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Tag Archives: Israel

To further peace process, Israel set to approve 700 new Palestinian homes

In a effort to encourage the peace process with Arabs living in Judea and Samaria, Israel’s ancient homeland which is today referred to as the “West Bank,” 700 new Palestinian homes  have ...

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Kushner heads back to Jerusalem for peace talks

Senior White House advisor Jared Kushner met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in Jerusalem on Wednesday after kicking off a major Middle East tour in Jordan and Saudi Arabia. US Envoy to ...

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Former ISIS fighter praises Israel as a ‘democratic state’

In a video that has gone viral in the Arab world, a captured Arab-Israeli man turned ISIS fighter, has made explosive statements saying he has changed his mind and wants to return ...

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Artists descend on Israel to turn bomb shelters into art

SDEROT, Israel – When the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement started creeping into the world of street art, one group of renowned artists decided to speak out in their own ...

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Hall of Famer Rivera: I won’t turn my back on Israel, Trump

Mariano Rivera is arguably the greatest closer of all time, a recent Hall of Fame inductee, and an all-around family man. Despite his Hall of Fame career, Rivera was the target of ...

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With comments, Trump jumps into Democrat Party civil war

President Trump has stood firm on comments in which he suggested some liberal legislators in the Democrat Party should go back to their “broken and crime infested” home countries, saying that their ...

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Researchers find Ziklag, where David hid from Saul

A team of researchers have announced they have a stunning discovery, finding the biblical city of Ziklag where David hid from King Saul. Pottery dating back to the time of King David, ...

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Researcher thinks Ark of the Covenant under the Temple Mount


Could the Ark of the Covenant still be near the underground remains of King Solomon’s First Temple? For centuries, the search for the Ark has captured the imagination of movie makers, archeologists ...

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Former Miss Iraq may lose citizenship after defending Israel


Standing up for Israel at the UN may lose former Miss Iraq Sarah Idan her citizenship. Idan, who has faced opposition and death threats in the past, spoke in defense of Israel ...

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An afternoon of hate for Israel

Jeff, are you a masochist? Why would you choose to spend a precious Sunday afternoon at a program featuring Jewish Voice for Peace, an anti-Israel group, that was sponsored by the public library ...

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DNA shows Philistines, and modern-day Palestinians, were really European

A dramatic and explosive DNA discovery in Israel has implications for the political struggle between Israelis and Palestinians. Three years ago, archaeologists digging in Israel revealed they had excavated a Philistine cemetery ...

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Nikki Haley returns to Israel, prays at Western Wall

Former United States Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley prayed at the Western Wall in Jerusalem this week. Haley is in the country as a special guest of honor at a ...

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New Zealand gov’t website replaces Israel with ‘Palestine’

An official New Zealand government webpage about immigration has come under fire for displaying an inaccurate and distorted fact sheet that eliminated Israel. The site’s map of the Middle East showed the ...

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Exhibit features Jewish jewelry in Arab lands

The Museum for Islamic Art in Jerusalem, with a mission of promoting interfaith dialogue, has opened a “past and present” jewelry exhibit featuring a section that highlights the Jewish amuletic jewelry in the communities of the Islamic world. ...

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Former Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood leader Morsi dies at trial

Egypt’s former president, Mohammed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood leader who vowed to remove all Jews from Israel and replace them with Palestinians, collapsed in court Monday during a trial and died. Morsi came ...

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Rainy winter and spring is saving the Sea of Galilee

For years, the Sea of Galilee has been shrinking. Then, this past winter delivered a pleasant surprise to the biblical lake. While this ancient body of water isn’t out of danger, a ...

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Palestinians can’t handle the truth as peace summit nears

As the US prepares to announce its peace plan for Israel and Arabs living in the “West Bank,” calls from Palestinian leaders to boycott the summit where it will be announced are ...

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LGBT diversity “Dyke March” discriminates against gay Israelis


A leading LGBT organization on Friday withdrew its support from the 2019 “Dyke March in Washington, DC,” following the organizers’ decision to ban “pro-Israel paraphernalia,” including Jewish symbols such as the Star ...

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Sobibor death camp’s last survivor has died at age 96

The last survivor of the Sobibor Nazi death camp has died after rebuilding his life and raising children in Israel. Semyon Rosenfeld was 96-years-old when he passed away in a hospital in ...

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Israeli scientists destroy cancer by freezing

JERUSALEM, Israel – An Israeli company is helping doctors treat cancer by freezing tumors with liquid nitrogen. IceCure Medical, a company based in Israel’s northern coastal city of Caesarea, claim their non-invasive ...

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Historic security summit to be held Jerusalem

For the first time ever, US officials have brokered a joint meeting between Israel, the United States and Russia. The unprecedented meeting will be attended by security officials from all three countries ...

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Palestinian Uber driver kicks Jewish women out of car

A Palestinian Uber driver has been banned from the ride-sharing app after kicking two Jewish women out of his car for attending a pro-Israel event in Los Angeles. The Jewish Journal reports ...

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Israel to have election redux after coalition fails over military service

Israel will hold an unprecedented national election September 17 after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was unable to put together a coalition government. The snag came over military service for ultra-orthodox citizens. The ...

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Germans to wear kippahs to support Jewish community

Germans are being asked to wear a Jewish skull cap, or kippah, on Saturday in solidarity with the Jewish community as anti-Semitism rises. A German official had warned Jews last week to ...

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Israel makes 5,000 year-old beer from ancient yeast

We all know the story of how Jesus turned water into wine. Now, a team of Israeli scientists have made beer using 5,000-year-old yeast. Beer is mentioned several times in the Bible ...

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