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Politics & Policy

Kobach to Trump: You do not need Congress to immediately solve immigration crisis

Former Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach says that despite claims by Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, President Trump does not need Congress to stem the tide of booming ...

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Sarah Palin says McCain family gave her ‘gut punch’ in wake of senator’s death

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin revealed Monday that not being invited to the funeral of Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona was like a “gut punch.” Palin, who was McCain’s running mate in the ...

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Trump shifting Planned Parenthood funds to pro-life clinics

The Trump administration has announced it is awarding a $1.7 million family planning grant to a chain of pro-life crisis pregnancy clinics in California. At the same time, the administration is cutting ...

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Under GOP plan future Social Security could be tapped for family leave

Sens. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Mitt Romney (R-Utah) want parents of newborn or adopted children to be able to use their future Social Security benefits now to pay for up to three ...

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Abortion ties and business conflicts could cost Gov. Kelly her commerce chief

Grievances generated by policy and personality clashes in a southeast Kansas community have spilled onto the statewide stage in the battle over Democratic Gov. Laura Kelly’s nominee to head the state Department ...

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More drugs seized at open border sections in 2018 than at ports of entry

A favorite talking point of those against a border barrier is that most drugs are coming in through legal ports of entry, not open border areas, and therefore a wall won’t stop ...

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Huckabee blames Obama for Russian collusion fiasco, because he “was in charge”

Mike Huckabee, former Arkansas Governor and presidential candidate, says the one person who has escaped blame for the whole Russia collusion fiasco is former President Barack Obama. “Who was in charge of ...

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After Trump calls them out, GM announces $300M investment in America

All hail the power of Twitter – at least for President Trump and his 60 million followers. General Motors CEO Mary Barra announced on Friday that the corporation will create 400 jobs ...

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Police Chief refuses to aid ICE: ‘I don’t care if you have papers or don’t have papers’

A proposed state law that would require Florida police to cooperate with immigration officials was trashed Friday by Miami’s police chief. “The truth is I’d prefer not to have this job if ...

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Mueller report delivered to Attorney General Barr

Special Counsel Robert Mueller delivered a report to Attorney General William Barr late Friday afternoon detailing his nearly two-year investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election and possible collusion with the ...

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No crisis? Border Patrol nabs over 700 illegal immigrants in one night

Remember that “manufactured border crisis” the media was accusing the Trump administration of ginning up? Well, it seems there might be a crisis after all. According to a press release from U.S. Customs and ...

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Pelosi mad that moderate Dems voting with Republicans; ‘This is not a day at the beach’

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) took a hard line when House Democrats held an emotional debate behind closed doors recently over how to stop losing embarrassing procedural battles with Republicans. “This is not ...

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Unsealed testimony shows McCain at center of ‘Spygate’ scandal

At his funeral, the late Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.) was described as the Lion of the Senate – the last politician of a seemingly bygone era who put the needs of the ...

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Lisa Page outs Obama DOJ – claims FBI told not to charge Hillary Clinton for her crimes

The whole lot of them are criminals.  The entire Obama administration, including the leadership in the FBI and several of the agents are criminal as well, and this comes out of a ...

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Some Republicans join with Democrats to reject Trump border emergency; VETO imminent

The Republican-run Senate rejected President Donald Trump’s declaration of a national emergency at the southwest border on Thursday. The Senate voted 59-41 to cancel Trump’s February proclamation of a border emergency, which he invoked ...

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Proposed legislation would remove proof of citizenship from Kansas election law

The issue of foreign interference in U.S. politics has been hotly debated since the contentious presidential election of 2016. However, amid numerous investigations into Russian meddling, a Kansas representative has introduced legislation ...

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Freshman Democrat declares: America ‘garbage’

She’s the new face of the Democrat Party, much to the dismay of many party leaders. Now, Democratic socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) says that America is in a state of “garbage.” The comments ...

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Manafort sentence a rebuke to Democrats, Mueller

In what is being seen as a slap to special counsel Robert Mueller and the entire investigation against President Trump, a federal judged sentenced Paul Manafort to just four years in prison. ...

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Democrat states ensuring Republican president never elected again

democrat states, elelctors, conservatives

Liberal states and elected officials are mounting an increasingly popular initiative to undermine the Electoral College by awarding state Electoral College votes in presidential elections to the winner of the national popular ...

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House Democrats block bill to stop infanticide for 12th time

Late Wednesday, House Democrats blocked a request by Republicans to vote on a similar bill to require medical care and treatment for babies who survive abortions. This was one week after Senate Democrats voted ...

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PayPal teams up with organization with questionable track record on truth

paypal misinformation

Free markets, whether they be economic markets or the marketplace of ideas, represent American ideals. The free exchange of ideas communicates that for the most part, all are welcome to share their ...

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Food stamp use decreases as poor find jobs, abuses stopped

food stamps

Nearly 3.9 million Americans have moved off food stamp benefits since new economic policies and job opportunities expanded after the 2016 election. The drop is saving taxpayers more than $8.5 billion. Some ...

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President to sign order protecting conservative, Christian speech on campus

conservative speech

As Christian and conservative speech is targeted with violence on college campuses, observers are asking, “Where’s the tolerance for all speech on these supposed bastions of free thought? Now, protection for all ...

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Will the Supreme Court protect this 40-foot veteran’s cross?

The Supreme Court seemed poised Wednesday to protect a 40-foot memorial cross on public land in Bladensburg, Maryland, from a lawsuit that argues it violates the Constitution. Though the bottom-line outcome was ...

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Bernie Sanders hires twice-arrested illegal to head campaign

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) has reportedly hired a twice-arrested illegal alien as his campaign deputy national secretary. Belen Sisa enters the job with one year left of DACA-protection from deportation, The Washington ...

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