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Next Generation

Is sharing your faith now taboo in America?

The American religious landscape is changing before our eyes. The number of those identifying with faith is declining and believers are experiencing heightened nervousness at standing out from a secularized culture. Those ...

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3 kinds of students who leave Christianity after high school

“I just don’t believe what you believe anymore.” These are words that no Christian parent or youth leader ever wants to hear. After this bombshell hits and the shockwaves subside, we wonder ...

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Family of missionary killed by tribe speaks out


The family of an American missionary killed while trying to bring the gospel to one of the most isolated tribes in the world is speaking out. John Allen Chau, 27, took a ...

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The Age Gap in Religion Around the World

By several measures, young adults tend to be less religious than their elders; the opposite is rarely true. In the United States, religious congregations have been graying for decades, and young adults ...

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Church will give Hummer to one passionate youth group teen


A summer church youth group promotion has caught the attention of a community­–and the area’s teenagers. One lucky student will win a free Hummer at the end of August as part of a ...

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Poll shows social media being used to share faith, plus tips for when you do

Are Christians using social media to reach neighbors, friends and family as effectively as they can? A new study shows just three in 10 Christians have shared their faith with non-believing friends ...

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Porn acceptance at all-time high, growing among young

A new survey shows that acceptance of porn is increasing–especially among young men. In the survey, “More Americans Say Pornography Is Morally Acceptable,” Gallup reported that 43% of Americans “now believe pornography ...

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Not your parent’s VBS! Summer tradition makes a comeback


Vacation Bible School — better known as VBS — is back as one of the most popular church programs in America after a few years of decline. Back in the 1890s, a pair ...

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“There is revival in the LGBT community,” says Pulse nightclub survivor who accepted Christ

nightclub survivor

Luis Ruiz heard the gunshots, smelled the gun powder, and felt sheer terror as a muslim gunman brutally mowed down 49 people inside Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando, FL in June ...

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People who left LGBT lifestyle to rally in Washington

lgbt march

Former lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender men and women,  including an Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting survivor, will gather in the nation’s capital for a worship event next weekend. They plan to proclaim ...

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Olympics: Dietzen’s love for teammates anchored by faith

RIO DE JANEIRO — Christa Dietzen comes by the “Mom” nickname her teammates have given her naturally. She’s the oldest in her extended family, and she’s one of the oldest players on ...

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Speed the Light a new weapon in anti-human trafficking effort

Speed the Light, the youth discipleship mechanism that provides funds for missionaries around the world, has partnered with F.R.E.E. International to provide six different vehicle needs including a mobile command center to ...

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Why Do Kansas City’s Millennials Quit Church?

Metro Voice interviewed area millennials who spent a summer in Kansas City discovering seven ways to win back a generation of young people that have quit the church.  While at Shawnee Mission ...

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Church is the Place to be for Christmas

Christmas is a great time to invite someone to church, according to a new study. In a poll of 1,000 Americans, LifeWay Research found six out of 10 Americans typically attend church ...

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Climate Change Accord Hurts World’s Poor

PARIS — The climate change accord struck in Paris among 195 nations thankfully is nonbinding, evangelical commentators noted, because rigorous implementation of it could harm the world’s poorest residents and stifle nations’ ...

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Readers Make Teen’s Christmas Wish Possible

The Christmas story to many teens can feel distant–like something that only happened 2,000 years ago. But for Grace, a resident of the Show-Me Christian Youth Home in central Missouri, the story ...

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Football, Faith and Family Meet at Arrowhead

Arrowhead is first NFL stadium with on-site worship services. On Sunday afternoons in the fall, Arrowhead Stadium is home to the largest prayer meeting in Kansas City. More than 75,000 Chiefs fans ...

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Part 5. Israel: Into the Wilderness and Goodbyes

  Our departure from Jerusalem was bittersweet. We had much more to experience as we headed for the wilderness of Ein Gedi passing the caves where the Dead Sea scrolls were found ...

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“I Love God More” Says Rapper Dre Tee

Dre Tee has been performing and writing music since his early teens. Originally focused on breaking into the bigtime, the Lord had different plans for him. Metro Voice recently got a chance ...

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Two-Day Bible Conference Brings Heavy Hitters to KC

Recorded in the pages of the Guinness Book of World Records, under the “best-selling book of non-fiction” category, you will discover the most sold book in all of history. Coming in at ...

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Developing an Entrepreneurial Spirit

Does Your Work Matter? By Linda Fields |   To develop your entrepreneurial spirit, your first priority is to understand if, and how, it matters. For decades there has been a schism ...

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Conference To Inspire Your Workplace and Private Life

Moving Forward: Personal Vision for Significant Impact By Dwight Widaman |   The Joseph Company will hold a conference on expanding the influence of your faith personally and in the marketplace. Moving ...

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Is Evangelicalism Dead?

By Michael Spencer Editor’s Note: A column in a leading national newspaper has opened many eyes and created quite a controversy. We reprint it here to encourage thoughtful debate. Oneida, Ky. — ...

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