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Politics & Policy

Missouri Republican challenger questions constitutionality of governor’s stay-at-home order


There’s growing discontent among Americans about stay-at-home orders that even some legal experts agree may not be constitutional. That includes Missouri residents who question Gov. Mike Parson’s order. Sandra McDowell, who is ...

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Trump Justice Department sides with churches after public outcry over tickets for people in their cars

The Justice Department (DOJ) has weighed in on a dispute between the right to exercise one’s religious freedom with local and state official’s over-zealous efforts to contain the spread of the coronavirus by ...

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Media cuts away from Trump coronavirus briefing when he shows clips of their previous reports

Major news outlets don’t want you to see their reports from January and February that downplayed the threat of coronavirus. CNN and MSNBC cut away from airing President Donald Trump and the ...

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Attorney General William Barr opposes Mayor de Blasio plan to shutter churches

Easter weekend underscored the tensions between the authority of the government to quarantine citizens and constitutional rights of freedom of worship and assembly. U.S. Attorney General William Barr supports religious organizations and ...

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‘A lot of death’: President prepares nation for next two weeks

Americans are being asked to brace for a big spike in fatalities from the COVID-19 virus in the coming weeks. That was the warning from President Donald Trump who says the nation ...

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Most Americans don’t see Democratic candidates as very religious


Religion has been a topic of conversation during the Democratic presidential primary, and some candidates have pointed out how their religious beliefs have shaped their political positions. But Americans don’t consider the Democratic candidates ...

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Transcript of Tuesday night’s somber coronavirus press conference with Trump, Pence

coronavirus pence

Metro Voice regularly provides you with the transcripts of President Trump’s statements and press conferences. Below is the transcript from the Tuesday, March 21 coronavirus press conference with the President, Vice President ...

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‘Better call Bob’ Hamilton running as a conservative for U.S. Senate, but tweets show something else


“Better call Bob” is a familiar phrase to people living in the Kansas City metro. The line is from commercials promoting Bob Hamilton – a plumbing, heating and air-conditioning repair company. Now ...

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A view from Israel: Trump leadership leads to high approval ratings

President Trump has been accused of almost everything – from colluding with the Russians, to withholding money from Ukraine in a quid pro quo, and, most recently, downplaying the coronavirus threat in ...

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While elective surgeries banned, some states still prioritize abortion

A growing number of states have banned elective surgeries in order to focus all resources on fighting the coronavirus. Some abortion providers and states, however, have determined abortion to be an essential ...

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Deal reached on Senate coronavirus bill

U.S. Senate leaders and the White House reached an agreement on a $2 trillion relief bill amid the COVID-19 pandemic, White House official Eric Ueland said shortly after midnight on Wednesday. “Ladies ...

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Evangelicals approve of Trump’s handling of coronavirus

Nearly 70 percent of white evangelicals approve of the way President Donald Trump is handling the coronavirus outbreak, according to a HuffPost/YouGov poll conducted last weekend. By contrast, 45 percent of Americans ...

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President Trump locks up nomination with primary victories in Florida, Illinois

Although it was overshadowed by coronavirus news and the Democrat primaries, President Donald Trump secured the Republican presidential nomination on Tuesday. He won both the Florida and Illinois primary elections. In a ...

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President declares national emergency, brings in Google, Walmart, Walgreens, Target, others into effort

As President Donald Trump declared a national emergency on Friday, the Dow Jones responded by having the 9th largest one day gain in history. The Dow gained 1935 points and closed at ...

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Fox News analyst Brit Hume has no doubt that Joe Biden is becoming “senile”

As Joe Biden closes in on the Democrat presidential nominations, speculation about his mental state continues to swirl. Fox News senior political analyst Brit Hume said during a television segment that there ...

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Pelosi tries to sneak abortion funding into coronavirus legislation

While the Trump administration works to control the spread of the coronavirus and ease Americans’ fears, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is working to put abortion funding into the coronavirus legislation. Pelosi has ...

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African Americans rethinking their political loyalty

More than half of African Americans responding to a recent poll said the Democratic Party is not paying enough attention to their needs. For decades, African Americans have been a key voting ...

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Christians give Supreme Court high marks, survey finds

The Supreme Court is hearing arguments about a Louisiana law that restricts access to abortions and is among several recent state laws designed to challenge Roe v. Wade. Other cases on the docket also could ...

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Democrats change rules, eliminate Tulsi Gabbard from debate

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) has again changed the qualifying criteria for primary debates, eliminating the last woman in the race. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) will now be barred from appearing next to the ...

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Bloomberg drops out, opposes socialist Sanders

After spending $500 million, former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg dropped out of the race for the Democrat presidential nomination on Wednesday. The news comes after a crushing defeat at the hands ...

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Pence welcomes pro-life Democrats to Republican Party

As the Democrat Party continues to move left, many pro-life members feel they have no political home. Vice President Mike Pence recently said they are welcome in the Republican Party. “Life is ...

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Biden gets primary wins but Sanders takes largest prize

Senior Democrat, 77-year-old Joe Biden had good primary results in a half dozen southern states holding contests on Super Tuesday, but for the biggest prize he came up a loser. His win came ...

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Mitch McConnell on reshaping the courts and pro-life legislation: ‘Leave no vacancy behind’


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is speaking out about the courts after two major pro-life bills failed to break through filibusters on the Senate floor this week. Even though neither the ...

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Josh Hawley agrees with Marco Rubio that Bernie Sanders is a Marxist

Many political observers and pundits are calling Tuesday night’s Democrat debate a train wreck. From Joe Biden claiming 150 million Americans have been murdered, Bernie Sanders defending a Marxist regime to Michael ...

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Mexican family loses Supreme Court case over damages in border death

The Obama and Trump administrations both agreed that a U.S. border agent should not be held liable for the death of a young Mexican killed along the border. The Supreme Court also agreed ...

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