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Christian groups upset with proposed refugee ceiling while ignoring facts

The Trump administration has announced a proposal to temporarily reduce the ceiling for refugee resettlement to a record low of 18,000. The move is seen as a way to speed up the ...

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Ted Cruz says impeachment push a ‘circus’

Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) in remarks on Sept. 27 said that the majority of Democrats appear to only care about impeaching President Donald Trump and not do their jobs as elected lawmakers, adding that the ...

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UPDATE: Norway takes permanent custody of three American children from parents

Norway’s infamous child welfare agency known as Barnevernet has taken permanent custody of three American children from their American mother and Lithuanian father. Natalya Shutakova, a US citizen who last year moved to Norway ...

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Impeachment lands with a dud for American people

This week’s move towards impeachment of President Donald Trump seems to have landed with a dud for the American people. While no formal papers of impeachment have been drawn up, the nation’s ...

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The Art of the Potluck: A guide for the 21st Century

As fall gets into full swing, so does the season of the potluck. The period of October through January is becoming known as America’s newest season built around the tradition of gatherings ...

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National Hunting and Fishing Day is September 28

For many outdoor enthusiasts, any day they can spend hunting or fishing is a day to celebrate. Now there is one more reason to observe our hunting and fishing opportunities. Governor Laura ...

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Freedom From Religion Foundation takes aim at Oak Grove school district

oak grove

The Oak Grove School District in suburban Kansas City is under fire from the leftist organization, Freedom From Religion Foundation. The group, known for forcing school districts into expensive settlements over everything ...

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World’s fastest growing church: No buildings, no central leadership, led by women

For the last few years, researchers have credited the underground church in Iran as the fastest growing Christian church in the world. It has unique characteristics that defy comparison with churches in ...

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Church holds mass wedding for 24 couples who took a marriage challenge


Cohabitating couples hear it every Sunday at Concord Church in Dallas. “Stop shacking up!” challenges pastor Bryan Carter. For those that listen, move out, and decide to get married, the church provides ...

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Universities promoting Islam to students may lose taxpayer funds

After having been caught spreading lies and misinformation through a government-funded education program, Duke University and the University of North Carolina have run out of time to keep that program’s multi-million dollar ...

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What’s really happening in Hong Kong?

While the images may be mesmerizing, most media consumers don’t fully understand what is happening in Hong Kong – a battle for freedom against encroaching despotic communist rule. For citizens of the ...

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President makes history talking about religious freedom at UN

President Donald Trump has made history becoming the first US President to ever host a meeting at the United Nations on religious freedom. “As President, protecting religious freedom is one of my ...

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Netanyahu given green light to form ruling majority

As Metro Voice returned from Israel on Tuesday with 32 tour guests, Israeli President Reuven Rivlin was giving Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the opportunity to form a new government. The country has ...

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Kansas tax increase unfairly burdens the poor

The fall in consumer spending has local officials puzzled; there’s a reason why Kansans are buying fewer things at the register. Not surprisingly, counties with declines in consumer shopping also have hiked ...

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Media misleads as transcripts show Trump did not break law

The national media continues to misrepresent facts surrounding the phone call between President Donald Trump and Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky. Released transcripts on Wednesday show that the President did not exert pressure or ...

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Historic local Spanish-speaking church placed on Missouri endangered building list

historic church

The faith history of Kansas City was shaped not only by people and events but also by places. One of those places, La Gloria de Dios Iglesia Cristiana on Avenida Cesar Chavez ...

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I can’t stand movies with fighting. But, several years into motherhood, I realize that finding quality kids movies that don’t contain some element of aggression is definitely not the norm.  If I ...

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Ribbon cutting celebrates Charles Sheldon Study renovation

A ribbon cutting is scheduled for 1 p.m. Sept. 26 to formally unveil the renovated Charles Sheldon Study at Old Prairie Town. Speakers at the ribbon cutting include County Commissioner Bill Riphahn, ...

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Several key religious cases are on Supreme Court docket

supreme court

Although the president and Congress seem to dominate the news, in the background the U.S. Supreme Court is hearing several key cases this fall.  The high court will reconvene October 7 with ...

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At UN, Israeli mother pleas for return of son’s remains held by Hamas

Leah Goldin, the mother of Israeli soldier Hadar Goldin whose remains are being held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip, addressed the U.N. Human Rights Council in Geneva on Monday. In her ...

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See You at the Pole this week

see you at the pole

This year’s ‘See You at the Pole’ prayer rally is set for Wednesday, Sept. 25. It’s an event organized and led by students around the world. According to the SYATP organization’s website, it’s just ...

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Positive news emerging from culture wars

America’s culture wars never end, and reading the daily news often can be depressing. It can be easy to overlook the fact that Christians are winning their share of skirmishes. Dr. Michael ...

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HOPE blend coffee pays tribute to Pastor Jarrid Wilson

The tragic suicide of Pastor Jarrid Wilson of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, Calif., has triggered a wide-ranging discussion about stress, depression and mental health. Now the coffee company he helped found ...

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Indian Americans go wild for Trump appearance at unity rally

It appears President Donald Trump has the votes of Indian Americans if a rally in Houston is any indication, Trump joined tens of thousands of Indian Americans on Sept. 22 who were packed ...

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Archaeologists find evidence for ancient kingdom of Edom


Archaeology continues to confirm what was written in the Bible thousands of years ago. Researchers in Israel recently found new evidence about the ancient kingdom of Edom. “Using technological evolution as a ...

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