Home / Dwight Widaman

Author Archives: Dwight Widaman

Kavanaugh rape accuser now admits she lied, says it was a ploy

A women who accused Judge Brett Kavanaugh of raping her, and sent her allegations to Democrats touching off a lengthy investigation has admitted she lied. Judy Munro-Leighton’s admissions came during questioning by ...

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Chelsea Clinton says it’s “un-Christian” to oppose abortion

“It’s un-Christian” to oppose the abortion of unborn children, former First Daughter Chelsea Clinton declared this week at a SiriusXM Town Hall. Discussing the threat to the Roe v. Wadedecision legalizing abortion ...

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VOTERS GUIDE: McCaskill vs. Hawley and the truth over pre-existing conditions

As Missouri voters head to the polls Nov. 6, the Republican majority in the U.S. Senate could come down to Missouri as Democrats desperately try to hold the seat. President Trump made ...

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1 in 10 migrants in Caravan have violent criminal records

More than 270 members of the first migrant caravans currently heading north through Central America and Mexico toward the United States have confirmed criminal histories, including known gang membership. The caravan has ...

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Church cleaning up after Halloween trashing


Whether a Halloween prank or act of hate, the pain of a trashed church is still the same. Glory land Missionary Baptist Church fell victim to the incident which left substantial damage ...

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The new KCI airport will cost more to finance

airport-kci-kansas-city air travel

Kansas City’s new airport will cost a little more than expected On Thursday, the city council got an update on the project and the new price tag. But the increased isn’t building ...

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VP Pence back in town today

Vice President Mike Pence returns to Kansas City on Friday to attend a campaign rally for Republican candidates involved in some of the nation’s most heated races. A full house is expected ...

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When people hate Jews, they hate who Jesus is

On the Jewish Sabbath last week, an anti-Semitic terrorist filled with hate murdered eleven worshippers within Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life Synagogue. It is being called the deadliest attack on Jewish people in ...

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When Biblical honesty offends


We are at a stage in society where trying to avoid saying something that offends has reached a point that now people get attacked for speaking the truth. Here are quotes that ...

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4 Bible films top this month’s family-friendly spotlight


In our monthly series, “5 Family-Friendly Things,” we continue to spotlight five family-friendly entertainment choices on film, DVDs, streaming or television. Here’s our spotlight for November. Bible movies are a favorite in ...

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Prayers answered as Asia Bibi escapes death sentence

answered bibi canada

Christians around the world are celebrating answered prayers for the release this week of Asia Bibi. The Christian mother was just acquitted by a Pakistani court after eight years on death row ...

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Wonderful ‘Wonder’ leads November’s streaming lineup

Teaching children not to bully is a part of good parenting, but sometimes, it helps to have a good book or movie to make the case. Such is the case with Wonder. ...

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Poll: Americans blame media for divided country

A new poll from Morning Consult shows that more voters blame the media for a divided country than voters the political parties or President Trump: 64 percent of registered voters said the ...

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Even with concerns Kansans will support Watkins for Congress


In part two of our Voter Guide series Metro Voice again looks at Kansas elections and carptebaggers. In this article we investigate Steve Watkins running for the 2nd District Congressional seat and what ...

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City Union Mission needs help with Christmas store effort

christmas store

City Union Mission is preparing their big Christmas outreach program. The ministry’s Christmas Store will open on Monday, November 26, at 9 a.m. for shelter guests, residents of their programs and income-qualified ...

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Iranian who fled persecution raises $1 million for synagogue

A man who fled political persecution in Iran and now lives in the US is about to donate $1 million to the victims of the Tree of Life Synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh, ...

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Kansas City joins cities across nation where suspicious man attempts access to airports

Airports across the area continue be be on alert after a man being monitored by the Transportation Security Administration was spotted in the Kansas City metro area asking questions at a local ...

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Atonement Lutheran Church to host Thanksgiving

Even with a robust economy there are still individuals in our community who need help. Maybe they don’t have a meal for thanksgiving or maybe they’re just lonely. Atonement Lutheran Church hopes ...

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How the Kansas City Star helped Sharice Davids in Kansas politics

One of the beauties of being involved in politics in smaller media markets is that a wider variety of people can become involved on relatively small budgets. Other benefits are obvious. Candidates ...

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Why Steve West must not win the 15th District


We’ve all seen the ballots where a candidate has none or weak opposition in a political race. Missouri as well as Clay County’s Republican leadership failed their Missouri voters in general and Republican ...

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School computer science gets boost from Gov. Parson


Missouri Gov. Mike Parson has signed a bill to allow high schoolers to apply a computer science credit toward math, science or practical art credits needed for graduation. Parson signed the bill ...

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Infamous waterslide demolition underway at Schlitterbahn

Crews today are continuing the demolition of a giant waterslide that a 10-year-old Kansas boy was riding when he was decapitated two years ago. The destruction of the 17-story Verruckt, which was ...

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Earthquake in Southern Missouri not the ‘Big One’

one kansas earthquake

It wasn’t the “big one” but residents are still cleaning up after a 2.3 magnitude earthquake struck just north of Centerville, Missouri, Sunday evening the Missouri Geological Survey reports. Centerville is about two ...

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Faith leaders offer ‘blessing’ for new abortion clinic

Billed as an “interfaith gathering,” the Ohio Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice dedicated a new abortion clinic in Cleveland, Ohio Monday by having a United Church of Christ minister on hand give ...

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Policy on 300,000 yearly anchor babies under scrutiny


Should the United States continue to allow the practice of people traveling here, either illegally or legally, just for the purpose of having a child so that child automatically becomes a citizen? ...

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