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Politics & Policy

Strong economy ends 2019 with the labor market leading the way

There’s not a record that the economy has not broken in 2019. From low black unemployment to rising wages within the labor market, the economy is finishing the year in stronger shape ...

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FISA Court rips FBI over lies that led to investigation, spying on Trump


Less than a week after Department of Justice Inspector General (IG) Michael Horowitz released his investigation detailing FBI misconduct in obtaining a FISA spy warrant on a Trump 2016 presidential campaign aide, the ...

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A response to Christianity Today and their call to remove Trump from office

Like many Christians, I have great respect for Christianity Today. It remains a hallmark, evangelical publication. And although it has leaned leftward in some respects in recent years, it is quite conservative ...

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Democrats impeach President but lose several members

In the first totally partisan impeachment vote in history, Democrats in the House of Representatives voted on Dec. 18 to impeach President Donald Trump. All of the Republicans voted against the resolution, marking ...

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Majority of Americans now against Democrat impeachment efforts

Despite new polling that shows the majority of Americans now against impeachment, Democrat leaders and members are full speed ahead on Wednesday. The new poll, released just hours before the Democratic-controlled House ...

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How exactly did the vote on articles of impeachment go down?

Judiciary impeachment

In a move meant to maximize the camera’s and public attention, Democrats on Thursday night gaveled the committee haring to a close without a vote on impeachment.  Democrat chairman Jerry Nadler of ...

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Sen. Josh Hawley says FBI “effectively meddled” in 2016 election

fbi hawley nashville

The FBI “effectively meddled” in the 2016 presidential election, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) said at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Wednesday, according to The Daily Wire. “Which is worse?” he asked ...

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Rep. Sharice Davids claims impeachment facts ‘uncontested’

davids impeachment

Rep. Sharice Davids has indicated that she will vote for the Democrat’s articles of impeachment against President Trump. Davids, who was elected to the Kansas 3rd Congressional District in 2018, ran as ...

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These House Democrats expected to defect in impeachment vote

democrats defect

As the House Judiciary Committee holds its impeachment vote on Thursday, Democrats are are counting how many of their members are expected to defect. Reports this week have listed those Democrat caucus members ...

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Missouri conservative Congressional delegation attacked for vote to support bank

Several conservative members of Missouri’s Congressional delegation are being attacked by a fiscally conservative political organization over the U.S. Export Import Bank. Americans for Prosperity, which focuses on fiscal issues, has launched ...

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President Trump honored with ‘Witness for Life’ award

witness for life

Pro-life organizations have repeatedly said Donald Trump is the most pro-life president in American history. Now, he has been chosen by a major pro-life organization to receive the first Dr. Bernard N. Nathanson “Courageous ...

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Democrats announce Articles of Impeachment, ignore media questions

articles of impeachment

In perhaps a sign that the United States is done with impeachment drama, immediately after Democrat Congressional leaders announced articles of impeachment of President Donald Trump, broadcast news outlets returned to regular ...

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Polls show historic Black and Hispanic support for Trump surging ahead of 2020

Is Donald Trump heading towards a 50-state sweep in the 2020 election? That’s what some political analysts are saying after new polls that show surging support among African American, Asian and Hispanic ...

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Are evangelicals who support Trump fools?

In a lengthy op-ed piece for the Christian Post, Chris Thurman claims that “evangelicals who support Donald Trump are being both blind and foolish to do so.” Therefore “labeling them as such ...

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Despite negative media coverage, Rasmussen poll shows President Trump at 51% approval

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday Dec. 6 shows that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Donald Trump’s job performance. Forty-eight percent (48%) disapprove. This week, it was announced that ...

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Catholic League criticizes Nancy Pelosi for remarks about her faith

The Catholic League has criticized House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s response to a question about impeachment in a news release. As she was leaving her press conference on Thursday, reporter James Rosen asked ...

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Democrat impeachment proceedings ‘botched’ as key witness apologizes for attacking Barron Trump

Democrats are still apologizing today after one of their key impeachment witnesses attacked Barron Trump, the teenage son of President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump. Doubling down on testimony that ...

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Nikki Haley: God has brought ‘lessons’ and ‘change’ through Trump’s presidency; Rick Perry agrees

Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said that God is using Donald Trump’s presidency to create “change” and to help teach the country “lessons.” CBN News chief political analyst David ...

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Democrat candidate Pete Buttigieg courts black vote in church

Pete Buttigieg has been coming on strong in the Democrat presidential primary race but has struggled to gain support among African Americans. Especially those that attend church. Black Americans have been slow ...

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Warren to end Electoral College by 2024 if elected

The US Constitution may be upended if one Democrat candidate has her way. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) said she plans to trash the Electoral College by 2024 if she is elected ...

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‘Meathead’ actor Reiner compares evangelical Trump supporters to white supremacists

Actor Rob Reiner, made famous for his portrayal as Meathead in the 70s sitcom “All in the Family,” is being criticized from all sides for calling all Trump voters racist. He also accused ...

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Gabbard charges Democrat Party with corruption over poll refusal

Moderate Democrat primary candidate and party outsider Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) is charging the Democratic National Committee with corruption and favoritism after it deliberately  ignored a recent Boston Globe/Suffolk University poll putting Gabbard ...

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Latest Medicaid expansion plan riddled with red flags & a ‘scam’

The latest Medicaid expansion plan has too many red flags without even getting to the program itself. Like other states, Kansas is unlikely to have the federal government approve the partial expansion. Yet ...

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Barna finds public associates evangelicals with conservatism

Although evangelical Christians comprise only 6 percent of the U.S. population according to The Barna Group, they have significant political influence, especially in the Trump administration. As a result, a new Barna ...

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African-American Senator Scott says Trump innocent of impeachable offense

The recent Democrat-controlled impeachment hearings did nothing to deter Tim Scott, one of the Republican Party’s most senior African-American leaders. Scott has critiqued the hearings saying there is “no way in the ...

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