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Tag Archives: united states

Photos reveal AOC protest reaction was at empty parking lot

Earlier this week, media around the world showed images of U.S. Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez clutching her face in despair and weeping at what was implied to be immigrants at the U.S. border. The ...

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Vicious shark attack leaves young American dead

shark attack

A vicious attack by multiple sharks in the Bahamas has killed a vacationing California woman. College student Jordan Lindsey, 21, of Torrance was snorkeling with her family near Rose Island on June 26 ...

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Tariffs working as Apple moves factories from China

American media scoffed when President Donald Trump suggested American companies would move factories out of China as a result of new tariffs. Now, one of the largest companies in the world is ...

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Sen. Josh Hawley confronts foreign espionage

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) on June 18 introduced legislation aimed at protecting sensitive national security-related academic research from theft by foreign intelligence services from countries such as China, Russia, and Iran. The legislation ...

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Myths of tariffs finally debunked

You wouldn’t know it from the media reports on tariffs and the trade war with China. Tariffs leveled by the U.S. against unfair trading partner countries aren’t that bad for our economy. ...

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Historic security summit to be held Jerusalem

For the first time ever, US officials have brokered a joint meeting between Israel, the United States and Russia. The unprecedented meeting will be attended by security officials from all three countries ...

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China’s Big Brother tightens grip on society

The book “1984” by George Orwell is being  played out in Communist China with big brother everywhere. The Chinese Communist Party is using advanced technology to secure government control over the lives ...

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How liberalism destroyed education and how to fix it

In 1953, historian and educator Hilda Neatby ignited controversy by publishing “So Little for the Mind: An Indictment of Canadian Education.” She wanted to know why otherwise bright high school students entering ...

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Rocket explodes near US Embassy in Iraq


As Iran ratchets up threats against the United States, a rocket was fired into Iraqi capital Baghdad’s heavily fortified Green Zone, exploding near the U.S. Embassy overnight. There were no casualties according ...

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Democrats invite radical Islamic Imam to lead prayers in Congress

backlash imam

Are Democrat leaders of the US House anti-Semitic? That’s what some in Washington and across the nation are asking after House Democrat leaders invited a radical Imam to lead a prayer on ...

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US flexes military might in signal to Iran


The Pentagon has approved the deployment of a Navy ship and a Patriot missile defense battery to the Middle East, amid increasing tensions between the United States and Iran. The USS Arlington, a ...

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Exhibit examines the armistice and a changed world after WWI


The World War I armistice on Nov. 11, 1918 ended fighting on the Western Front, but the war—and its lasting effects—did not end even with the signing of the Treaty of Paris ...

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New safety measures implemented for Americans traveling abroad


Americans traveling abroad will have stronger tools to determine the risk factors for certain countries. Beginning April 8, 2019, the U.S. State Department has implemented a new risk indicator to highlight the ...

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Merger would make St. Louis 9th largest city in nation

A state senator from St. Louis is optimistic the Missouri Legislature will approve her proposed constitutional amendment involving a possible St. Louis City and County merger by the end of session in ...

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Trump ends summit with North Koreans

With echoes of President Ronald Reagan walking away from negotiations with the Soviets at a summit in Iceland during the 1980s, President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s second ...

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National emergencies were normal for former presidents

emergency media

While the media like CNN and Democrats continue to call President Trump’s National Emergency Declaration unconstitutional, something has been lost in the reporting…history. Trump declared the emergency Friday in order to fund ...

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US State Department lied to hide Palestinian terrorist efforts

A new report by the U.S. Government Accountability Office says the U.S. State Department lied to Congress in recent years regarding actions by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, or UNRWA. It concerns ...

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South Korea will pay more to US after negotiations with Trump

South Korea will pay $60 million more for the upkeep of U.S. troops on its territory—this after President Donald Trump demanded that Seoul boost its contribution. The two nations inked a short-term ...

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Will new Democratic government in NE Syria survive?

democratic syria

NORTHEAST SYRIA – One of the untold stories unfolding in northeast Syria is the emergence of a representative form of government that represents all the peoples such as the Kurds, Christians and ...

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Pastor draws flak for $200K Lamborghini gift to wife

Two weeks after drawing praise for allowing congregants in need to take cash directly from his offering baskets, Pastor John Gray of Relentless Church in Greenville, South Carolina, is drawing flak for ...

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China is fast losing the trade war

NEWS ANALYSIS: Two years ago, Beijing was flying high. Well on its way to dominating the world. Or so it thought. Sure, the newly elected American president had talked tough on trade, ...

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US vetoes UN’s annual condemnation of Israel

The United States for the first time voted against an annual U.N. resolution condemning Israeli control over the Golan Heights at the world body. The decision by the United States to change ...

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US economic growth beats all expectations

WASHINGTON—The U.S. economy expanded at a 3.5 percent annual rate in the third quarter, as consumer spending strengthened. The growth came in above the Wall Street expectation of 3.3 percent. According to the “advance” estimate ...

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Is Kim Jong Un afraid of Jesus?

Open Doors USA has explored the reasons why North Korean leader Kim Jong Un remains “afraid” of Christianity. Their findings go to the heart of people’s beliefs about Jesus. Sunday, November 4 ...

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GOOD NEWS: World poverty rates are dropping

Poverty rates around the world are falling dramatically, especially in the last few years but there’s still much work to be done. While the United States experiences record growth, global economic prospects ...

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