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President Trump takes pro-life cause personally, confronts Senator Coons

In a gathering which observers say showed Donald Trump’s deeply emotional response to the pro-life cause, the president met with an abortion survivor and a child who was born after just 20 ...

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Times Square screens to be blasted with ultrasounds

ultrasound times square

In a bold move, New York’s Times Square monitors screens will be blasted by live ultrasounds thanks to Focus on the Family. Focus on the Family announced the May 4 event for ...

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Letter from George Washington credits God for Constitution

letter god

In an age when secularists try to remove God from the public square and deny the role faith played in our founding, a letter is revealing just how much credit those founders ...

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Democrat Schiff met secretly with key witness in Russia investigation

The top Democrat investigating President Donald Trump has been outed for having a possibly illegal meeting with a key witness and keeping the clandestine association secret. Trump on Feb. 8 spotlighted a ...

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This is what two Congressmen prayed over Trump at the prayer breakfast

At Thursday’s National Prayer Breakfast (See our Facebook page for the video) in Washington, event co-chairs Sen. James Lankford (R-OK) and Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) joined together in a rare moment of ...

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Trump’s approval rating at end of second year is 49%; same as Obama’s

Despite what many in the media are reporting, President Donald Trump is not an unpopular President. The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday, February 7, shows that 49% of likely ...

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Teacher may lose job after false Covington tweet

A superintendent has recommended the firing of a middle-school teacher accused of posting a series of erroneous and disparaging comments on social media. The comments were directed against a teen she misidentified as being ...

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Democrat committee chair omits ‘So help me God’ from oath

The House Judiciary Committee convened a hearing on “gun violence prevention” Wednesday morning, but the proceedings hit a snag when Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) omitted the phrase “So help me God” as ...

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Who are the 13 guests at the President’s State of the Union?

state of the union

The White House has named the guests who will be sitting with the First Lady during President Donald Trump’s second State of the Union address on Tuesday, Feb. 5. The theme of ...

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Warren apologies to Cherokee Nation over DNA stunt

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) has apologized to Cherokee Nation—the largest federally recognized tribal enterprise in the country—for taking a DNA test to prove her alleged Native American ancestry, only for the results to ...

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Democrats will keep ‘God’ in oath after protests

The Democrat-controlled House Natural Resources Committee will not remove “so help you God” from the oath taken, reversing course on a proposed rules draft that would have done so. News outlets reported ...

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ANTIFA leader arrested for assault of marines, terrorism

The leader of the Washington D.C. chapter of the violent pro-communist group Antifa has been arrested on 17 charges stemming from an attack on two Marines. Joseph “Jose” Alcoff faces charges that ...

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British paper apologizes, pays huge settlement to Melania Trump

A British newspaper issued an apology to First Lady Melania Trump, wife of President Donald Trump, after admitting it published an article that “contained a number of false statements.” The Telegraph removed ...

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Trump announces deal to end government shutdown

  President Donald Trump has announced a short-term deal to reopen the government for three weeks while negotiations continue over the president’s demands for money to build his long-promised wall at the ...

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Pelosi letter says House will not authorize SOTU until government reopens; Trump responds

With House speaker Nancy Pelosi suggesting to the President he was not welcome on the House floor to give the State of the Union due to security reasons while the government is ...

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New York legalizes abortion up until birth

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has signed into law a measure that allows mothers to abort their unborn child up until birth. He then celebrated the signing by directing the spire of ...

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Video: Catholic students defend selves after receiving death threats


The Catholic students who were falsely accused of targeting a Native American demonstrator in Washington, DC have faced a massive wave of extremist, left-wing attacks. The mob of ranting, unhinged social media ...

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Rep. Joni Ernst wants travel ban until Congress passes budget

travel ban congress

After House Majority leader Nancy Pelosi, her six Democrat colleagues in Congress and 86 of their family members were prevented by President Trump from flying out of the country on a  a ...

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Mueller team refutes Buzzfeed false news on investigation

Buzzfeed News has again been exposed for faking news concerning allegations against President Trump. In a highly unusual step, Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team is refuting the Buzzfeed report that Trump’s ex-attorney ...

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March for Life in Washington showcases progress

march for life

The nation’s capitol filled will pro-life individuals from across the nation Friday as the National March for Life got under way. While not getting the wall-to-wall coverage of the “women’s march”, the ...

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President Trump’s letter to Pelosi canceling her trip

President Trump today sent a letter to House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi an hour before she was scheduled to depart the country on an overseas junket. The delegation included friends, family and ...

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Grounded: Trump has postponed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s upcoming foreign trip

President Donald Trump is postponing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s “seven-day excursion” to Egypt, Afghanistan and Brussels that was scheduled to leave today. President Trump wrote a letter to Pelosi this morning informing ...

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“Miracle on the Hudson” survivor remembers day that changed her forever

hudson survivor

It is hard to believe but it has been ten years since Captain Chesley “Sully” Sullenbergersuccessfully landed a malfunctioning U.S. Airways flight on the bitter cold waters of the Hudson River in January ...

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Coalition forms to force Democrats to fund border wall

On a cold January morning outside the Capitol, a coalition of groups that support Trump had an even colder message for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) over ...

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Terrorist attack against White House prevented

terrorist attack, white house

Federal investigators announced this evening that a joint terrorism task force, led by the FBI, arrested Hasher Jallal Taheb, 21, after an investigation showed he planned an imminent terrorist attack against the ...

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