. She was 84. She passed away on Jan. 11, surrounded by her four daughters, ...

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Ozark will move cross after pressure from out-of-state group


Ozark, Missouri is bowing to pressure from a group that regularly sues local governments and will move a cross from a public park. Under pressure from the Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation, ...

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Stay fit even with a winter storm outside!

Staying fit in winter? It’s nice to snuggle up in those flannel PJs, wrap yourself in your favorite thermal quilt, pop some popcorn, watch old movies by a flickering, warm fire, and ...

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Snow totals may reach 10-12 inches across area today

More snow is on the way today. The National Weather Service says portions of Kansas City received over seven inches of snow overnight with a widespread 4 to 8 inches falling across ...

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Businesses use poster to join fight against human trafficking

You most likely didn’t know it, but Friday was dedicated to saving people from human trafficking.  Though the day was observed as Human Trafficking Awareness Day, the entire month of January is ...

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CBS News deletes ‘fact check’ on rape after it proved Trump point

cos fact check

On Jan. 9, CBS News updated an article it published a few hours prior, deleting a “fact check” of one of President Donald Trump’s claims made during the speech he gave the ...

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Winter Storm Warning issued for Kansas City area


The spring weather the greater Kansas City area has been experiencing the last few weeks was bound to come to an end. A winter storm warning has been issued for the area ...

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