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Is Hollywood cheering the death of the movie theater?

You know how the symbiotic relationship between movie studios and U.S. theater chains work, right? To boil it down to its simplest terms, studios spend big tubs of cash to cast and ...

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Arrests are an occupational hazard for pastors in India

india pastors

Arrests of pastors in India are an everyday  occurrence  and come on the back of growing religious nationalism, warns  Christian charity  Open Doors. Mahesh, a pastor in his early 50s, is troubled with constant false ...

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Upheaval in Iran as youth turn away from Islam

Iran is undergoing seismic shifts as the young turn towards the west and away from radical Islam. A first-of-its-kind survey reveals those changing attitudes toward religious beliefs and their authoritarian Islamic government. ...

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U.S. Supreme Court hears case that may have significant impact on religious liberty

Although it was largely overshadowed by the election, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments on Wednesday in a case regarding a Catholic foster care agency that refuses to compromise its religious ...

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Seven in 10 Jackson County voters reject removal of Andrew Jackson statues

Two statues of Andrew Jackson will remain standing in the county named after him. Jackson County voters rejected the measure to remove both the downtown statue and the one outside the Truman ...

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Trump campaign files lawsuit in Michigan after it’s denied access to observe vote counting

The campaign of President Donald trump has filed a lawsuit in Michigan after Democrat officials there prevented its officials from legally observing the vote counting process. The campaign wants to ensure the ...

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Press conference: Trump campaign alleges shocking ballot counting fraud

ballot campaign voter attorney general

As ballot-counting irregularities in Pennsylvania and other battleground states come into the spotlight, the Trump campaign on Wednesday afternoon asserted the President won. The campaign’s legal team announced a lawsuit alleging fraud ...

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Hear the success stories of Missouri Right to Life-Western Region

2021 abortion

I think everyone loves a good success story. They motivate and move us; impress and inspire us. Whenever I attend a pro-life event, whether it’s for Advice and Aid, 40 Days for ...

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Advice & Aid: Helping moms create order where chaos exists


I began working at Advice & Aid a little over a year ago. After retiring from teaching, I was looking for a part-time job that provided a sense of purpose. Because of ...

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It took a pandemic to change my perspective

Author and Emmy Award nominated Craig Syracusa writes about how the pandemic has changed the perspective of many people, including him. Syracusa hosts the TV show “Walk in Faith” and was recognized ...

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200 evangelical leaders sign letter calling for peace following elections

As Americans await the outcome of the presidential election, more than 200 evangelical leaders are encouraging communities to rise above political partisanship and societal divisions to live out the gospel by pursuing ...

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Some Missouri races close, while others a blow-out

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A number of candidates and issues on the Missouri ballot turned out to be nail-biters while other races and issues surprised political pundits. One of those was a ballot measure to remove ...

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Bible translator tortured, murdered in Indonesia

indonesia translator

A new report has revealed the horrific story of a Bible translator being tortured and murdered in Indonesia. The killing was at the hands of a military officer. On Monday, Indonesia’s human ...

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Pro-life Republican women flip five seats, weakening Pelosi

republican women

As the official results in the Presidential election remain unsettled, pro-life Republican women helped reduce the power of Nancy Pelosi in Congress. Nancy Pelosi will return to Congress without some familiar Democrat ...

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Veterans Hall of Fame inducts first class at state capitol

veterans hall of fame

Veterans Day is fast approaching, and Missouri honored several of its heroes last week with induction to the Veterans Hall of Fame last week in Jefferson City. Joseph Frank, an Army veteran ...

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‘Islamic terrorist’ responsible for Vienna attack: authorities

vienna terrorist

Authorities have announced an “Islamic terrorist” was responsible for the deadly attack on Jews in Vienna, Austria late Monday. Gunmen attacked six locations in central Vienna on Monday evening shortly after 8 ...

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Trump signs executive order to promote ‘patriotic education’

trump education

President Donald Trump on Monday signed an executive order to promote “patriotic education” by establishing the federal 1776 Commission. The President wrote: “Just signed an order to establish the 1776 Commission. We will ...

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Liberty or death: there is no Option C


“Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but ...

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What kind of America will you choose?

Much of the media would have you believe that the upcoming elections are really just about personalities. Who’s more empathetic? Who’s more dignified? Who’s more likable? The truth is, Americans won’t just be ...

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Heated race for Kansas Second Congressional District


With the election at hand for the vacant seat in the Kansas Second Congressional District, the candidates have gone head to head in televised debates on KSNT TV in Topeka, and also ...

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KU Sorority student placed on probation due to political retweet gets national attention

Katherine Lauer

Recently, University of Kansas sophomore Katherine Lauer re-tweeted a political tweet posted by a conservative political pundit. The response to the retweet was being placed on probation from the Kappa Alpha Theta ...

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Israel tiptoes between Azerbaijan and Armenia’s war

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo recently met with the ambassadors of Armenia and Azerbaijan. Pompeo and the Trump administration hope to bring an end to the war between the two countries ...

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Absentee ballots could cause long Missouri election night

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A Missouri political science professors is expecting a long election night as absentee votes are counted. In previous elections, Missouri counties posted absentee ballot results first. For Tuesday’s general election, that practice ...

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Witches plot ‘binding spell’ on Trump, calling up a ‘blue wave’

The world’s witches and Satanists are actively working to ensure Joe Biden is elected on Nov. 3. Their actions have even turned violent against Christians gathering to pray for the nation and ...

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Mike Pence pens letter to voters listing faith record of President Trump

Editor’s Note: Vice President Mike Pence has written a letter to American voters of faith. In the letter, Pence spells out the policies instituted by Donald Trump that have strengthened religious liberty ...

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