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Youtube kid videos have suicide tips hidden inside

Do you know a kid who watches cute cartoons on Youtube? They might be getting lessons and tips for committing suicide. A Florida doctor is warning parents about how cartoons on YouTube ...

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Is it fair? Transgender athletes and high school sports

transgender athletes

Transgender athletes are destroying women’s sports according to female players, parents and coaches. A growing number of people are arguing it’s unfair for a man to be allowed to compete in a ...

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‘Great opportunity’ Trump calls summit with North Korea

President Trump and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un exchanged greetings as they kicked off their second historic nuclear summit today in Hanoi, Vietnam. Trump told reporters he and Kim are looking ...

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Congress forces FCC to review TV rating system

As television becomes more filthy, Congress is taking action, requiring the Federal Communications Commission to launch a review of its TV content rating system. Pro-family advocates say the rating system misguides families ...

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United Methodist delegates vote to uphold Biblical stance on sexuality

methodist, hamilton

In a vote late Tuesday, delegates to the international convention of The United Methodist Church upheld its Biblical position that homosexuality is contrary to Christian teaching, The contentious vote follows days of ...

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Region at risk for higher Spring tornado activity


After a winter that started in the fall and broke several records along the way, now comes a forecast for a stormy spring. Kansas and Missouri are already in tornado alley but ...

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Study: Dollar store, Aldi produce same quality as supermarkets

Consumers have been trained that supermarkets with the slick commercials, fancy lighting and beautiful fresh produce displays have better quality.  So buying your favorite fruits and vegetables at a discount store means ...

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Planned Parenthood loses court case over new Missouri law

In a major setback for Planned Parenthood in Missouri, a judge has ruled that state restrictions were not “undue” burdens on women seeking abortions. Current Missouri law requires that abortionists have hospital admitting ...

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Missouri vehicle inspections step closer to going away

Missouri is catching up to many other states when it comes to vehicle inspections. The Missouri House of Representatives has given preliminary approval for doing away with mandatory vehicle inspections. Current state ...

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Democrats block bill that protects babies after abortion

As polls show young Democrat voters increasingly identifying as pro-life, Senate Democrats Monday night blocked legislation that would protect babies who survive botched abortion attempts. The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which ...

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Top Rabbi in Argentina brutally attacked in home

As hate crimes against Jews increase around the world, many are seeing wondering if the incidents mirror those of the early 1930s. Monday, Argentina’s chief rabbi was brutally beaten in his home ...

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Church of the Resurrection’s Adam Hamilton at center of possible break-up of Methodist denomination

The United Methodist Church, the nation’s second largest denomination, is on the brink of splitting. The news comes after more than half the delegates at an international conference in St. Louis voted ...

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VP Pence heads to border of Venezuela as their military kills more civilians

While some say  war looms between the US and Venezuela, Vice President Pence is heading to that nation’s border in diplomatic effort.  The news comes as Venezuela fired on civilians desperate  to ...

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Video catches London police arresting preacher, taking his Bible

A street preacher has been arrested in London, sparking outrage online. In a video of the incident posted to Twitter, officers can be seen forcefully asking the African man to stop, before ...

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Liberal states move to circumvent Constitution in next election

Democrats across the country are pushing legislation to grant the presidency to the popular vote winner in a move that would undermine the Electoral College system as outlined in the Constitution. That ...

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Church employee steals tithes, then lives the high life

A Pennsylvania church employee and his wife were charged with stealing $1.2 million from the congregation and using the money for sports events, vacations, and other expenses. The money went for lavish vacations, ...

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Man returns home, finds strangers moved into house

strangers house

Imagine coming home one day to find strangers having moved in without notice. They have made themselves quite comfortable—kind of like what happened in Goldilocks and the Three Bears. That’s what happened ...

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University of Missouri challenged over ‘kangaroo court’ allegations

State lawmakers in Missouri are threatening to withhold funding from the embattled University of Missouri if it fails to provide adequate due process to students accused of sexual assault. Critics say men ...

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EXAMINING OUR VALUE: What is the place of the Church and Christians in today’s society?

Many people gravitate towards the idea of helping the poor within our community, nation and world. However, do we really understand who the poor are, and what poverty and suffering really is? ...

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Eight years ago, a new ritual in my life began. I brought my precious son home from the hospital for the first time and have spent nearly every night since praying over ...

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Bernie Sanders wants Venezuelan marxist leader to stay in office

Socialist 2020 presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) finds himself on the opposite side of just about every democracy in the world. Sanders is refusing to recognize Juan Guaido as Venezuela’s interim ...

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Anti-Israel Congresswoman using Israeli technology

Well, that’s awkward. After calling for a worldwide boycott of Israel, Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), America’s first Palestinian-American Congresswomen, has been caught using Israeli technology. Tlaib, known for her hate-filled comments about Israel ...

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Charges dismissed in decapitation of boy at Schlitterbahn

water slide

Criminal charges have been dismissed against a construction company and the owners of a Schlitterbahn water park in Kansas City, Kansas, over the decapitation of  a 10-year-old boy while riding a 17-story waterslide ...

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Women are giving themselves cancer with alcohol

Middle-aged women aren’t getting the message that there’s a proven link between alcohol consumption and higher breast cancer risk, according to researchers from Flinders University in Adelaide, Australia. The small-scale study suggests women ...

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58th Kansas Prayer Breakfast features world traveler, financial analyst

About mid-March every year, no matter the weather, about a thousand people show up for a very early breakfast at the Ramada Inn in downtown Topeka. The occasion is the annual Kansas ...

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