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Sen. Hawley fires back after Simon & Schuster cancels book


U.S. Senator Josh Hawley has responded to Simon & Schuster after the publishing behemoth cancelled his upcoming book on big tech censorship. Hawley, who was among the Republicans objecting to the certification ...

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Agnes Keleti: Oldest living Olympic champion beat the Nazis, turns 100

holocaust olympic

For Agnes Keleti, the oldest living Olympic champion, the fondest memory of her remarkable 100 years is simply that she has lived through it all. The Holocaust survivor and winner of 10 ...

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Religious background of the new Congress

Missouri Rep. Emanuel Cleaver made headlines on the opening day of Congress when he added “a-women” to the close of his prayer. His remarks, which drew scorn from all sections of the ...

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New Missouri House speaker prioritizes education, adoption

missouri education

Newly elected Missouri House Speaker Rob Vescovo, a Republican from Arnold, made education a top priority in his address to members on Wednesday. “As a student who struggled, I believe I do ...

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Pro-life group looks at fetal tissue origins of COVID-19 vaccines

As the approval of three COVID-19 vaccines draws closer, many Christians are asking questions about pro-life implications. Many say that a vaccine that was developed and tested using fetal tissue derived from ...

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Study: 90 percent of U.S. universities restrict speech

Nearly nine in 10 American universities restrict free speech in some form, according to the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE’s) 2021 Spotlight on Speech Codes. The organization looked at the free ...

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Missouri Legislature takes Covid precautions for 2021 session

The 2021 Missouri legislative session resumes this week, several protocols are in place to address the ongoing pandemic, said Senate President Dave Schatz, “We have people checking temperatures, asking COVID-related questions as ...

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Mission Liberate to host human trafficking survivors at meet and greet Jan. 8

mission liberate

A new local organization seeking to have an impact on ending human trafficking will launch a grassroots campaign tonight. Mission Liberate, founded in 2019 by several students at the University of Kansas, ...

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Open Doors shelters Colombian boy who turned down guerrilla gang


Timóteo’s family found Jesus, and converted from the beliefs of their tribe in Colombia. That made them targets for persecution – and made  11-year-old Timóteo a target for guerrilla gangs. You’re 11 ...

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The story of Ignatius provides guidance for completing 2021 resolutions


Can a 15th-century Spanish nobleman named Ignatius offer lessons for succeeding at fulfilling our New Year resolutions? Making and breaking resolutions is a familiar and discouraging annual ritual for many people. Almost ...

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What were the worst passwords for the past year?

NordPass has published its annual research on the most common or worst passwords of the year. The most popular passwords of 2020 were easy-to-guess number combinations, such as “123456,” the word “password,” ...

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Christian leaders condemn violence in Washington, D.C.

laurie covid-19 christians greg israel iran's

Christian leaders from across the nation are condemning Wednesday’s violence at the U.S. Capitol. “This mob attack on our Capitol and our Constitution is immoral, unjust, dangerous and inexcusable,” tweeted Dr. Russell ...

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Pence affirms Biden as President-elect after Capitol breached

Vice President Mike Pence affirmed the vote of the Senate early Thursday morning, announcing that Joe Biden had secured enough electoral votes in the 2020 presidential election. The night-long debate came after ...

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Scotland closes all churches in latest lockdowns

As of Wednesday, church buildings across Scotland have been shuttered as part of the latest government lockdowns. The restriction, expected to last for “at least four weeks,” affects all of the mainland, ...

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Sudan signs historic Abraham Accords with U.S. and Israel

President Donald Trump has announced another historic peace deal involving an Arab nation and Israel. The government of Sudan on Wednesday announced it signed the Trump-brokered “Abraham Accords” with the U.S. and ...

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China prevents entry of WHO investigators looking into covid origins

The World Health Organization (WHO) has accused China of preventing its investigation into the Covid virus and how it spread beyond the borders of the communist nation. International experts have been denied ...

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CNN anchor Chris Cuomo mocks Sen. Marco Rubio over Christian faith

cnn rubio

Republican Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida was mocked on CNN earlier this week because of his Christian faith Anchor Chris Cuomo referred to him as “Bible boy” and said he has “a ...

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List of objectors as joint session of Congress meets today

As the Senate and House convene Wednesday, 90 Republicans are saying they will object to electoral votes for specific states.  If objectors fail, the joint session of Congress could bring to an ...

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Democrats take one Georgia seat, pro-life policies threatened

Democrat Raphael Warnock has defeated pro-life Senator Kelly Loeffler in one of the two Georgia runoff Senate races. Warnock was ahead with just over 50 percent of the vote. Pro-life Republican U.S. ...

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Missouri Right to Life-Western Region working towards a ‘new day’

new day

According to the song “It’s a new dawn,” Michael Bublé is feeling good. He croons, “It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new life for me.” I’m very happy ...

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Advice & Aid helps women reverse abortion pill

abortion pill

Reversing the effects of the abortion pill. It sounded too good to be true. But when the opportunity arose for us to learn more about this process, Advice & Aid jumped at ...

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Democrat House leaders to delete ‘mother,’ ‘father’ language over gender issues

After the Democrat-controlled U.S. House of Representatives proposed a change to gender language, Rev. Franklin Graham posted a tweet criticizing the move. The actions by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and others ...

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Largest pro-life groups in Kansas merge into powerhouse

life merge agenda kansans

The two largest pro-life organizations in Kansas are merging. Wichita-based Kansans for Life (KFL), the state’s largest pro-life group, will officially merge with its Kansas City Regional Affiliate, KCKFL. Kansans for Life ...

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Plan to challenge electoral votes divides Republicans in Senate

electoral republicans

Senate Republicans are divided over plans to object to electoral votes on Wednesday. Sen. John Hoeven (R-N.D.), up for reelection in 2022, said in a statement that he supports President Donald Trump ...

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Antifa members protest at home of Josh Hawley, threaten his wife and baby

antifa hawley

Members of the fascist group Antifa attacked Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley’s home and threatened his wife and newborn baby on Monday night, Hawley has tweeted. “Tonight while I was in Missouri, Antifa ...

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