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Tag Archives: Bible

Bott Radio Network boosts power at Fort Smith, Ark., station

bott radio

Kansas Citians traveling to the Ozarks have a new option to listen to their favorite Bible teachers. Overland Park-based Bott Radio Network has increased the power of 88.9 FM in Fort Smith, ...

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Man’s Greatest Folly: Believing in Man, instead of God

Believing in Man, instead of God the Creator, is Man’s greatest folly.  Man’s failure to learn and teach God’s Word, throughout the world, as He directed, has resulted in the world we live ...

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Majority of churchgoers say they have trouble understanding Bible on their own

More than half of all churchgoers say they have trouble understanding the Bible on their own, a new LifeWay Research study found. “Churchgoers are ready to defend the Bible as true and ...

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Protestors in Portland are burning Bibles

In a scene reminiscent of 1930s Nazi Germany, protestors in Portland, Oregon are now burning Bibles in the street. Protesters carrying “Black Lives Matter” signs threw Bibles into a fire in front ...

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San Francisco Giants pitcher refuses to kneel because of faith

Pitcher Sam Coonrod of the San Francisco Giants recently took a stand by refusing to take a knee. He said his Christian faith was the reason he refused to kneel during the ...

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Tom Hanks portrays man of faith in new war movie “Greyhound”


After a long drought of new movies during the pandemic, Tom Hanks is bringing an inspirational story to life in “Greyhound.” His character, Ernie Krause is a man guided by his Christian ...

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Churchgoers concerned about impact of fallen leaders, survey finds

Several high-profile Christian leaders have abandoned or fallen away from their faith recently. Churchgoers are concerned about not only them but other people they may influence, according to a recent LifeWay research ...

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Using God’s Word as part of daily parenting

Recent family polling suggests that 72% of parents believe that Bible verses have nothing to do with parenting. Having taught inner city preschool for many years and prayed for children and parents ...

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Mike Huckabee weighs in on CNN host saying Jesus “was not perfect”

Mike Huckabee, former Arkansas governor and a Baptist minister, called CNN host Don Lemon’s recent ill-informed comment about Jesus. On a recent episode of “CNN Tonight,” Lemon talked about how Americans have ...

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Black Lives Matter leader calls Jesus “the most famous black radical revolutionary”

black jesus

Part of the fallout from the current social unrest is an attempt by some to redefine the message of Jesus. Hawk Newsome, head of Black Lives Matter of New York, told Marth ...

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American Bible Society responds to pandemic, riots by offering free Bibles

Many Americans are searching for answers during the current pandemic and social unrest, and the American Bible Society is offering free Bibles. “In this time of pandemic fear and social isolation, in ...

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Will Jewish and Christian Schools Teach the Truth About America and Racism?

When I went to yeshiva day schools, America was celebrated. America was regarded, in the description of Menachem Schneerson (the Lubavitcher rebbe), the most influential rabbi of the 20th century, as a ...

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Did God send the coronavirus?

coronavirus fully vaccinated

Is the coronavirus a plague from God? …or from the devil? …or just a coincidence? Does it signal the end of the world? Or, is it a wake-up call for this world? ...

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Brother of George Floyd calls for end to rioting

Terrance Floyd, the brother of George Floyd, called for an end to the rioting sparked by his brother’s death. He spoke at a prayer vigil for George in Minneapolis. ““I’m not over ...

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Museum of the Bible will return ancient tablet found to have been stolen

museum of the bible

The Museum of the Bible will return an ancient artifact that was determined to have been stolen. U.S. Attorney Richard Donoghue of the Eastern District of New York filed a forfeiture claim against ...

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In interview with Pastor Greg Laurie, Mike Pompeo says he turns to scripture for guidance

Mike Pompeo, secretary of state and former Kansas congressman, has a strategic approach to dealing with the world’s problems. In an interview with Pastor Greg Laurie of the California megachurch Harvest Christian ...

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Israeli boy finds 3,500 year-old tablet depicting Canaanite captive

canaanite israeli

A six-year-old Israeli boy hiking with his family has discovered a one-of-a-kind tablet with a 3,500-year-old depiction of a naked, humiliated Canaanite prisoner and his captor. The amazing image, impressed upon a ...

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Ravi Zacharias dies overnight after losing battle with cancer


Christian apologist and Bible teacher Ravi Zacharias, 74, passed away at his home in Atlanta in the early hours of May 19.  Zacharias lost his battle with a rare form of cancer ...

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Demand soars for special communion cups

The coronavirus outbreak is changing numerous things about how church services are held, right down to communion. Blessed Communion in Chicago, the world’s leading provider of individually sealed, prefilled communion cups, is ...

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Sight & Sound Theatre will broadcast production of “Jesus” on TBN

Sight & Sound Theatre Jesus

Many Branson visitors have enjoyed lavish productions at Sight & Sound Theatre. The company plans to broadcast its production of “Jesus” on TBN on May 13, for one night only. The production ...

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‘The Chosen’ streaming series on Jesus surges in popularity

the chosen

The series “The Chosen” has surged into the top-tier of well-known and popular productions that people are watching. VidAngel, the family-friendly streaming app, and original content studio, recently announced that it’s series ...

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Finding peace in the pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has caused disruptions in our lives at a level not experienced for generations. As a counselor, I have recently heard people describe feeling paralyzed, paranoid, hopeless, fearful about the ...

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The amazing story of the Trump family Bible and its revival connection

trump bible

Could a Bible sitting in the Oval Office be America’s connection to a coming revival? The same Bible used during the inauguration ceremony of Donald Trump? The president and founder of Crown ...

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Pope Francis blames ‘environmental sins’ for coronavirus

Environmental degradation is to blame for the coronavirus pandemic, according to Pope Francis, who is calling for a worldwide response to climate change. He made the remarks on the 50th anniversary of Earth ...

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An after Easter meditation

An after Easter meditation by D. Keith Mano And he said unto them, Behold, when ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you, bearing a pitcher of water; follow ...

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