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Tag Archives: american

Free online course reminds us why Americans need patriotism

patriotism americans

Have you noticed a decreasing sense of patriotism among younger Americans today? Have you seen the polls suggesting that they are increasingly attracted to socialism and other ideas destructive of liberty? To ...

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State Department memo directs embassies to display BLM flag

The U.S. State Department is being criticized after it issued a memo directing American embassies to fly the Black Lives Matter flag.U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken gave the directive to U.S. ...

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Church boom? U.S. churchgoers say they’ll return after COVID


Churchgoers aren’t attending yet at pre-pandemic levels, but most say they value gathering with their congregation and are anxious to do so when the threat of COVID ends. A study of 1,000 Protestant ...

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Helen Keller and her remarkable friendship with Mark Twain


Helen Keller was 14 years old when she first met the world-famous Mark Twain in 1894. They became fast friends. He helped arrange for her to go to college at Radcliffe where ...

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Nearly half of protestant pastors hear conspiracy theories, church survey finds

Conspiracy theories are not new, nor is their spread in the church. A new study from Lifeway Research found that 49 percent of U.S. protestant pastors say they frequently hear members of ...

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Fore-edge paintings reveal hidden world on books

A “fore-edge painting” is a design or painting that seems to magically appear on the “fore-edge” of a book. The artwork can only be seen when the pages are fanned, as seen ...

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Study: 90 percent of U.S. universities restrict speech

Nearly nine in 10 American universities restrict free speech in some form, according to the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE’s) 2021 Spotlight on Speech Codes. The organization looked at the free ...

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Rick Warren on Covid lessons for churches

The COVID pandemic has exposed a flaw in many U.S. churches, Pastor Rick Warren says. “Most churches only have one purpose — worship,” Warren told “Relevant” magazine. “And if you take worship ...

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President and First Lady wish America a Merry Christmas

Americans were wished a Merry Christmas by President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump wished Americans a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, expressing gratitude to God and courageous citizens. “The President and I want to wish ...

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Today’s cultural division has its roots in French Revolution, author Os Guinness says


The Christian worldview upon which the United States was founded is quickly disappearing, according to noted author Os Guinness. The current division in the United States ultimately stems from a difference between ...

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Half of American adults believe Jesus was only a great teacher

gospels jesus, great teacher

Fifty-two percent of American adults believe that Jesus was a great teacher and nothing more. Ligonier Ministries’ biennial State of Theology survey provides key findings on what Americans think about God, truth, ...

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Schools looking for space could turn to churches – doing so has a rich history

churches schools

Could places of worship ease the burden of schools looking to reopen while giving students space to social distance? Working with churches might not be such an outlandish suggestion. With space at ...

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Reopening is especially challenging for Missouri’s black churches

African Americans are the most religious ethnic group in the country, with nearly half attending religious services at least once a week. Black churches also have a disproportionately higher death rate from ...

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COVID-19 has greater impact on African American community

Traditionally African American churches may face greater challenges in helping members address the coronavirus threat. The virus is affecting the black community at a disproportionately higher rate than the general population across ...

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China concedes as it ends tariffs on almost 700 US products

China is following through on concessions it made to demands by the Trump administration to lower tariffs on American-made goods. China will grant exemptions on tariffs imposed against 696 U.S. goods, the ...

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Oliver North draws parallels to 1775 in new book

They say history repeats itself. That’s never seemed to be more true, according to a new book by Col. Oliver North who says it puts things in perspective. “Our nation’s capital is ...

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What Is Conservative American Nationalism?

Circumstances change; core principles do not. The country’s oldest foreign-policy tradition still finds its home on the right. What Is Conservative American Nationalism? Underneath all of the day-to-day tumult, for both critics ...

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Wife of American pastor arrested in India says his only crime is living for Jesus

pastor india

An American pastor from Tennessee is stranded in India after being arrested as he attempted to travel home to the United States. Bryan Nerren, leader of the International House of Prayer Ministries in ...

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UPDATE: Norway takes permanent custody of three American children from parents

Norway’s infamous child welfare agency known as Barnevernet has taken permanent custody of three American children from their American mother and Lithuanian father. Natalya Shutakova, a US citizen who last year moved to Norway ...

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Early American History You Should Know…But Probably Don’t: John Adams

john adams

John Adams, the mind of the American Revolution. It was with more than adequate reason that Founding Father Richard Stockton referred to John Adams as “the Atlas of American Independence.” Adams did ...

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Prayer network lets you personally connect with African believers under persecution

A new effort connecting American church congregations with African believers in Christ and their churches is underway. Prayer News Network was launched by Douglas Burton and Magna Faith Krimi, both advisory board ...

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Early American history you should know…but probably don’t

american history

Many in academia, the media and politics believe that separating us from American history and our Christian heritage is a necessary step in a campaign to move the country towards a “workers’ ...

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Trump’s workforce initiative reshaping American job market

A whopping 300+ companies have thrown their support behind President Donald Trump’s  White House workforce initiative, committing to train over 12 million Americans for new job skills over the next five years. ...

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David Jeremiah warns against church as entertainment driven social organization


Many U.S. churches today have “forgotten” their purpose, becoming entertainment-driven social organizations eager to blend in with secular culture instead of focusing on biblical discipleship, Pastor David Jeremiah warned. “The Church is ...

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Average of 10 Nigerian Christians killed each day

What’s persecution like in the rest of the world and especially for Nigerian believers? David Curry, CEO of Open Doors USA, wants American Christians to understand their Christian brothers around the globe ...

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