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Author Archives: Lee Hartman

The biblical reason why Catholics baptize infants

Infant baptism has been practiced by the Catholic Church and others from the very beginning. Following the commission of Jesus Christ, the Catholic Church from the very beginning has incorporated the sacrament ...

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Exclusive photos of a march unlike any other

As the cold, dreary morning dawned on Washington, DC, last Friday, few realized that history was about to be made. The wet slushy ground and the heavy clouds made for an ominous ...

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Weavers is representative of many small businesses in Kansas

When it comes to Lawrence, Kansas, there are two aspects that, together, make Lawrence unique: The University of Kansas and Mass Street. For Weavers, the combination of these two local flavors has ...

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Living happier, healthier and longer lives depends on friends and family, says AMAC

Good relationships with family and friends are key components of happy, healthy and longer lives, according to a study that has been ongoing for more than 80 years. The Harvard Study of Adult ...

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Netflix show causes increase in thrift store donations

If you like thrift shopping, you’re in luck. A new Netflix show called “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo” is teaching people to let go of material things. The minimalist home/life improvement show ...

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Undocumented immigrants cost U.S. $113 Billion annually, averaging over 2 billion per state

The cost of illegal immigrants on the U.S. is severe, according to a new report which finds that illegal aliens cost us all $113 billion a year. The Federation for American Immigration ...

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Grounded: Trump has postponed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s upcoming foreign trip

President Donald Trump is postponing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s “seven-day excursion” to Egypt, Afghanistan and Brussels that was scheduled to leave today. President Trump wrote a letter to Pelosi this morning informing ...

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Weekend winter storm forecast for Northeast Kansas

A winter storm system is forecast to descend across Kansas Friday and Saturday with snowfall averaging between one to four inches in most regions of the state.  Heavier snowfall is forecast for ...

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Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes wins MVP and Offensive Player of the Year from PFWA

Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes has received two more honors. On Wednesday, the Pro Football Writers of America announced it has named Mahomes as the NFL’s Most Valuable Player and the NFL’s Offensive Player of the ...

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Poll: Majority of voters agree with Trump, call porous border a ‘crisis’

The establishment media and elected Democrats have failed to convince the American public that mass illegal immigration, human trafficking and drug trafficking at the United States-Mexico border is a “manufactured crisis,” a ...

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Media freak out over Trump’s menu for Clemson visit, players have a different opinion

Even if you were to remove all of the politics and rhetoric, it’s hard to argue that President Donald Trump isn’t overly criticized by the media. Take, for example, an event that ...

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NPR: The case for expanded “Border Barrier”

NPR has issued a report on what the experts at the Border Patrol are requesting for the border. The request made through the President for border security includes more than just additional physical barriers: ...

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Advocates: Black kids are more likely to land in foster care, just one thing that needs fixing

African-American children are much more likely to land in the Kansas foster care system than white children. A report from Strengthen Families Rebuild Hope, a coalition of organizations and people who have ...

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Ben Carson’s prescription for a better life

Dr. Ben Carson has a prescription for a better life. Carson is the 17th secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. After a successful career in medicine and his ...

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Bleeding Kansas Series returns to Constitution Hall

Dramatic interpretations and talks about the violent territorial and civil war history of Kansas, 1854-1865, will highlight the 2019 annual Bleeding Kansas series, which begins January 27. The programs are held at ...

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Liberal and conservative lawmakers: the unlikely group ‘holding hands in prayer’ each week in DC

In this deeply partisan political climate, it may come as a surprise to many that a group of Senate Democrats and Republicans come together each week to pray. “It is literally the ...

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6 signs of caregiver burnout

The tasks of caring for an elderly loved one can add up quickly, leaving you exhausted and stressed out. Chances are, if you’ve been a caregiver for more than a few weeks ...

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Topeka Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign reaches goal

salvation army critical race

This year’s Red Kettle Campaign collected a little over their goal of $205,000, thanks to the support of donors and company partners in Topeka.  The money, raised between November 19 and December ...

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What science tells us about the development journey Jesus experienced in Mary’s womb

The whole purpose of the recent Christmas season was to celebrate the coming of the Son of God in human flesh, a miracle that eventually led to the salvation of all who ...

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The power of an Ultrasound to save a life should not be underestimated

It happened when I was scrolling through my Facebook feed one day. In between posts about the latest football games, I saw it—and it melted my heart. There was an Ultrasound of ...

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Tim Tebow starts year batting 1.000: ‘She said YES’

Former Heisman Trophy winner and current professional baseball player Tim Tebow is officially off the market. After roughly six months of dating, Tebow has proposed to Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters, known for winning Miss Universe in 2017. ...

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Runners gear up for 37th Annual Groundhog Run, underground at Hunt Midwest Subtropolis

The Kansas City area’s most unique run – and the nation’s only 100% sanctioned 10K indoor race that takes place totally underground – will be held on Sunday, January 27 at Hunt ...

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Pregnancy centers provide honesty and compassion…and the abortion industry hates it

We have all heard the familiar adage: if you repeat a lie often enough, people will start to believe it. This is the tactic the abortion industry is using today to attempt ...

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As government shutdown continues, Kansas Republicans blame Democrats

On what threatens to become the longest government shutdown in history, Kansas Republican representatives tend to agree — Democrats are to blame. It’s the third week of the shutdown, which came after ...

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5 tips to shed those pounds in the New Year

Maybe you want more energy, or perhaps you want to lose weight and keep it off for good. Whatever your goals, a new year means a fresh start to become the best ...

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