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British library bans singing Bible stories to kids

Volunteers from a church-run playgroup in the United Kingdom have been banned from a library for singing Bible stories to kids. The Noah’s Ark group would come to the town library in ...

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Pompeo announces international alliance on religious freedom

WASHINGTON—On the last day of the three-day Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom, Vice President Michael Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo each addressed hundreds of ministers, religious leaders, and others from 106 nations, to celebrate ...

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Gospel for Asia to work on behalf of child labor victims

child labor

A mind-boggling 218 million children around the world are involved in child labor, with millions trafficked in forced labor and the sex trade, according to a new report released today by Christian ...

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Syrian Christians plead for protection

President Donald Trump is expected to intercede on behalf of Syrian Christians pleading for protection. The US-backed Syriac Military Council (MFS) is calling on the United States to defend thousands of Christians ...

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EU to sanction Venezuela for torturing citizens

The European Union is poised to draw up a fresh round of sanctions against the Venezuelan socialist regime, in response to evidence that its government is torturing political opponents. In a statement, EU foreign ...

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Child bomber blows up wedding in Afghanistan

Citizens of Afghanistan are mourning after a child bomber carried out a suicide attack during a wedding in Nangarhar–a stronghold of both the Islamic state and the Taliban. The attack occurred Sunday when ...

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Oil tanker missing, Iran feared involved

A massive oil tanker is now missing after traveling through the Strait of Hormuz near the Persian Gulf and Iran. Authorities say it stopped transmitting its location and fear that Iran was ...

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Average of 10 Nigerian Christians killed each day

What’s persecution like in the rest of the world and especially for Nigerian believers? David Curry, CEO of Open Doors USA, wants American Christians to understand their Christian brothers around the globe ...

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Compassion International boy among 13 rescued from cave

A year ago this month the parents of the boys rescued from a Thailand cave were still celebrating, and among them were the father and mother of a boy who is sponsored ...

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Former Miss Iraq may lose citizenship after defending Israel


Standing up for Israel at the UN may lose former Miss Iraq Sarah Idan her citizenship. Idan, who has faced opposition and death threats in the past, spoke in defense of Israel ...

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Nigerian 7-year-old recounts Fulani attack on family

As a Baptist church member tried to fight off an armed Muslim Fulani herdsmen in a village in north-central Nigeria, he told his 7-year-old nephew and other relatives to run. The boy ...

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DNA shows Philistines, and modern-day Palestinians, were really European

A dramatic and explosive DNA discovery in Israel has implications for the political struggle between Israelis and Palestinians. Three years ago, archaeologists digging in Israel revealed they had excavated a Philistine cemetery ...

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Australian police stop terror plot

An Islamic State terror plot has been stopped after Australian police on Tuesday arrested three men suspected of being involved in planning the attack on Sydney. Australian Federal Police Assistant Commissioner Ian ...

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Trump makes history going to North Korea

President Donald Trump made history on Sunday as the first sitting US President to physically step foot into North Korea. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un accepted Trump’s invitation to revive discussions on ...

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President Trump walks into North Korea, meets with Kim Jong Un

President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un met and shook hands Sunday at the Demilitarized Zone between North and South Korea. In a meeting apparently arranged after Trump invited Kim on Twitter ...

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Huge monument will celebrate answered prayer in England

answered prayer

A British man has found a unique way to commemorate answered prayer and the Christian heritage of England. The Wall of Answered Prayer is a extremely large monument and piece of public art ...

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Tariffs working as Apple moves factories from China

American media scoffed when President Donald Trump suggested American companies would move factories out of China as a result of new tariffs. Now, one of the largest companies in the world is ...

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‘Hallelujah to the Lord,’ sing students to Chinese police

An extradition bill that would have sent criminal suspects to communist China for prosecution seems to be dead for now, but Hong Kong’s students keep pushing back against the heavy-handed rule of ...

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Former Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood leader Morsi dies at trial

Egypt’s former president, Mohammed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood leader who vowed to remove all Jews from Israel and replace them with Palestinians, collapsed in court Monday during a trial and died. Morsi came ...

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‘It was like Hell’: Migrants stepping over dead bodies on journey

PANAMA – What started out as caravans of migrants winding their way north from Latin America has become an unbroken pipeline of people seeking to move to the United States. The vast ...

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Australia shuts down 200 daycares linked to ISIS

Police in Australia have closed almost 200 daycares after finding the private businesses were linked to the Islamic State, motorcycle gangs, and large-scale fraud. The Daily Mail reports daycares located in the ...

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US to push back against British Labour Party’s hatred

Is Britain about to elect a liberal, anti-Semitic Holocaust denier? American and British Jews fear it could be a reality but have gotten support from the Trump administration in fighting back against ...

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Pelosi ‘deeply disappointed’ migrants will stay in Mexico

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) responded to the June 8 announcement that the United States and Mexico had reached an agreement on immigration, saying, “We are deeply disappointed by the administration’s expansion of its failed ...

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Britain accused of cover-up of terrorist bomb factory

A major British newspaper has exposed a government cover-up of a discovered terrorist bomb facility outside London. The Telegraph reported Sunday that UK officials in 2015 uncovered a stash of explosives linked to ...

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Iran closes 547 eateries for breaking Islamic principles

TEHRAN, Iran — Iranian police have shut down 547 restaurants and cafes in Tehran for not observing “Islamic principles,” the capital’s police chief said Saturday. “The owners of restaurants and cafes in ...

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