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Tag Archives: internet

Supreme Court strikes blow to religious webcasting

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The National Religious Broadcasters Association has lost its challenge to a rate system that it says forces religious webcasters to pay more to promote religious messages than it does for secular entities. ...

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Billy Graham internet ministry marks 10 years, millions saved

Search for Jesus, the internet evangelism ministry of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, marked a milestone this month as it reached its 10th year of reaching the world online. In 2012, Search for ...

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Living in hostile environments, people share how Sat-7 satellite programs bring hope

Christian satellite television ministries like SAT-7 have grown significantly over the years. Some may ask themselves, “Do they make a difference?” The broadcast and online media ministry of SAT-7 offers current event ...

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How to know what the truth is, and what is the right thing to do

How do we know information that we are reading, watching, listening to or being told is accurate and the truth?  Maybe we will say, “Because it comes from my mom,” “It sounds ...

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Abortion once again was leading cause of death worldwide last year

Abortion was the leading cause of death worldwide in 2021, with more than three times as many people losing their lives to abortion than the second-leading cause of death. Worldometer, a database ...

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Ethical issues with technology to watch this year

The ethical concerns over the effects of technology on humans have given way to larger issues about pervasive surveillance and the threat of digital authoritarianism For all of the good uses of ...

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Afghans delete social media after Taliban seizes U.S. spy equipment

afghan equipment

Afghans are deleting their social media accounts after the Taliban has seized internet spying equipment abandoned by the Biden administration. The equipment could also give the Taliban the ability to spy on ...

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China releases new app for users to report ‘mistaken opinion’ of others

It’s getting so bad in China, some people may think it’s Silicon Valley. That’s the joke on social media over reports of the Communist regime’s new app for reporting the “mistaken opinion” ...

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New poll looks at who is most likely to be harassed online

As the nation seemingly splinters over a growing lack of acceptance of differing views, a new poll finds a shocking number of people have been harassed online. The new uncivil war touches ...

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The left wants to eliminate competing ideas

competing ideas

It was President Dwight Eisenhower who once wrote that “in a democracy debate is the breath of life.” Today, it seems as if the left wants to snuff that breath out. Competing ...

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Ted Cruz slams Twitter CEO: “Who the hell elected you” to censor news?

cruz twitter

Polls show that Americans are alarmed by bias and censorship from social media companies like Facebook and Twitter. Senator Ted Cruz led leaders in the Senate in grilling the CEOs of Facebook, ...

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Smartphones get an ‘F’ for lowering student grades

It’s never been easier for the average student to find the answer to a tough question using a smartphone. Across the nation, teachers regularly battle the distraction smartphones provide. From social media ...

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The pornification of America: How young girls are being groomed by sexual predators

What can we do to protect America’s young people from sexual predators? That’s the question I keep getting asked by people who, having read my article on the growing danger of young ...

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Christian human rights group joins others denouncing New York Times

Two human rights groups have condemned a recent New York Times (NYT) report for what they described as an “open display of religious bigotry” against the spiritual group Falun Gong, which is ...

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Kansas City-St. Joseph Catholic Diocese ends ‘The Catholic Key’ newspaper

catholic key

The Catholic Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph no longer has its own newspaper. “The Catholic Key” has stopped publication. “The Catholic Key” had been published since 1968, and the 27 counties in ...

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US may ban communist Chinese app TikTok over security concerns

TikTok, the social media app gaining popularity in the U.S. and around the world, may soon be banned. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said late on Monday that the United States is ...

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Churches getting creative in holding VBS this summer

Across America, Vacation Bible School is a summer tradition. The ongoing pandemic has left many churches scrambling to find safe ways to continue VBS, giving kids access to a familiar summer activity ...

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Today’s National Day of Prayer is a virtual event

Today, May 7, marks the annual National Day of Prayer and despite the coronavirus shutdowns, Americans can still participate virtually. NDP has become a tradition for millions of Americans who gather each ...

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Armchair travel: Check out these videos to satisfy your summer wanderlust

Usually our Spring conversations with family and friends reflect upcoming summer travel. However, this year, we do not know if trains and airplanes will be running or if theme parks, museums and ...

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You can visit the Western Wall in Jerusalem via virtual reality

pilgrimage, cathedrals, churches

Jerusalem is eerily quiet this year as Passover begins Wednesday and Passion Week begins for Christians. The city, like all of Israel, is on complete lockdown with residents told to stay in ...

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You can’t keep your kids from screen addiction if you don’t do this one thing first.

None of the cell phone, internet, or TV rules you set to help your children avoid screen addiction will do any good, if you don’t do this one thing first. I’ll admit ...

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Is gun violence linked to absence of dads in homes?

As the nation continues to reel from multiple instances of gun violence, family organizations, politicians, public safety officials and others are questioning the media narrative that only guns cause violence. “What about ...

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How the internet can help prevent Alzheimer’s Disease

Over the past 10 years, researchers have learned Alzheimer’s disease starts much earlier than the onset of symptoms – 10-20 years before an individual, family member or friend might notice the signs ...

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Internet preachers like Marcus Rogers are drawing millions online


As those under the age of 35 increasingly avoid brick-and-mortar churches, they are logging in to listen to online preachers who unashamedly share Jesus and Biblical truths through social media. One of ...

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SpaceX to launch first of 6,000 internet satellites this week

SpaceX wants to beam cheap broadband internet all over the planet. It’s gearing up for the first crucial step toward making that a reality. Elon Musk’s rocket company will try to deliver a ...

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