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Tag Archives: prayer

There’s no law against doing good

What is “doing good”? In January this year the world watched as China became the epicenter for Covid-19. It began spreading country to country eventually reaching the United States impacting tens of ...

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Friday’s ‘Pray on Troost’ event seeks racial unity and restoration

Troost Avenue traditionally has been the stark dividing line between black and white communities in Kansas City. Local leaders hope it can become a bridge that builds unity through the power of ...

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Praying without masks, not looting, lands pro-life counselors in jail

In the midst of violent riots and looting in New York City, police have a PR problem on their hands in who they choose to arrest. But it’s not what you think. ...

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Christian singer Amy Grant undergoes successful heart surgery

Amy Grant, one of the most well-known and honored Christian singers of the past several decades, underwent heart surgery this week to repair a longtime condition. The surgery reportedly went well according ...

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Missouri basketball star Porter criticized after asking for prayer for policeman as well as shooting victim

Former University of Missouri basketball star Michael Porter Jr. is under attack for a tweet following the shooting in Minneapolis this week. Porter, now a rookie with the Denver Nuggets, asked followers ...

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In interview with Pastor Greg Laurie, Mike Pompeo says he turns to scripture for guidance

Mike Pompeo, secretary of state and former Kansas congressman, has a strategic approach to dealing with the world’s problems. In an interview with Pastor Greg Laurie of the California megachurch Harvest Christian ...

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Effective missions can’t happen without regular prayer

It has often been observed that a person’s last words convey great significance. Whether someone is dying or leaving not to return, they weigh carefully what they say. Final words will be ...

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Creators of “War Room” movie plan online event for May 8

war room

Individuals or groups looking for entertainment options during the ongoing pandemic are invited to join in a special event centered around the faith-based movie “War Room.” The creators of the movie are ...

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Tenn. Gov. points to Christ at drive-in church service: ‘We know where our hope comes from’

drive-in church

While some government leaders have discouraged drive-in church services, on a recent Sunday in Tennessee, the state’s governor attended a drive-in church service – and even delivered a word of inspiration from ...

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Billy Graham chaplains minister during pandemic and tornadoes

billy graham tornadoes

Samaritan’s Purse, the disaster relief arm of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, is being stretched by pandemic response and the tornadoes that raged across Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana overnight last week. Teams ...

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Adam LaRoche: Let It All Go

Adam LaRoche

By Adam LaRoche – Every year, a group of volunteers put together by three non-profits gather in different cities to do what they call a “Big Search” — a search to put ...

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Wrestling star Hulk Hogan encourages Christians to put quarantine to good use

The ongoing stay-at-home orders present a good opportunity for Christians to focus on strengthening their relationships with Christ, wrestling star Hulk Hogan said. “God has taken away everything we worship,” he wrote ...

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Pro-life groups meet resistance as governments enforce stay-at-home orders

pro-life stay-at-home

The ongoing coronavirus pandemic is exposing how tenuous First Amendment freedoms are as police enforce social distancing rules across the nation. A pro-life group in Greensboro, N.C., is suing the city after ...

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Slavic Gospel Association calls for prayer as coronavirus peak approaches in Russia

With the coronavirus disrupting life in the United States, it can be easy to forget the impact it is having in the rest of the world, such as Russia, where the expected ...

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How are pastors handling ungathered worship?


Pastors are used to thinking on their feet. Sermon prep is set aside when a beloved church member is injured and taken to the hospital. A carefully written prayer is discarded when ...

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Christians showing up to pray in hospital parking lots

In I Timothy 2:8 we are commanded to lift up holy hands in prayer. Across the nation, that’s exactly what is happening as Christians pray in the parking lot of countless hospitals. ...

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Pandemic causing outbreak of prayer

More than half (55 percent) of American adults say they have prayed for an end to the coronavirus pandemic, according to a new prayer survey by the Pew Research Center. Large majorities ...

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Christians around world asked to join in prayer Sunday

Global prayer ministry leaders and church networks have called for worldwide prayer Sunday, March 22, in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. The pandemic has affected millions of people around the world ...

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New prayer app on YouVersion Bible gets kudos

The popular YouVersion Bible app has expanded to include a prayer application, and more than one million people were added during the first week alone. “We’re blown away by the response we’ve ...

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Today is National Day of Prayer for coronavirus crisis

Today, Americans from all regions, of all races, and every political persuasion will join together for prayer over the growing threat of coronavirus. President Donald Trump declared Sunday a National Day of ...

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In times of crisis, your neighborhood is the mission field

Sometimes, emergencies and times of crisis present service and mission opportunities that might not exist in normal circumstances.  Many people tend to be more open to spiritual matters during troubling times like ...

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Lent and the spiritual benefits of nature walks

What do nature walks have to do with Lent? Each year during Lent we try to imitate Jesus’ time of fasting and prayer by making various sacrifices, denying ourselves our favorite foods ...

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Ashcroft to headline pro-life rally in Jefferson City Tuesday


Former US Attorney General John Ashcroft will be the featured speaker at Missouri’s primary Pro-life event on Tuesday. Missourians are expected to show up in large numbers on Tuesday, March 10 for ...

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Prayer guide for coronavirus

Vice President Mike Pence was criticized this week for offering a prayer during a meeting on the coronavirus. Democrats, Hollywood actors and media outlets blasted the effort as “anti-science.”  But the comments ...

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New heavyweight champ Tyson Fury credits God in everything

Tyson Fury, the new WBC heavyweight boxing champion, is giving credit to God. “First and foremost, I want to say thank you to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,” Fury said after ...

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