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Politics & Policy

Senate investigation: Hunter Biden connected to illegal Burisma dealings and prostitution ring

Hunter Biden, son of Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden, was involved in a number of illegal business dealings with foreign governments and Burisma, according to a report form a Senate Committee. The ...

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Bloomberg pays fines so 30,000 Florida felons can vote in Nov.

Billionaire Michael Bloomberg may come under investigation for paying off the fines of up to 30,000 convicted felons which would allow them to vote in November’s presidential election. The move is seen ...

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Liberal Christian group releases pro-Biden poll but ignores real news

As many as 11 percent of Evangelical and Catholic voters in swing states could switch from voting for President Trump to Joe Biden, according to a poll by Vote Common Good, a ...

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Limits on gatherings in Pennsylvania again lose in court

Pennsylvania’s governor has suffered another embarrassing defeat after a judge on Tuesday prevented him from reimposing limits on gatherings. The judge said limits were arbitrary and not based on science. Stickman, a ...

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Black Lives Matter scrubs website of disturbing positions

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Black Lives Matter is trying to change its image after support for the organization plummeted in response to three months of protests and riots. The BLM Global Network quietly removed one of ...

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Catholics mobilize with $10 million to defeat Joe Biden

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is courting voters of faith despite policies that go against key teachings of his fellow Catholics. Now a Catholic group is launching a multimillion-dollar effort to educate ...

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President praises Ginsburg as ‘amazing’ woman as focus turns to replacement

President Trump was speaking at a campaign rally Friday night when news broke that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg had died. Earlier in the evening, before the news broke, Trump had ...

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‘We could have a fine:’ Biden would mandate masks on federal property

People hiking alone in National Parks would be forced to wear masks under a Biden administration. Democrat Joe Biden, who already flip-flopped from earlier statements, now says he would fine people for ...

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All Missouri schools open for some type of classes, Gov. Parson says

All Missouri public schools are back in session this week, whether in-person, online or a hybrid of the two for classes. “We want our kids in school.” Gov. Mike Parson said, “and ...

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Nicole Galloway accused of breaking state election laws

Missouri State Auditor Nicole Galloway misused tax dollars for her gubernatorial campaign, according to a complaint filed with the Secretary of State. The complaint was made by Liberty Alliance USA last week to Missouri ...

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Israel, Bahrain, UAE set to sign peace deals in White House

History will be made today as the UAE and Bahrain appear with Israel at the White House to sign normalization agreements. The meeting will be attended by ambassadors from America’s major partners ...

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NFL ratings decline as league injects hyper politics into sports

Television ratings tanked for the opening game of the NFL season between the Kansas City Chiefs and Houston Texans last week. Many people, both in and out of media and sports, attribute ...

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‘We Back Blue’ march in Kansas City shows support for law enforcement

we back blue

On the day two deputy sheriffs were ambushed in Los Angeles, marchers turned out in Kansas City to show their support for law enforcement. About 140 people participated in the We Back ...

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Colorado sues to block USPS postcards informing voters to return ballots early

usps postcard

A judge granted a temporary restraining order Saturday evening in favor of Democrats in Colorado. Democrats had filed suit to prevent the US Postal Service (USPS) from mailing postcards encouraging residents to ...

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Mike Pence shares he was once a Democrat but left over pro-life issues

The upcoming presidential election is critical for the pro-life movement, Vice President Mike Pence said. He said the pro-life cause is “winning in America” and that the nation is on the cusp ...

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Sen. Josh Hawley as Supreme Court nominee creates buzz

Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley appearing on a list of potential Supreme Court nominees continues to cause buzz across the country. President Donald Trump released the names as health concerns grow over Justice ...

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Responding to Woodward, Dr. Anthony Fauci says Trump wasn’t ‘distorting anything’

Media outlets and Democrats are accusing President Donald Trump of lying as he worked to avoid panic during the early months of the coronavirus. But the “bombshell” book  by Bob Woodward is ...

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Pro-life ‘rock stars’ fill list of Supreme Court nominees

President Donald Trump on Sept. 9 released an expanded list of individuals he is considering for the next vacancy on the Supreme Court. Court watchers and pro-life leaders say the list includes ...

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Liberals want Franklin Graham cancelled over convention prayer


No good deed goes unpunished. Franklin Graham has helped millions of people through Samaritan’s Purse, but an activist group is calling for him to resign after his prayer at the recent Republican ...

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Communist group to hold anti-Trump rally in Kansas City, other metros on Saturday

communist kansas city

Kansas City is one of more than 20 U.S. cities targeted by communist groups for anti-Trump rallies this Saturday. The event is scheduled for noon at 47th and Main Streets at the ...

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Economists blown away: Manufacturing expands at fastest rate since 2018

Economist expectations were blown away in August with U.S. manufacturing levels accelerating at close to a two-year high. The encouraging data was released by the Institute for Supply Management (ISM) and coincided ...

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Service announced for slain St. Louis police officer Tamarris Bohannon

The St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department announced the funeral and memorial arrangements for fallen Officer Tamarris Bohannon. Visitation will be held Saturday, September 5 from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the ...

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‘I pointed him to Jesus’: Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson on meeting Trump

“Duck Dynasty” star Phil Robertson has revealed in a podcast interview the fascinating moment he shared the gospel with President Donald Trump.In the interview, Robertson says that he is confident the commander-in-chief ...

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Why Kenosha may matter in November

Of all the riots that have gone unchecked in the country this summer, the one in Kenosha, Wisconsin, might matter most with regard to the November presidential election. The vivid imagery in ...

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Republican voters twice as likely to conceal presidential preference from pollsters

Are Trump supporters punking the pollsters? Probably, as Presidential polls may be undercounting Republican and independent voters, who are twice as likely as Democrats to conceal their preference, a recent survey found. ...

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