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Poll: Trump September approval shoots up to 49%


While Democrats ramp up efforts to impeach President Donald Trump, a September Gallup poll and new Harris poll may give them pause as his approval rating skyrockets. A Harris poll released today ...

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New Center for Biblical Studies opens at Midwestern Seminary


A new center designed to aid individuals with their study of the scriptures has opened in Kansas City. The Center for Biblical Studies at Midwestern Seminary opened October 3, offering another significant resource ...

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Todd Starnes fired from Fox News


Controversial comments on his radio show have ended in Fox News personality and Christian commentator Todd Starnes being axed from Fox News. The network quietly ended Starnes from its lineup and has ceased ...

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Murder victim’s brother asked to hug police officer after sentencing

Christ was present Wednesday in the courtroom where a Dallas police officer was found guilty of murder of a man whom she thought was in her apartment. The victim’s brother said he ...

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Planned Parenthood, others lose $34 million with Trump policy

Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers are out $34 million in taxpayer funds as a result of the Trump administration’s rule generally prohibiting abortion referrals. Over 51 percent of Planned Parenthood’s clinic income ...

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Man brings laughter to bedridden wife, filling in for maternity photo shoot

A Kentucky man has gone all out to bring his pregnant wife some levity after she was confined to bedrest right before a maternity photo shoot and the birth of their child. ...

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In unprecedented gesture, Saudi Arabia sends Rosh Hashana greetings to Jews

One of the most under-reported accomplishments of the Trump administration is the exhaustive work on behalf of improving relations between Israel and its Arab neighbors. Those efforts continue to produce fruit such ...

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Dwight and Anita Widaman to talk about Israel at October 12 event


Metro Voice publishers Dwight and Anita Widaman will be the guests of Calvary Baptist Church – Independence on Saturday, Oct. 12 for a special presentation titled, “Israel–See Beyond.” The free event will ...

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Demi Lovato shares photos of baptism in Jordan River and ‘magical’ visit to Israel

Who can pass up a chance to visit the places mentioned in the Bible? When the opportunity arose for singer and actress Demi Lovato to visit Israel she said yes to what ...

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INMED offers new courses for medical missions opportunities


The Institute for International Medicine (INMED) has announced an updated course catalog. INMED, based in Kansas City, is a global health education and training organization that has been equipping and preparing healthcare ...

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Supreme Court allows execution of Bucklew to take place


A deliberate and vicious killer was executed in Missouri Tuesday after the U.S. Supreme Court refused to give him his third reprieve. Russell Bucklew was executed at the Bonne Terre state prison ...

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City Union kicks off campaign to aid homeless

union bed

City Union Mission kicks off its annual CELEBRATE HOPE: Reach Out to Kansas City’s Poor or Homeless campaign October 1. The organization is a leading provider of programs and services, assisting homeless and disadvantaged people ...

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News Briefs: Pompeo subpoenaed; Hong Kong protester shot; Whistleblower form mysteriously changed;

news briefs electric car israel july dems biden

Here’s today’s news briefs: Pompeo to testify before Congress Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was among the officials who listened in on the July 25 phone call between President Trump and Ukraine’s ...

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Federal judge in Kansas reprimanded for affair with convict, harassment

federal judge

A federal judge in Kansas was publicly reprimanded for judicial misconduct Monday, after admitting he sexually harassed female co-workers, and engaged in extramarital relations with a felon. U.S. District Court Judge Carlos Murguia, a ...

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Agriculture department delays reports as employees accused of pouting


Employees of the U.S. Department of Agriculture based in the nation’s capital have a problem with moving to the nation’s bread basket – Kansas City. When the Trump administration announced the move ...

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Missouri sees earthquake swarm along New Madrid fault Monday

New Madrid

Is the big one about to hit the central United States? Maybe not but a swarm of medium-sized earthquakes in Missouri’s New Madrid region has residents on edge. The area of the ...

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Girl made up story that media used to attack Karen Pence


A Virginia sixth grader who claimed three of her white male classmates held her down and cut off her dreadlocks is now saying she made up the entire story. But the revelation may ...

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Is Pope set to give green light to married priests?

married priests

Pope Francis will commence a three-week synod of Amazonian bishops at the Vatican on October 6 which will consider breaking the centuries-old tradition of only having single priests. It is among 146 ...

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Biden campaign demands news networks ignore Rudi Giuliani and his focus on Hunter Biden

Former Vice President Joe Biden’s campaign is demanding media networks not invite President Donald Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani on their news programs. Biden’s 2020 campaign sent the letter Sept. 29 to networks ...

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Facebook refused to shut down page of Fatah even after it encouraged terrorism


A Facebook page promoting terrorism and glorifying the murder of Israeli citizens has been shut down but not by the social media giant.  Despite complaints, Facebook took no action and instead suggested ...

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Kansas Energy Efficiency Expo planned in Manhattan on October 2

In observance of the 4th annual Energy Efficiency Day, the Kansas Corporation Commission and the K-State Engineering Extension’s Kansas Energy Program are partnering for a fun outdoor event, the Kansas Energy Efficiency ...

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Early American history you should know…but probably don’t: Noah Webster

Noah Webster, School Master of the Nation and the Influence of His Faith. When the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776, Noah Webster was a few months shy of his eighteenth ...

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Impeachment efforts force scrutiny of Joe and Hunter Biden dealings

Democrats are moving ahead with efforts to impeach President Trump accusing the White House of attempting to lock down details of his phone call with the president of Ukraine. However, newly uncovered ...

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Christian groups upset with proposed refugee ceiling while ignoring facts

The Trump administration has announced a proposal to temporarily reduce the ceiling for refugee resettlement to a record low of 18,000. The move is seen as a way to speed up the ...

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Ted Cruz says impeachment push a ‘circus’

Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) in remarks on Sept. 27 said that the majority of Democrats appear to only care about impeaching President Donald Trump and not do their jobs as elected lawmakers, adding that the ...

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