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Christians around world asked to join in prayer Sunday

Global prayer ministry leaders and church networks have called for worldwide prayer Sunday, March 22, in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. The pandemic has affected millions of people around the world ...

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What my parents taught me: Lessons for a year in crisis

year in crisis

It was tumultuous much like today. The United States again sent their sons to fight a war far away in Korea. At home, distrust was high with the Cold War. Polio raged ...

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Christianity brought the world justice and freedom

roman empire christianity world freedom

Many today would argue that Christianity has changed the world for the worse. In reality it introduced true justice and freedom. The “new atheists” don’t just see Christianity as wrong but evil. ...

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Good news for Sudan’s Christians and their churches

Sudan’s transitional government has abolished committees formed under the Islamist regime of former President Omar al-Bashir that were used to take over hundreds of churches and other Christian property. Nasreldin Mofreh, Sudan’s Minister ...

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Online church attendance spiked last weekend as members watched from home

Many people turn to religion in times of crisis, if only temporarily. After the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, church attendance across the country briefly spiked, as people sought community and meaning in ...

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Saints QB Drew Brees to return in 2020 as he seeks to love God and others

The NFL’s all-time leader for passing touchdowns and yards (and many other records) will make “another run at it.” New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees shared an Instagram post recently announcing he ...

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Senator shares encouraging scripture to calm virus fears      

Senator Josh Hawley, R-Mo., is using his daily Twitter messages to share scripture as well as updates on the virus threat the world faces. Earlier this week, he tweeted Joshua 1:9: “Be ...

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Midtown Kansas City church hands shoppers $50 gift cards for groceries


The coronavirus threat has created an opportunity for area churches to serve those less fortunate. On Sunday afternoon, members of City of Truth church in midtown Kansas City handed out $50 gift ...

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With St. Patrick’s Day parades cancelled, Christians focus on the real story

With most parades and celebrations cancelled, it may be a good time to reflect instead on the spiritual roots of St. Patrick‘s. Although it has become widely secularized over the centuries, it ...

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Traditional marriage Methodist churches may leave denomination

methodist churches

As the fallout continues over the issue of homosexuality in the United Methodist Church, a number of churches are considering starting a new denomination based on a traditional interpretation of scripture. A ...

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New evangelical leader hopes to address cultural ‘identity crisis’

Virginia Pastor Walter Kim recently was inaugurated as the first minority president of the National Association of Evangelicals. One of his goals is to address what he calls an “identity crisis” in ...

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Episcopal Church disciplines Bishop for supporting Biblical marriage

The United States Episcopal Church is disciplining one of its bishops because he upholds the biblical position on sex and marriage. Bishop William Love, of Albany, has been accused of violating canon ...

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Raiders QB Derek Carr: ‘Today is the day to get it right’ with God

The tragic death of former Lakers star Kobe Bryant, his daughter Gianna, and seven others in January caused people to start thinking about their own mortality. Las Vegas Raiders quarterback Derek Carr ...

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New prayer app on YouVersion Bible gets kudos

The popular YouVersion Bible app has expanded to include a prayer application, and more than one million people were added during the first week alone. “We’re blown away by the response we’ve ...

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Today is National Day of Prayer for coronavirus crisis

Today, Americans from all regions, of all races, and every political persuasion will join together for prayer over the growing threat of coronavirus. President Donald Trump declared Sunday a National Day of ...

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How to turn Lent into a joyful season

Instead of gloomy and repulsive, Lent can be transformed into a season of joy. What is your view of Lent? Do you think of it as a long, torturous season, full of ...

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Child Evangelism Fellowship looking for summer volunteers

Warmer temperatures are a reminder that summer vacation from school is right around the corner. Child Evangelism Fellowship is looking for volunteers to help share God’s word with local youth. Several options ...

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In times of crisis, your neighborhood is the mission field

Sometimes, emergencies and times of crisis present service and mission opportunities that might not exist in normal circumstances.  Many people tend to be more open to spiritual matters during troubling times like ...

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What’s the best religious museum in America?


What’s the best religious museum in the nation? That question was posed to USA Today readers who responded by choosing the Ark Encounter. It comes just in time as families’ talk turns ...

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Number of practicing Christians continues decline in U.S.

U.S. churches will have to adjust to new data that show that the number of practicing Christians continues to decline. Practicing Christians are now a much smaller segment of the entire population, ...

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Actor Ben Affleck fills void in life by returning to church


Actor Ben Affleck, who stars in the new movie “The Way Back,” also has found the way back to church. “I go to the Methodist Church, [my] kids [are] baptized, and I ...

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Elizabeth Anne Mall releases two Contemporary Christian singles

Elizabeth Anne Mall

Kansas native Elizabeth Anne Mall has released two Contemporary Christian singles with producer and sound engineer James Kocian through Firstcom Music.  Firstcom Music is a division of Universal Publishing Production Music that ...

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Former boxing champion Evander Holyfield passionate about sharing his faith

Former heavyweight boxing champion Evander Holyfield used to let his fists do the talking. Now he is eager to tell people about his Christian faith. “Because, without Jesus, I wouldn’t be who ...

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‘Jeopardy’ host Alex Trebek relies on faith during cancer

Despite being diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer a year ago, “Jeopardy” host Alex Trebek has never wavered in his faith. The 79-year-old Trebek said he quickly brushed aside negative emotions because ...

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Christians give Supreme Court high marks, survey finds

The Supreme Court is hearing arguments about a Louisiana law that restricts access to abortions and is among several recent state laws designed to challenge Roe v. Wade. Other cases on the docket also could ...

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