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Most UFOs have spiritual, not extraterrestrial explanation, ministry leader says

Many people, even Christians, believe that aliens are visiting the earth in unidentified flying objects. These beliefs about extraterrestrial phenomena are nothing new, said Jason Jimenez, who leads Stand Strong Ministries and ...

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Franklin Graham preaches to large crowd in South Korea on anniversary of father’s historic visit

graham south korea

A half-century ago, Billy Graham led a powerful outreach in Seoul, South Korea. Last weekend, his son Franklin did the same. A crowd of about 70,000 people overflowed the Seoul World Cup ...

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Poll: virtual worship satisfying, but most people want in-person

At the height of the pandemic, many Americans who attended in-person worship services turned to their digital devices and their couches instead for virtual viewing. Now, the Pew Research Center finds a ...

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The cross: America’s only hope in a spiritual battle

If you take a few minutes to read any local or national news, you will find tragic stories. They often surround a person or group of people making poor moral choices that ...

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Dr. Charles Stanley leaves legacy of inspiring words

charles stanley words

Dr. Charles Stanley will long be remembered for his words that both encouraged and challenged Christians. These are some of his most memorable quotes. “Obey God and leave all the consequences to ...

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2033 Commitment sets goal to fulfill Great Commission in next decade

great commission

Ministry organizations and church leaders from a broad segment of the global church are uniting around the “2033 Commitment: A Call to the Global Church for a Decade of Great Commission Effort.” ...

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Episcopal bishop of Missouri bans Christian celebration of Jewish seder

The Passover seder is an increasingly popular way for Christians to connect with their well-established Jewish heritage. Episcopalians in Missouri, however, did not share in the practice this year but not everyone ...

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Jesus our Messiah and the ancient Jewish calendar

As we enter into the Passover-Easter season, we can learn a lot by looking at the Jewish calendar and Holy Days that God gave to His people. They are filled with prophetic ...

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Christians around the world pause to mark Holy Week before Easter

holy week palm sunday

Holy Week, from Palm Sunday through Easter, is a sacred time for Christians around the world, with each day leading up to Sunday having special significance. Protestant, Catholic and Orthodox churches remember ...

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Jews returning to Israel fulfills biblical prophecies, leader says

Jews from around the world are fulfilling biblical prophecy by returning to Israel. “It’s very monumental to see how this organization that my father dreamed about, that people said would never happen, ...

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Israel bill against evangelizing sparks widespread opposition

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is rejecting a proposed law that would criminalize sharing the Gospel in Israel. The bill, supported by members of the ultra-Orthodox United Torah Judaism party, would punish ...

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Lent is season for celebration, not just self-denial

Although Ash Wednesday marked the first day of Lent, many Protestants consider it to be primarily a Catholic season. The commemoration, however, is finding growing popularity among Protestants looking to bring a ...

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Baptism of hundreds of Indiana inmates upsets atheists

atheists inmates

After hundreds of inmates gave their lives to Christ and were baptized while in sheriff’s custody, atheists are trying to shut it down. The Sheriff’s office is “[pushing] Christianity onto inmates” according ...

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In a high-tech world, adults prefer printed Bibles

Although the popularity of online Bibles has grown in the digital age, most adults still prefer the old-fashioned paper version. A report by the American Bible Society found that nearly two-thirds of Bible users ...

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Daring new program disciples Afghan Christians

A new program aims to reach Afghan Christians who are forced to conceal their faith. In November SAT-7’s Persian-language channel launched a new social media initiative, Church4Afghanistan, comprised of a new brand ...

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Scripture teaches timeless truths that are relevant today, author David Limbaugh says

David Limbaugh, brother of the late Rush Limbaugh, is continually amazed as he studies the Bible. “Every time you read scripture, you may read it in a different context,” he says. ” ...

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Actress Dolores Hart gave Elvis his first on-screen kiss, then became a nun in real life


It’s one of those fascinating and intriguing factoids of Hollywood history and pop culture that the woman who gave Elvis Presley his first onscreen kiss actually became a nun – a Benedictine ...

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Queen Elizabeth, Billy Graham enjoyed friendship that stood the test of time

billy queen

After the death of Queen Elizabeth II, stories continue to come out not only about her strong faith but her close relationship with evangelist Billy Graham. “Her heart for service brought her ...

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Extra shot of prayer: Starbucks barista offers hope in drive-through

starbucks prayer

Although Starbucks is not known for promoting faith, an Arkansas woman recently was moved to see a barista serve up some prayer to a customer. Tanya Hinsley was waiting in the Starbucks drive-thru ...

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The Great Recital: Seven people will recite entire New Testament from memory this week

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Seven people are teaming up to recite the entire New Testament from memory, beginning on Tuesday. Tom Meyer, a professor of Bible studies from northern Kentucky, had the idea of bringing people ...

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Dallas Jenkins says Jesus would have used social media

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Jesus would have used social media to spread his message, the creator of “The Chosen” claims. “I do believe that Jesus would’ve used tools of the day to communicate,” Dallas Jenkins stated ...

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“God’s Smuggler,” Brother Andrew dies at 94

Brother Andrew, famously known as “God’s Smuggler,” has died at the age of 94 at his home in the Netherlands, according to a family spokesperson. Born Anne Van der Bijl, the defender ...

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Prayer notes left at Western Wall collected for burial today

western prayer

Today the prayer notes left at the Western Wall in Jerusalem are being collected. They do this twice a year. Each little note, including those left by people on our yearly tours ...

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More revealing quotes from the Queen on Jesus, faith

As Queen Elizabeth is laid to rest, more quotes and stories from her life are being remembered. Not only did she serve her nation as Queen but she also held the title ...

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One of Wahlberg brothers found his faith while locked in prison

While Mark and Donnie Wahlberg achieved great success in music and film, their brother Jim took a darker path that led to prison. “I lived a rough-and-tumble life,” he said. “I was ...

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