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Tag Archives: trump

Is Kim Jong Un afraid of Jesus?

Open Doors USA has explored the reasons why North Korean leader Kim Jong Un remains “afraid” of Christianity. Their findings go to the heart of people’s beliefs about Jesus. Sunday, November 4 ...

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What’s the truth about proposed new gender policy?

The Trump administration may soon spearhead efforts to define sex and gender according to biology. In a Department of Health and Human Services memo leaked to the New York Times, officials argue ...

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Media ignores Guatemala’s arrest of 100 people linked to terrorists

This week President Trump came under fire from the media for statements he made about Islamic terrorists being arrested by Central American countries. The news came as a group of migrants swelled ...

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Has the Kavanaugh Battle Vindicated Trump Voters?

Democrats’ willingness to go low demonstrates why so many Republicans believed they needed someone who would fight dirty. There were many points of contention that divided Donald Trump voters from other Republicans ...

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Witches are ‘wiccan out’ over Kavanaugh


We’re not sure if it’s as easy as wrinkling your nose (aka Bewitched from the 1960s) but a throng of real-life witches are doing their part for the Democrat Party and Nov. ...

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Polls show approval rating increases for Trump, economy, trade, direction of the country and more

President Donald Trump’s approval ratings have been hovering around 50% recently, according to Rasmussen, about the same or higher than Presidents Obama, Clinton or Reagan at this point in their presidencies. This ...

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Pastor released from Turkey kneels to pray with President Trump in the Oval Office

Pastor Andrew Brunson returned to the United States Saturday after two years of imprisonment and detention in Turkey, meeting with President Trump and taking the opportunity to pray with him. “From a ...

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Rapper Kanye West meets with Trump, condemns ‘welfare mentality,’ says he was ‘programmed’

Rap megastar Kanye West doesn’t always have the most clear and concise political message, but one of the biggest takeaways from his recent political comments is that he is tired of liberals telling ...

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Trump, Pompeo & Brownback convince Turkey to release Pastor Brunson

ISTANBUL, TURKEY – An evangelical American pastor held in Turkey on terrorism charges will be sent back to the U.S. following a hearing Friday in which a judge lifted his house arrest, ...

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Nikki Haley resigns as UN ambassador

Nikki Haley, one of the longest-serving members of the Trump Administration, has submitted her resignation as U.N. Ambassador. Donald Trump has accepted, and held a joint press event with Haley at the ...

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Trump’s personal message to the Kavanaugh daughters

During the Supreme Court swearing in ceremony Monday night in front of a nationwide televised audience, President Trump delivered a special message to Brett Kavanaugh’s daughters. The two girls, who had attended ...

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US unemployment rate falls to 49-year low of 3.7 percent

The booming Trump economy continues as the GOP tax cuts and deregulation continue to have a huge effect. The U.S. unemployment rate fell to 3.7 percent in September, the lowest level since ...

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Melania Trump tours former slavery outpost in Ghana on solo tour of Africa

Melania Trump visited a former slave trading fort in Ghana on Wednesday, the second day of the US first lady’s maiden solo tour of Africa promoting her children’s welfare program. Trump said she ...

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US finally cancels 68-year-old Iran friendship treaty

When Iran took American embassy staff hostage in 1979, President Carter kept it. When Iran bombed a base in Lebanon that killed hundreds of Marines, Reagan kept it. When Iran bombed an ...

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President Trump to hold rally in Topeka October 6

President Donald Trump is coming from the nation’s capital to the Capital City. “We’re thrilled to welcome President Trump to the Sunflower State!” GOP chairman Kelly Arnold said in response to the ...

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Historic new trade deal with Canada reached

President Trump and his team have negotiated a victory for American manufacturers and farmers in a new trade deal with Canada. The announcement comes after Canada ultimately gave in to demands by ...

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Trump stops FDA purchases of baby parts for research

The Trump administration has heard the concerns of pro-life organizations and pro-life Americans upset by the news that the FDA had purchased the body parts of aborted babies for research. In August, ...

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Here’s Trump’s speech creating the buzz at the UN

The President addressed the UN Tuesday and it is being called one of the most important of his administration. In our effort to bring you information unfiltered by the national media, here ...

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U.S. Household Net Worth Climbs by $2.19 Trillion

The net worth of Americans has risen to its highest number in decades thanks to Donald Trump’s economic and tax policies, a report notes. According to Market Watch, household and nonprofit net worth ...

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Polling as a top concern, border wall finally going up

An extended news story on CBS Sunday Morning outlined the billions of dollars of fentanyl and heroin streaming across the nation’s southern border. So great is the profit to Mexican and other ...

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Refugees admitted to US to drop to near 2002 levels

The United States will reduce the number of refugees admitted into the country to 30,000 for next year. “We proposed resettling up to 30,000 refugees under the new refugee ceiling as well ...

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Kim seeks second summit with President Trump

North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un is calling for another meeting with President Donald Trump. Kim made the request in a letter that the White House describes as “very warm and pleasant.” ...

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Good news: New users of opioids down by half

In a dramatic turnabout, the latest figures show that new users of opioids in the nation have dropped by half since President Trump made it one of his administrations top priorities. The survey, released ...

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Meteorologists scoff at newspaper’s hurricane claims

A day or so before Hurricane Florence had even made landfall, The Washington Post editorial board took aim at President Donald Trump’s handling of the matter, suggesting he was somehow “complicit” in the ...

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Remarks of President Trump on anniversary of 9-11

Remarks of President Trump on the anniversary of 9-11 given at the Pennsylvania crash sight of Flight 93. In our continuing effort to offer you unfiltered news and information, please see the ...

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