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Politics & Policy

Groups tied to Obama, George Soros target black voters in Missouri

Democrats are feeling the heat and in recent polls were behind in key races needed to retake the Senate. Now it’s about getting out the black vote in an off presidential year. ...

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New Gallup poll refutes media hopes of November bloodbath


A Gallup poll shows forty-five percent of Americans now have a favorable view of the Republican Party, a nine-point gain from last September’s 36%. It is the party’s most positive image since ...

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Long-time friend of Christine Blasey Ford contradicts her on party

A friend of the woman who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault has denied that she was at the party where the alleged assault occurred. The Senate Judiciary Committee ...

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Newspaper: George Soros has ties to Kavanaugh accuser

The Washington Times newspaper says just George Soros’ fingerprints are all over what’s going on with Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation proceedings for the Supreme Court, including ties to those around the accuser. ...

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The strange tale of the Kavanaugh accuser

What appeared to be the likely confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court now rests on the believability of almost 40-year-old allegations of an accuser about his time as a high ...

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Maxine Waters honored with leadership award by editors

The nation’s newspapers say partisanship has run amok in Washington. “We need bridge builders,” they say. “The president’s comments are inflammatory,” they opine. So, you would think, in choosing someone to honor ...

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Suspicious letter meant to derail Kavanaugh?


Sixty-five women who say they have known Judge Brett Kavanaugh since high school are coming to the Supreme Court nominee’s defense after allegations of sexual misconduct were leveled at the judge this ...

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Democrats look at Kavanaugh’s high school days

In a last ditch effort to derail what is seen as the likely confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, Democrats are saying they have the goods in an  “anonymous” letter. ...

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Why Congress must investigate Google trying to fix election

On Wednesday, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell issued a statement calling on Congress to probe Google for potential election-meddling: Congress must hold hearings to investigate Google for possibly trying to fix ...

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How will McCaskill vote on Supreme Court nomination?

The Washington Times Newspaper is reporting today that the fate of long-time incumbent Sen. Claire McCaskill and her bid for re-election may hinge on her Supreme Court vote. The paper says that ...

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George Soros behind Missouri Amendment 1

Amendment 1, which will be on the November ballot, also known as “Clean Missouri,” sounds good. Who wouldn’t want our state to be “clean”? But there’s a lot more than meets the ...

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Pence: voters should know what’s at stake

WASHINGTON – Vice President Mike Pence has explained to the Christian Broadcasting Network why he is “very confident” the news for conservatives and the Nov. elections isn’t as bad as the media reports. ...

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Democrats team with protesters to disrupt hearings

As Senate Supreme Court confirmation hearings entered their second day, there was no lack of theatrics by those seeking to disrupt hearings over nominee Brett Kavanaugh. The fireworks again erupted Wednesday at ...

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New Senator named to replace McCain


After a funeral for John McCain that many said was in bad taste for speakers who bashed the Commander-in-Chief, President Trump, Arizonans now know who their next senator will be. Arizona Gov. Doug ...

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Economy keeps growing giving hope for Nov. elections

The U.S. economy continued its historic expansion growing at a strong 4.2 percent annual rate in the April-June quarter. That growth stayed on track to produce its strongest gain in more than ...

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President Trump’s remarks to Christians at White House dinner

In our continuing effort to provide you with news that is unfiltered, below are the President’s remarks to a group of Christians last night at a White House dinner.   REMARKS BY ...

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Americans Fund Most of the World’s Drug Research. Here’s How Trump Can End That

President Trump recently released an ambitious, 44-page plan to drive down prescription drug prices. The blueprint relies, in part, on negotiating and enforcing trade deals to prevent other countries from freeloading off ...

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Report: China’s Communist Party funding liberal think tanks

An influential Washington DC newspaper has published today a stunning report exposing how China’s Communist Party is covertly influencing American politics by funding leading democrat and liberal think tanks. The Washington Free ...

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So what does Cohen guilty plea really mean?

President Donald Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen is facing prison time after he pled guilty on eight counts of financial fraud, tax evasion, and other violations. The plea came after what some ...

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Jury may be hung in Manafort trial

The jury may be hung in deliberations over the trial of Paul Manafort. A note was sent to the judge in the case that asks what to do if it cannot reach ...

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IRS admits it targeted conservative groups during Obama


After years of denial, the IRS has admitted it targeted conservative groups during the Obama administration and punished those groups for purely political reasons. In a historic settlement, a judge this week ...

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McCaskill on defense as challenger Hawley calls for debates

Senator Claire McCaskill continues to avoid debates with her challenger, Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley. Hawley, who is tied or leading McCaskill in polls, is pressing the point in his bid to ...

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Trump’s Approval Rating Among Black Voters Doubles; Black Pastor Praises “Most Pro-Black President”

The latest Rasmussen poll results point to an increase in President Trump’s approval among black voters to 29% from 15% one year ago. And it would not take a huge shift in black ...

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Media finally decides who is an Indian and it’s not Warren

The media has apparently, and belatedly, decided that Mass. Senator Elizabeth Warren really isn’t an American Indian. That, after the they vociferously defended her against remarks from President Trump that doubted her ...

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Kansas’ 2nd District Congressional candidate exposed


In Kansas’ 2nd Congressional District race there is no Democrat primary since only Paul Davis is running for that office. The Republican race is a rather unique situation that deserves a brief ...

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