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Israel responds after Hamas fires rockets at Jerusalem

The Israeli army reports that the chief of staff has called in troop reinforcements in the country’s south, as tensions continue to rise, despite international calls for a ceasefire. Israeli Defense Minister ...

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Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church ordains first women pastors

saddleback women

Saddleback Church, the California-based megachurch founded by Pastor Rick Warren, continues to get criticism and praise for ordaining their first three women pastors. The church, affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention, announced ...

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Washington State mandates Critical Race Theory in K-12 schools

Washington State has become one of the first states to actually mandate the teaching of the controversial Critical Race Theory in public schools. Supporters of the bill contend it would help educators ...

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Prison Fellowship distributes 100,000 Bibles to inmates

bibles prison prisoners

Prison Fellowship has distributed 100,000 Bibles to prison inmates during the pandemic. “During a time when prisons had shut down and incarcerated men and women had to go without visitations or programming, ...

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Bill providing tax credits for private school scholarships passes Missouri legislature

tax credits

The Missouri Legislature has passed a bill that would allow donors to receive tax credits for donations to students to attend private K-12 schools in the state. The bill is awaiting Gov. ...

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USA Today writer wants Dallas Cowboys to ban Promise Keepers

The sports section of “USA Today” is at it again. In March, a columnist called for Oral Roberts University to be banned from the NCAA basketball tournament because of its Christian beliefs. ...

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Gold medalist Jenner against biological boys competing against girls

jenner girls

Caitlyn Jenner, who is both an Olympic champion and transgender, has come out against allowing biological boys to compete in girls sports. Jenner, who formerly was identified by the name Bruce, was ...

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Missouri nurse attacked in New York returns home

new york nurse

A young nurse from St. Louis traveled to New York this week to be a Good Samaritan. Instead, she ended up being an assault victim. Taylor Dowling, who was planning on joining ...

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Voters declare Lubbock, Texas, a sanctuary city for the unborn

A number of liberal cities have identified themselves as sanctuaries for illegal immigrants. Now a Texas city had declared itself a sanctuary city for the unborn. In a referendum Saturday, a supermajority ...

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Several Missouri Democrats considering run for Blunt Senate seat

maddow senate missouri

Many people assume that the winner of next year’s Missouri Republican primary will go on to be the next senator. Democrats are hopeful, however, even in the face of polls that show ...

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British politician Nick Clegg is driving Facebook bans of speech

Nick Clegg, former British deputy prime minister and chair of the antisemitic left-leaning Liberal Democrats party in the UK, is partly behind Facebook’s crackdown on free speech. Clegg has been fingered as ...

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Transplanting scalps of aborted babies onto rodents raises ethical concerns

A new video has exposed a disturbing experiment in which scientists were taking the scalps of aborted babies at 20 weeks and implanting them onto rodents. The videos and photos show the ...

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In videos, Franklin Graham and daughter explore why Israel matters

graham israel

In a new video series, viewers can travel across Israel with Franklin Graham and his daughter Cissie as they explore why Israel matters. Israel is a small country, about the size of ...

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Church in India responds with love, compassion to Covid crisis

india covid

Although India was able to minimize COVID deaths in 2020, a second wave hit the nation early this year, with over 300,000 cases and more than 3,000 daily deaths. India has totaled ...

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Businesses are closing for lack of workers. Here’s why

Across the country an unintended consequence of Covid relief are having serious repercussions in both big and small businesses. It’s now at a crisis level as a shortage of workers grows. For ...

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Biden’s National Day of Prayer proclamation omits God

national prayer biden

President Joe Biden has issued a proclamation for the National Day of Prayer. There’s just one problem. It doesn’t mention God. The President, who says he is a committed Catholic, has been ...

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Famous NUTmobile will help you crack a smile this week


The iconic Planters NUTmobile will make a stop in the area this week. Planters fans will be able to grab a sample, take a “shell-fie” with the NUTmobile, and even meet Mr. ...

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U.S. birthrate drops to lowest level in more than 40 years

The U.S. birthrate in 2020 fell to its lowest level in more than four decades, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Experts say the country and much of ...

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Facebook upholds Trump ban while he hints at run in 2024

The oversight board of Facebook on Wednesday upheld the company’s ban on former U.S. President Donald Trump. In a surprise decision, however, they also said the company was wrong to make the ...

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Jerusalem nears 1 million as high tech moves to town

Jerusalem tech

Jerusalem isn’t the sleepy city built around tourism it once was. A new report finds that it remains Israel’s most populous metropolis and now competes with glitzy Tel Aviv for the high ...

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Ideas on how to pray for National Day of Prayer

The National Day of Prayer group has released ideas on whom and what to pray for as Americans gather together. The prayer event, which is in person in tens of thousands of ...

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St. Louis prosecutor Kim Gardner could lose law license

kim gardner

Kim Gardner, the controversial George Soros-backed St. Louis Circuit Attorney, acted unethically and faced disciplinary actions. That info was revealed in a case list (pdf) posted on a Missouri State website. Gardner ...

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Dem. governor halts Kansas effort to protect women’s sports; override falls one vote short

women’s sports

Conservative legislators have failed to override Democratic Gov. Laura Kelly’s veto of a bill to protect women’s sports in the state’s schools. The Senate vote on Monday to override Kelly was 26-14, ...

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Permit to gather at Capitol on National Day of Prayer denied

prayer capitol

For the first time in 70 years, there will be no public prayer gathering at the U.S. Capitol during the National Day of Prayer. The Rev. Patrick Mahoney, director of the Christian ...

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Pelosi Archbishop criticizes politicians for ‘moral evil’ of abortion

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi may find it more difficult to receive communion when she returns home to San Francisco. Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone, whose diocese encompasses her district, released a 17-page pastoral letter on ...

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