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Author Archives: Dwight Widaman

Did Herod’s carriage look like this one unearthed near Pompeii?

pompeii carriage

What would a ceremonial Roman carriage used by King Herod on the streets of Jerusalem possibly look like? We may have an answer after archaeologists unearthed an intact vehicle outside of Pompeii, ...

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Here’s what the church may look like when pandemic ends

From virtual services to community outreaches, the pandemic has led to major changes for most churches. Media consultant Phil Cooke looks ahead to what the church might look like after the pandemic. ...

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‘Resurrection’ tells the story of the final days of Jesus on earth

Many remember that “The Ten Commandments” was an annual Easter season feature on American broadcast television. An appropriate film though, as it told of God’s deliverance of the Hebrew people from Egypt ...

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Largest Protestant adoption agency opens services to include LGBTQ parents

The nation’s largest Protestant adoption agency is facing criticism for recently opening adoptions to LGBTQ parents. The ministry has been adopting to LGBTQ families in Michigan since May 2019, after the state ...

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Community pulls together to relocate and renovate historic black church

black church

A historic black church is being saved from demolition as a community pulls together in the effort. In September 2014, the planned demolition of Timmons Temple in Springfield, Mo. was brought to ...

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House passes police reform bill some call ‘anti-police’

The House of Representatives has passed a police reform bill that would ban certain police tactics and require local law enforcement to follow guidelines outlined by Congress. The George Floyd Justice in Policing Act ...

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In dead of night, Democrats pass controversial election ‘reform’

Democrats have passed an “election reform” bill that some say actually weakens the democratic process and moves control of elections nationwide to Congress. The bill, which contains sweeping and controversial changes, was ...

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Myanmar police raid church as pro-democracy protests continue

Churches in Myanmar have been drawn into the violent crackdown against pro-democracy protesters. On Tuesday military and police ramped up use of tear gas and rubber bullets against citizens demonstrating the February overthrow ...

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Congressman calls for states to counter progressive agenda

progressive agenda

Conservative states must take the lead in resisting the progressive policy agenda of the Biden Administration, Florida Congressman Greg Steube says. The Republican criticized the COVID-19 relief bill for including radical measures ...

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Joe Biden has divided Catholics over his leftist agenda

biden catholics conscience

Catholics are divided in their response to President Joe Biden touting his loyalty to the church while enacting a radical agenda on abortion, religious freedom, and other issues. Unlike President John F. ...

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New Johnson & Johnson vaccine morally compromised, say Christian bioethecists

johnson & johnson

As the CDC and media herald the arrival of the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine, bioethics groups say it has ethical issues. The National Catholic Bioethics Center and the United States Conference ...

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National Grammar Day: Top 5 grammar mistakes

grammar day

Grammar nerds, rejoice! National Grammar Day is Thursday, March 4th, and it’s the perfect day to celebrate the idiosyncrasies of the English language and study up on some of the common grammar ...

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In Harvard poll, even Democrats agree that cancel culture threatens freedom

poll cancel

Americans believe cancel culture poses “a threat to our freedom” according to a new poll by Harvard CAPS-Harris. Two in three of all respondents, (sixty-four percent), answered yes when asked “Do you ...

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Dr. Seuss meets cancel culture as school district alleges ‘radical undertones’

Dr Seuss

Dr. Seuss has become the latest victim of cancel culture after a Virginia school district told teachers to ditch the books. The Loudoun County Public Schools district removed the books from reading ...

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Missouri legislators continue to wrestle with education reform bills

Missouri legislators have debated education reform for at least a decade, and the discussion is continuing in this legislative session An education savings accounts program managed to clear a major hurdle, barely ...

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Facebook settles lawsuit over ‘creepy’ tag photo facial recognition

facebook tag

The “tag” a friend photo feature on Facebook has been dealt a huge privacy blow. A federal judge on Friday gave final approval to a settlement and ordered the 1.6 million plaintiffs who ...

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Minister who forgave his attacker launches ‘Safe Haven’ for youth


“I forgave the man who shot me,” Anthony White recalls of his chance encounter with the attacker who two years earlier had pulled the trigger. It was 2002 and White was walking ...

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Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo joins American Center for Law and Justice

Pompeo law

Mike Pompeo, the former secretary of state, has joined the American Center for Law and Justice as senior counsel for global affairs. “Secretary Pompeo is joining the ACLJ as of today and will ...

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‘Great damage to the church’ says Sean Feucht about ‘Equality Act’

feucht equality

Worship leader Sean Feucht is encouraging Christians to draw a line in the sand against the Equality Act, which passed the U.S. House last week and now moves to the Senate for ...

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Opposition leader and atheist poisoned by Putin has found God

The opposition leader fighting the authoritarian rule of Vladimir Putin has found God.  Noted atheist Alexei Navalny unveiled his newfound faith during a court appearance after his arrest for speaking out on ...

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Children’s Mercy Kansas City opens news pediatric research facility

childrens mercy

Children’s Mercy Kansas City announced the opening of its new nine-story, 375,000-square-foot, pediatric research facility located in downtown Kansas City. The new building is home to the Children’s Mercy Research Institute, which was established in 2015 to accelerate ...

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Loneliness increasing among all age groups, Harvard study finds

Churches and ministries may need to pay careful attention to people experiencing loneliness brought on by lockdowns and social distancing. More than three in 10 Americans feel “serious loneliness,” according to a ...

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Artist says Trump statue is not the golden calf idol

trump statue

Did people at CPAC worship an idol of President Donald Trump? That’s the claim on social media after photos of the hilarious image went viral. Memes of a statue created in bobblehead-style ...

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Justice Clarence Thomas concerned about mail-in ballot fraud


Although the U.S. Supreme Court declined to review the way Pennsylvania conducted its presidential election because of the timing of the case, Justice Clarence Thomas expressed concern about the potential for fraud. ...

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Courts blocking Biden administration over unconstitutional acts

biden court

Court rulings blocking unconstitutional Biden adminsitration policies are ramping up. Thursday saw a U.S. District Court rule that Biden does not have the authority to issue a nationwide moratorium on evictions. Earlier ...

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