Democrats threaten to pack Supreme Court as abortion case nears

democrats court pack court cases foster law justices

A court case that could reexamine the Roe v. Wade abortion decision has Democrats again threatening to pack the U.S. Supreme Court. The Supreme Court announced this month it would hear oral arguments on ...

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Supreme Court agrees to hear historic Mississippi challenge to Roe v Wade

mississippi court

Prolife groups are applauding an announcement that the U.S. Supreme Court will hear a case involving a Mississippi law that bans most abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy. The justices, in a 17-word ...

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Cake baker Jack Phillips shares price he paid for standing up

In a new Op-Ed published by Fox News, Colorado cake baker Jack Phillips shares the behind-the-scenes story and the cost he paid for standing up for his faith. Phillips was punished and ...

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Supreme Court unanimously rules against Biden warrantless gun seizures

In a surprise unanimous decision, the U.S. Supreme Court has rejected Biden administration arguments that police can conduct warrantless searches of homes to seize guns. The ruling in the case, Caniglia v. ...

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Pat Robertson issues call to action against extreme liberal agenda in Washington

Pat Robertson, the founder of CBN, warned on “The 700 Club” this week that Democrats in Washington have launched an aggressive campaign on multiple fronts in a blatant power grab that’s designed ...

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California ends church restrictions after Supreme Court ruling

California has lifted unconstitutional restrictions on church capacity following a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling. “In response to recent judicial rulings, effective immediately, location and capacity limits on places of worship are ...

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Religious freedom winning big in the U.S. Supreme Court

Despite what sometimes seems like continuous negative news, religious liberty actually is winning in the U.S. Supreme Court. A study published in “The Supreme Court Review” says that the Supreme Court under ...

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Supreme Court rules against California’s Covid-19 restrictions on in-home religious gatherings

The U.S. Supreme Court said Friday that California must lift its coronavirus restrictions on in-home prayer meetings and other home-based religious gatherings. Five conservative justices noted that rules limiting indoor social gatherings to ...

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Governors push back against Biden move on Second Amendment

President Biden’s plans to restrict Second Amendment rights are meeting resistance from multiple conservative governors. Biden announced a series of actions, which he articulated during a press conference where he made multiple false ...

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Justice Clarence Thomas: Big Tech has no right to ban speech

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The Supreme Court handed Donald Trump a victory on Monday, saying he was free to block whomever he chooses on Twitter. While the decision may have little impact on Trump who is ...

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In dead of night, Democrats pass controversial election ‘reform’

Democrats have passed an “election reform” bill that some say actually weakens the democratic process and moves control of elections nationwide to Congress. The bill, which contains sweeping and controversial changes, was ...

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‘Great damage to the church’ says Sean Feucht about ‘Equality Act’

feucht equality

Worship leader Sean Feucht is encouraging Christians to draw a line in the sand against the Equality Act, which passed the U.S. House last week and now moves to the Senate for ...

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New Arkansas law protects churches from arbitrary Covid lockdowns

arkansas churches overtime

While other states fight in court for religious freedom during the pandemic, Arkansas is taking the lead in protecting churches. A bill that limits the governor’s power to close churches and that ...

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Supreme Court strikes down California church closures

Embattled California Gov. Gavin Newsom on Saturday was forced to revise guidelines for indoor church services after the U.S. Supreme Court slapped down his ban on indoor worship. The new state guidelines ...

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Donor disclosure laws threaten constitutional rights, attorney says

The freedoms of speech and association are under attack according to sixty-two percent of Americans who are afraid to reveal their opinions on matters of public importance. Nearly one-third believe they will ...

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Kansas Senate approves ‘Value Them Both’ pro-life ballot measure

Kansas voters will have a chance to add a pro-life amendment to the state Constitution. The Value Them Both Amendment passed by a vote of 28-11 – a two-thirds majority – on ...

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Pro-life hero Joe Scheidler leaves lasting legacy


An icon in the pro-life movement passed away Monday, Jan. 18. Joe Scheidler, founder of the Pro-Life Action League, was 93. Scheidler was considered a hero to the pro-life movement for his ...

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U.S. Supreme Court strikes down Colorado restrictions on religious gatherings

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The U.S. Supreme Court continues to side with churches that are challenging overreaching state restrictions. On Tuesday, the court ruled in favor of a Colorado church that sued Democratic Gov. Jared Polis. ...

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Kansas loses voter I.D. effort before US Supreme Court

Kansas voter integrity was given a setback by the U.S. Supreme Court as they rejected Monday an appeal by the state’s secretary of state who sought to revive a law requiring voters ...

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Are Kansans soon paying for unlimited abortion? Yes, but together we can stop it!

Kansas has come a long way in its fight to build a culture of life. Remember the days when people used to fly from around the world to Wichita to get an ...

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17 states have now joined Supreme Court election lawsuit

In a public show of unity that spans the nation, seventeen states have joined the Texas lawsuit before the Supreme Court to challenge the 2020 election results in four battleground states. The states ...

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Justice Alito moves up key deadline for Pennsylvania ballot case

In a decision that has huge implications for the Pennsylvania presidential election, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito has moved up a key deadline used by the high court. The conservative justice asked officials in ...

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Supreme Court slaps down Gov. Cuomo religious gatherings edict

Religious freedom was handed a victory late Wednesday when the U.S. Supreme Court blocked New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and other officials from limiting religious gatherings. The ruling has implications for other ...

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U.S. Senate continues to confirm Trump appointees to federal bench

The 225th federal judge nominated by President Trump was confirmed by the U.S. Senate last week. The Senate has confirmed 227 judges since Trump was inaugurated in 2017. That includes 168 district ...

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Ban on gay therapy overturned by US Court of Appeals

The US Supreme Court may end up hearing a case involving gay conversion therapy after a Federal Court overturned a ban.  The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals broke with two other appeals ...

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