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Next Generation

Kirk Cameron and his ‘100-day plan’ videos point millions towards God

100-days plan

At the beginning of 2021, outspoken Christian, actor, and producer Kirk Cameron announced his 100-day plan called “American Campfire Revival,” where he prays for the restoration of our country. Cameron’s plan came ...

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Data reveals gender gap in nonreligious Americans

One of the most consequential stories in American religion in recent years is the rapid and seemingly unceasing rise of “nones” – those who respond to questions about their nonreligious affiliation by ...

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Chelsea Clinton claims at age of 6 she left church over abortion

Comments made by Chelsea Clinton are being questioned after she claimed she left the Baptist church at the age of six because it opposed abortion. Controversial statements are not uncommon for Clinton, ...

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Fore-edge paintings reveal hidden world on books

A “fore-edge painting” is a design or painting that seems to magically appear on the “fore-edge” of a book. The artwork can only be seen when the pages are fanned, as seen ...

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‘Jesus the game changer’ – Amazing testimonies of changed lives

game changer

“Jesus the Game changer: To the Ends of the Earth” is the title of the second series of an award-winning documentary by Olive Tree Media. It examines how the Gospel has traveled ...

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Ministry brings hope to Russians like Nadia, who lost her son in terrorist attack

nadia soviet

Nadia will never forget the day terrorists stormed a local school in her hometown and took nearly 1,200 children and adults hostage. When the siege in Beslan, Russia, ended two days later ...

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Open Doors shelters Colombian boy who turned down guerrilla gang


Timóteo’s family found Jesus, and converted from the beliefs of their tribe in Colombia. That made them targets for persecution – and made  11-year-old Timóteo a target for guerrilla gangs. You’re 11 ...

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Legacy of Reinhard Bonnke: Ministry passes 80 million salvations

When Reinhard Bonnke moved his family to the tiny Kingdom of Lesotho on the southern tip of Africa in 1967, he often struggled with small evangelistic meetings and meager results. Today, more ...

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Pastor once held in Turkish prison tells U.S. Christians to prepare for persecution

Christians in the United States can expect persecution to come in the near future, says Pastor Andrew Brunson who was unjustly locked up in a Turkish prison for two years Brunson, 52, ...

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Clemson Coach Swinney gives teenager biblical advice for life


Dabo Swinney, who coaches one of the top college football programs in the nation at Clemson University, has always been bold about sharing his faith. On a radio show earlier this week, ...

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Lack of biblical knowledge threatens the church and young people

A lack of biblical literacy is one of the greatest threats to the church and young people, an evangelical says. “Beyond all theological differences, financial problems and political questions, our biggest problem ...

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Astronaut Victor Glover takes bible and faith onboard SpaceX

Astronaut Victor Glover journeyed on a SpaceX rocket this week for a six-month stint in outer space, saying his Christian faith will help him throughout this huge assignment. Glover recently discussed his ...

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Bible Gateway sponsoring free online Bible study with David Jeremiah

2020 has been packed with anxiety-producing challenges and hardships from the COVID-19 pandemic, social unrest, and more; and it’s not over yet. Bible Gateway, the most visited Christian website in the world, ...

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Church attendance has dropped during pandemic, according to ‘2020 State of the Bible’ report

The ongoing pandemic and limits on group size has taken a toll on church attendance, a study by the American Bible Society and the Barna Group found. According to the “2020 State of ...

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‘I felt God that day,’ says prodigal Josh Colwell of the moment his life changed

During his developmental years, Josh Colwell fell into alcoholism, crystal methamphetamine addiction, and gang life, which involved more than a decade as a member of a motorcycle “club.” “We called it a ...

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It took a pandemic to change my perspective

Author and Emmy Award nominated Craig Syracusa writes about how the pandemic has changed the perspective of many people, including him. Syracusa hosts the TV show “Walk in Faith” and was recognized ...

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Dodger pitcher Clayton Kershaw gives glory to God for World Series championship

Clayton Kershaw of the Los Angeles Dodgers has long been one of the best pitchers in Major League Baseball, but a World Series championship has always eluded him – until this year. ...

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John Woolman: The conscientious Quaker who paved the way for abolition


This week marks the 300th anniversary of the birth of John Woolman, a humanitarian who played a central role in the abolition of slavery. I regard him as a John the Baptist ...

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Sean Fuecht and ‘Let Us Worship’ event coming to Kansas City

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Kansas City will host the “Let Us Worship” event with Sean Fuecht Saturday, October 17, from 5-8 p.m., at Mill Creek Park at the entry-way to the Plaza. In his own words, ...

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Political conservatives and moderates more likely than liberals to pray

More than 160 million adult Americans pray each week, according to a new survey by the non-partisan Presidential Prayer team. In the general public, nearly half of all adults claims to pray ...

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Milestone: Complete Bible now available in more than 700 languages

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The entire Bible now has been translated into more than 700 languages, with more than 5.7 billion people having both the Old and New Testaments available in their native tongues. “Every time ...

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‘God showing up’ – Youth For Christ replaces loneliness with hope in juvenile detention centers

youth for christ

“I was totally lost, really hopeless and ashamed of what I was doing with my life. I was in a hopeless spot at a time where I didn’t really care what happened ...

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Prayer echoes through Washington as march and rally fills National Mall

Thousands of Christians from across the nation gathered for prayer and rally at the National Mall in Washington D.C. on Saturday. Estimates put the number at anywhere between 10,000 and 20,000 people. ...

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Kansas City Awakening March to coincide with Franklin Graham march in Washington

“Join your Christian brothers and sisters to cry out for God to bring a spiritual awakening in our city, nation, and the world!” is the call of Bishop John Birmingham. Birmingham and ...

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Old Testament practice of gleaning still helps feed the hungry


The Old Testament practice of allowing gleaning of harvested fields was used to take care of the poor. It has become more common during the Covid pandemic, even as it eases across ...

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