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Tag Archives: china

Pompeo announces international alliance on religious freedom

WASHINGTON—On the last day of the three-day Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom, Vice President Michael Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo each addressed hundreds of ministers, religious leaders, and others from 106 nations, to celebrate ...

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Largest gathering ever on religious freedom this week


What is described as history’s largest officially sponsored gathering to support religious liberty will take place in Washington, D.C. next week. The historic “Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom” meeting will be convened ...

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Mind control camps in China exposed by BBC

In a scene reminiscent of a Hollywood movie on mind control, a video has emerged in a disturbing documentary from the BBC revealing re-education camps. The film shows Christians, Muslims and other religious minorities ...

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Tariffs working as Apple moves factories from China

American media scoffed when President Donald Trump suggested American companies would move factories out of China as a result of new tariffs. Now, one of the largest companies in the world is ...

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Sen. Josh Hawley confronts foreign espionage

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) on June 18 introduced legislation aimed at protecting sensitive national security-related academic research from theft by foreign intelligence services from countries such as China, Russia, and Iran. The legislation ...

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‘Hallelujah to the Lord,’ sing students to Chinese police

An extradition bill that would have sent criminal suspects to communist China for prosecution seems to be dead for now, but Hong Kong’s students keep pushing back against the heavy-handed rule of ...

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Chinese Christians memorizing scripture: ‘Can’t take away what’s hidden’


Wayne Cordeiro, pastor of New Hope Christian Fellowship in Honolulu, Hawaii, is praying that American Christians become more like Chinese Christians, including memorizing the Bible. METRO VOICE: China Continues Religious Persecution of ...

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Myths of tariffs finally debunked

You wouldn’t know it from the media reports on tariffs and the trade war with China. Tariffs leveled by the U.S. against unfair trading partner countries aren’t that bad for our economy. ...

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30 years after Tiananmen, China still a world threat

This week is the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre. The event capped weeks of protest in 1989 as Chinese students protested for democratic principles. Thousands were killed in a brutal, and ...

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China’s Big Brother tightens grip on society

The book “1984” by George Orwell is being  played out in Communist China with big brother everywhere. The Chinese Communist Party is using advanced technology to secure government control over the lives ...

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Christian teenager raped, forced to marry Muslim attacker

A Christian teenager in Pakistan is sharing a horrific story of rape, beatings and her forced marriage to a 45-year-old man. Neha Pervaiz, a 15-year-old who lives in the Ittehad Town neighborhood ...

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Japan tests world’s fastest bullet train

Japan has started testing its fastest-ever bullet train—capable of reaching 249 mph (400 kph)—as it continues to develop the revolutionary mode of travel. The ALFA-X version of the Shinkansen train began three years’ ...

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Christian teen girls trafficked for marriage in China


Muqadas Ashraf was just 16 when her parents married her off to a Chinese man who had come to Pakistan looking for a bride. Less than five months later, Muqadas is like ...

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Movie on MercyMe’s hit ‘I Can Only Imagine’ impacting China

A movie that was the biggest faith-based movie of 2018 is bringing Chinese viewers to Christ. Few thought the film adaptation of MercyMe’s classic track, “I Can Only Imagine” could have such ...

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China uses dynamite to destroy well-known megachurch

china dynamite

Chinese authorities have blown up with dynanmite a well-known Christian megachurch, inflaming . Witnesses and overseas activists said the paramilitary People’s Armed Police used dynamite and excavators to destroy the Golden Lampstand ...

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President and Congress join to target China over religious persecution

china persecution

For the first time, persecuted faith groups in China and human rights organizations are forming a coalition to advance religious freedom in China, with the backing of the Trump administration and members ...

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North Korean survivor shares horrific testimony of torture

christian survivor

A Christian survivor of a North Korean prison camp has escaped and now describes the horrific torture she endured for her faith and how God stayed with her through the brutality. In ...

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Chinese prisoner killed by organ harvesting, daughter escapes to US

Ten police cars accompanied a small group of relatives to view Chinese prisoner Han Jun Qing’s body. No cameras or reporters were allowed on the premises. But his daughter, Han Yu, needs ...

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Teen sold kidney for iPhone, now bedridden for life

organ iPhone

A Chinese teen who sold his kidney for an iPhone a few years ago is reportedly bedridden for life. Wang Shangkun, who was 17 years old when he sold the organ, began ...

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Shen Yun celebrates ancient culture destroyed by Chinese Communism

Shen Yun Performing Arts will bring 5,000 years of traditional Chinese culture to Kansas City and Lawrence in the next few weeks. The production returns to Kansas City Jan. 25-27 a the ...

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10 Commandments altered by Chinese Communist authorities

Chinese communist authorities forced a church in China’s Henan Province to take down the first of the Ten Commandments given to Moses, as it was deemed offensive. The move comes as China’s ...

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In ironic victory, Trump secures China’s first purchase of American rice

In a move that would be funny if it weren’t such good news for American farmers, President Trump has sold the Communist nation of China of all things…rice. Supporters of the president ...

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Pompeo talks about trade war, Syria pullout, North Korea: “Kansas workers will eventually benefit”

Mike Pompeo, the U.S. Secretary of State and a former Kansas congressman from Wichita, spoke about some of the key issues he is dealing with as the country’s leader of foreign policy ...

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China creates quota for police to arrest Christians

Chinese authorities are setting quotas on the number of Christians that must be arrested and are threatening police officers with dismissal if they don’t meet the minimum standards, according to a magazine ...

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Religion only thing blocking total totalitarianism in China


It was 40 years ago this week that China opened its doors to the world and launched a series of ambitious reforms that would create one of the world’s largest economic engines. ...

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