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White House coronavirus expert Deborah Birx meets with Missouri officials            


Dr. Deborah Birx, the White House coronavirus response coordinator, praised Missouri’s box-in testing strategy, which involves testing, contact tracing, isolation and quarantine. “This box-in strategy that is being used here in Missouri ...

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Missouri economy grows as unemployment plummets

Missouri’s economic rebound from the Covid pandemic continues to lead the country. Figures released Wednesday by the Missouri Economic Research and Information Center show the state’s unemployment is now 6.9%. That rate ...

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The Baptist Home advocates for elderly during pandemic

Rodney Harrison knows something about the elderly and how to care for them. During the pandemic Harrison has worked to gain support for aging issues and has spoken with the Missouri Deputy ...

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Practical tips for caregivers facing a pandemic

Whether your role has you looking out for an elderly relative, children or both, chances are good that you’ve worried about how the COVID-19 pandemic may continue to affect the ability of ...

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Attendees of southwest Missouri revival under Covid-19 quarantine

missouri coronavirus schools, red zone, missouri

Eight people have tested positive for COVID-19 during a church revival in southwest Missouri last week. The individuals had symptoms and were contagious during the six-day event at New Life Fellowship Church ...

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Most people want churches to follow same pandemic rules as other groups

Most Americans believe churches should follow the same rules about social distancing and large gatherings as other organizations or businesses in their area, a new Pew Research Center survey found. About eight ...

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Former football star Herschel Walker criticizes double standard on protests and church gatherings

If people can protest, they also should be allowed to attend church, according to Herschel Walker, former NFL and Heisman Trophy-winning running back. “We keep hearing the importance of freedom of speech… ...

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National Association of Evangelicals kicks off Bless Your Pastor campaign

bless your pastor

Being a pastor is challenging at any time but especially so during the current pandemic. Nine of 10 pastors in the United States are under financial pressure, and six of 10 churches ...

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NFL coach John Harbaugh on COVID sports coping

The coronavirus pandemic has brought global lifestyle changes, and athletes are not immune. Personal identity, control, and security can all become scrambled in chaotic times. Super-Bowl-winning coach John Harbaugh explains how he’s ...

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Oh, no! Not again! EasterFest celebration cancelled by the county for second time this year


The annual EasterFest celebration, scheduled to be held in Garfield Park on August 29, has been cancelled by Shawnee County officials for the second time this year, organizers learned on Thursday. The ...

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AMC Theaters to reopen with 15 cent movie tickets on opening day

Life is slowly returning to normal and one big indicator is the movie theater. AMC theaters has announced their locations across the country are scheduled to start a phased reopening. Approximately 300 ...

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Accused rapist kills victim after release from jail over covid concerns

rapist relased

An accused rapist, released from prison because of the pandemic, has murdered the victim in her apartment. The horrific incident is being condemned across the nation by victims’s rights organizations and law ...

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National Christian Foundation shares 19 ways to help churches during pandemic

churches pandemic

Just like individuals and businesses, many churches are struggling during the coronavirus pandemic. The National Christian Foundation asked pastors and church leaders from across the country how members can help and developed ...

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Trump may bypass Democrats, issue unemployment order; also require preexisting conditions to be covered by insurance

President Trump said on Friday he could sign executive orders within a week that would extend unemployment benefits that expired on July 31, and that he will also sign an executive order ...

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Families furious as Andrew Cuomo hides number of nursing home deaths

The New York State Assembly and Senate gave New York Health Commissioner Howard Zucker plenty of chances to tell them the number of nursing home residents who have died from COVID, but ...

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Israel finds weekend business closures do not slow spread of Covid-19

Israel will end its mandatory closure of businesses and synagogues each weekend after a study found it had no impact on curbing the spread of Covid-19. The Times of Israel reports Health ...

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Barbecue Baptist Church hits the road to share hope – and barbecued pork

barbecue baptist

Pastors with a love for barbecue may want to follow the example of a Church in Navasota, Texas. Barbecue Baptist Church aims to bring a warm meal, a little levity and a ...

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100 police agencies withdraw from guarding Democratic Convention

In a historic announcement, more than 100 police agencies are pulling out of agreements to send personnel to the Democratic National Convention (DNC) scheduled for August. The police departments stated they could ...

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Republicans announce details of HEALS Act stimulus effort

As Democrats revive Congressional hearings over the now debunked Russian collusion theory, Senate Republicans have finished a second stimulus plan to nurture the economic expansion. The proposal aims to stimulate the economy ...

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New $1,200 stimulus checks to go out in August

Stimulus checks will once again be distributed to most Americans in August, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told reporters on Saturday. The Treasury announced they will again be $1,200. The new payments will ...

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Missouri State Fair will be limited to youth livestock show only

state fair

The upcoming Missouri State Fair will look much different this year. Although much of the programming has been cancelled, it will continue to showcase youth in agriculture. “We care deeply about the ...

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CDC now strongly favors schools reopening in fall

As polls show an overwhelming majority of both Democrats and Republicans believe schools should reopen, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says the science now backs it up. The nation’s ...

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Ready for mail-in ballots? Neither are most states

mail-in integrity court

The road to the November 2020 presidential election is already fraught with unprecedented crises and uncertainty. Now comes expanded mail-in voting. The COVID-19 pandemic has uprooted daily life and changed cultural norms, ...

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Israel real estate boom fueled by view it’s ‘safest place to be’

Jews and Israelis who are living in the U.S. and other regions of the world are fueling a huge surge in real estate purchases in Israel. American Jews and Israelis who moved ...

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Walmart will be closed on Thanksgiving this year

Walmart announced on Tuesday it will close all of its stores on Thanksgiving this year. The move shocked retail analysts who point to a trend in recent years in which Black Friday ...

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