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Next Generation

See You at the Pole this week

see you at the pole

This year’s ‘See You at the Pole’ prayer rally is set for Wednesday, Sept. 25. It’s an event organized and led by students around the world. According to the SYATP organization’s website, it’s just ...

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Students defy prayer ban, recite a pre-game ‘Lord’s Prayer’

The Christian student population at an Alabama high school is fighting back against an atheist group after complaints were made about a pre-game prayer amplified through a loudspeaker. The notorious anti-faith group, ...

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Orange Tour stop in KC will encourage church leaders, volunteers and parents

orange tour

A national one-day training event for church leaders, volunteers, and parents makes a stop in Kansas City in October.  The Orange Tour outlines a comprehensive strategy from preschool to adulthood for influencing the faith ...

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FCA’s Fields of Faith set for October 9 at nation’s high schools


Hundreds of thousands of high school athletes are taking a stand for Christ as the new school year kicks off. Nearly 250,000 students, coaches and community members are expected to come together ...

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Faith fuels success of Chiefs’ quarterback Patrick Mahomes

It’s hard to turn on the television, pick up a newspaper or even buy cereal these days without seeing the smiling face of Patrick Mahomes. The personable 23-year-old quarterback has been in ...

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Contrary to what you’ve heard, millennials are becoming MORE religious

I thought the subject of this article might grab your attention because it is not what we are generally hearing about millennials and Generation Z these days. For example, the Wall Street ...

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One in five Dutch churches converted to secular spaces

As fewer and fewer people follow the Christian faith in the Netherlands, a new study shows that one fifth of all churches there have been converted into libraries, apartments, offices, and other ...

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Internet preachers like Marcus Rogers are drawing millions online


As those under the age of 35 increasingly avoid brick-and-mortar churches, they are logging in to listen to online preachers who unashamedly share Jesus and Biblical truths through social media. One of ...

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Huge monument will celebrate answered prayer in England

answered prayer

A British man has found a unique way to commemorate answered prayer and the Christian heritage of England. The Wall of Answered Prayer is a extremely large monument and piece of public art ...

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Nigerian girl refused to renounce Jesus, became slave for life


Until this week, Rebecca Sharibu never set foot outside of her Nigerian village. Helpless and heartbroken, she boarded a plane for the very first time and traveled 9,000 miles to the United ...

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Commencement speech faith remarks by Christian school board member defended by Muslims

A Wisconsin school board member is being supported by Christians and Muslims after he was criticized for mentioning his faith during a high school commencement speech. Alvin Dupree is a school board ...

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‘Serving others’ more difficult for church-goers

serving others

Everyone is busy. We seem to live in an age where “activities” fill our time. Like most people, Christians often admit having a hard time serving others. This despite it being a ...

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New book explores unique spiritual history of Kansas City

spiritual history

Have you ever wondered about the spiritual destiny of cities? Kansas City has a unique spiritual history. A new book, The Spiritual Roots of Kansas City: Discovering the Past to Shape Our Future, ...

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War-weary Syrians eager to get Bibles on front lines

As conflict continues to rage in Syria, whether it be from the civil war or the battle against the remaining factions of ISIS, Christians are on the front lines bringing God’s word ...

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Christian student takes school to Supreme Court for forced Islamic prayer

Can a public school force a Christian student to recite an Islamic prayer of conversion and say there is  “No God, but Allah?” A Maryland school is defending its actions at the ...

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Christian satellite network Daystar’s Jerusalem offices firebombed

The Jerusalem studio of Daystar, one of the largest Christian TV networks in the world, was firebombed over the weekend. The attack destroyed Daystar’s new studio which overlooks the Old City from ...

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Winning people over in a polarized culture

Today’s polarized political climate mirrors another growing gap in America: the dramatic rise of people who claim no religion at all, also known as “nones.” This demographic is most common among young ...

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University of Colorado may not force Bible club to hire atheist leader

A Christian Bible club at the University of Colorado-Colorado Springs will not be forced to hire an atheist to lead teachings. The university has been forced to make policy changes in order ...

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Oral storytelling still important in spreading the Gospel

Conversation, social interaction, storytelling and repetition are all important factors in memory enhancement.  In fact, research has shown that storytelling and engaging conversations are some of the best ways of activating the ...

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Volleyball discipleship has FCA coaches and players ‘digging deep’


Growing up excelling in volleyball, Sierra Crook had a nagging concern as a college player—that the sport’s culture communicated to coaches and athletes that they were only as valuable as how well ...

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Iranian intelligence minister admits citizens finding Christ

For over a decade, news of Iranians coming to Christ has leaked out of Iran.  For the first time, Iran’s intelligence minister has admitted publicly that Christianity is indeed spreading throughout Iran. ...

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Franklin Graham brings message of hope to Venezuelan refugees

Colombian citizens and Venezuelan refugees gathered at a soccer stadium in Cúcuta, Colombia, at the border of Venezuela, to hear Franklin Graham share the message of salvation over two nights this Easter ...

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Why a new generation needs the Apostles’ Creed

Ours is an age of mass spiritual confusion. Our culture became increasingly secularized and pervasively confused in recent years. A progressive revolution blurred the lines between reality and fiction. Entire Christian denominations ...

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Some doubt wisdom of teaching the Bible in schools

A movement to start Bible classes in public schools is gaining ground. Seven states already recognize these classes and six more could soon follow. The legislators and organizations behind this latest effort ...

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Millennial Christians not fond of evangelism

If the future of spreading the Gospel is in the hands of millennial Christians, evangelism in America is at risk. Barna research reveals in a new study that about half of younger ...

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