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Kansas City Archbishop calls out President Biden for abortion policies

The pro-abortion policies of President Joe Biden are in direct opposition to Christian teachings, said Archbishop Joseph Naumann of Kansas City, who also serves as chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic ...

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Day of prayer for Christian schools planned for February 23

Hundreds of Christian schools around the world will join in celebrating the fourth annual ACSI Day of Prayer on February 23. The day of prayer is one of ACSI’s most popular events ...

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Ravi Zacharias Ministries releases report on sexual misconduct

zacharias ministries

After a comprehensive investigation, Ravi Zacharias International Ministries has released its report on alleged sexual misconduct by its late founder. The lengthy report published by Miller & Martin LLC details accounts by multiple ...

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Churches modifying Ash Wednesday practices over Covid

The pandemic is complicating plans to mark Ash Wednesday, which will start the Lenten season on Wednesday, February 17. The solemn day — officially known as the Day of Ashes — is ...

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How should we respond to the Ravi Zacharias scandal?

zacharias memorial

In the aftermath of the shocking and tragic news about the sex scandal involving Ravi Zacharias, someone wrote me asking, “Would you consider writing something in regards to the Ravi scandals? I ...

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Power interruptions possible as Energy Emergency Alert goes to Level 3

Persistent and extreme cold weather has made temporary power interruptions a possibility in the area. The cold snap has led to region-wide electricity use that exceeds available generation across the Southwest Power ...

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Ethiopia comes apart as ethnic Tigray Christians battle the government and each other

ethiopia tigray

Christians in the Tigray region of Ethiopia are reporting a campaign rape and torture at the hands of government forces with tens of thousands of civilians dead. The region is involved in ...

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Biden proposes state travel ban while increasing migrant entries

President Joe Biden is being called out for hypocrisy after he floated a ban on Americans traveling to Florida and other states over Covid fears.  The suggestion comes as his administration prepares ...

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Actor Jim Caviezel calls out America for its great sin of abortion

caviezel jim

Actor Jim Caviezel, who portrayed Jesus in “The Passion of the Christ,” recently called abortion America’s great sin. “Many people are a part of this great sin in this country,” he said. ...

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Hallmark Channel reaffirms commitment to including LGBTQ characters in programs

hallmark lgbtq

The Hallmark Channel is just one network that has been targeted by the LGBTQ community to add more diverse characters in programming. The company says it is already doing so with that ...

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Schools districts attempt to monitor mental health of students during pandemic

Local school districts are concerned about the mental health of students as the pandemic continues. “This time has called for us to really relook at how we provide services to families,” said ...

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Missouri may join states allowing guns in churches

churches guns

After numerous armed attacks on unarmed congregations across the nation, more states are dropping the ban on legally carrying guns in a house of worship. A Missouri House subcommittee this week began ...

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Tom Brady participates in Super Bowl Gospel Celebration

brady gospel

Kansas City Chiefs fans saw all they wanted to see of Tom Brady during last weekend’s Super Bowl. However, Brady also shared a heartfelt message to Houston Texans quarterback Deshaun Watson during ...

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Number of COVID-19 cases drop below 100,000 for first time this year

The number of COVID-19 cases in the United States continues to drop. Much of the good news comes from arctic cold weather and numerous snow storms keeping many Americans home. The number ...

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Trump releases statement on acquittal

trump acquittal

Below is the statement released by former President Donald Trump after his acquittal by the U.S. Senate. – February 13, 2021 – Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United ...

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Where do birds go when it’s cold?

Ever wonder where birds go when it’s freezing cold, or rainy or even storm? That’s a question many bird lovers ask.  Bird Cams project leader Charles Eldermire provided an interesting look at ...

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How the cancel culture stifles creativity

culture creativity

We saw it during the Super Bowl on Sunday, as many of the commercials fell flat. We saw it with the cancelling of the Washington Redskins name, only to replace it with ...

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Palestinian Authority caught destroying remains of Joshua’s Altar

The Palestinian Authority is under fire after it purposely began destroying the remains of Joshua’s Altar on Mount Ebal. Archaeologists discovered the destruction of the compound when visiting the site late this ...

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Biden notifies Congress he is defunding southern border wall

President Joe Biden has defunded work on the southern security wall with Mexico. He informed Congress Feb. 11 that he reversed President Donald Trump’s emergency declaration that funded construction of the wall. ...

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Study shows preborn react to pain in facial expressions


Do preborn babies feel pain? A new study has proven that unborn babies receiving an anesthetic injection exhibit changes in facial expression similar to newborn babies experiencing pain. The case involved a ...

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6 ways to remember persecuted Christians in 2021

christians 2021

As Christians around the world face rising persecution, Metro Voice regularly shares stories that highlight their plight.  As we’ve reported, persecution has increased, especially in an age of Covid as governments use ...

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The black doctor who performed open heart surgery in 1893

heart surgery

While the world celebrates open heart surgery as a modern triumph of science, it was a black doctor in 1893 Chicago that really made history.  In July of that year, Dr. Daniel ...

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‘The Father’ is an intimate look at dementia and a daughter’s dedication

The father

The Father is a beautifully honest portrait of dementia and the toll it takes not just on the one suffering from it, but on the aging man’s primary caregiver: his daughter. The ...

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The embattled Christians of Nigeria: can 2021 get worse?

It was an occasion for joy and celebration when the threat of terrorist attack and Covid could be forgotten for a little while. Christians gathered in the village of Kukum Daji in ...

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Group pleads with Biden to stop Chinese genocide against Uyghur minority


A Uyghur group protesting Chinese treatment of minority religious populations is calling on President Joe Biden to act upon the Trump administration’s “genocide” designation against China.  The East Turkistan National Awakening Movement ...

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